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There are 105 System Files.
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Teddy Bear's MX-700 System
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Teddy Bear
Plus Cox cable channels and power macros.
Updated: October 27, 2003  Size: 13kb
Darren Davies' System MXF
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Darren Davies
My first setup - please bare with me!
Updated: October 07, 2003  Size: 21kb
David Bulfer's MXF Setup
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: David Bulfer
Discrete codes for everything but the DSS. Main page 1 are devices; page 2 are activities.
Updated: October 07, 2003  Size: 23kb
Harvey Gordon's Home Theater
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Harvey Gordon
Discrete codes for all devices except Cable and XBOX - which don't exist.
Updated: October 07, 2003  Size: 27kb
Helgardt Dippenaar's MXF
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Helgardt Dippenaar
Discretes for all but VCR and DSS, macros for specific activities.
Updated: October 07, 2003  Size: 15kb
Brian Troy's MX-700 MXF
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Brian Troy
This system file has been a work in progress until recently. I feel that the "POWER" page helps just in case one of your TOAD devices is out-of-sync. I also added a "GOTO" page where I stored all my switching macros.
Updated: July 30, 2003  Size: 25kb
Scott Spillers' System MXF
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Scott Spillers
A complete system MXF file with all available discrete codes. The SideKick is programmed as a baby sitter remote for control of the SAT2 receiver and television as well as access to DVD and VCR playback.
Updated: July 30, 2003  Size: 23kb
Roger Kaufmann's MXF Setup
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Roger Kaufmann
A complete system MXF file with the following devices.
Updated: May 04, 2003  Size: 20kb
Bill Wilson's Home Theater
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Bill Wilson
I have it so that I can control the DSP fuctions of my DSP-A1 and Dolby and DTS setting on each device so that I can switch between them and stereo easily. So I am sure a lot of you will need to erase buttons you don't need but I believe all the nessasary ones are there. I have discrete codes for everything except the Motorola cable box.
Updated: April 28, 2003  Size: 13kb
Frank Miller's System MXF File
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Frank Miller
Note that the Sherwood receiver lacks discrete video input codes. I've set up my own favorite channels for the time being within pages 2 and 3 of the SAT menu, but in the future I may move these to a FAV menu.
Updated: March 14, 2003  Size: 20kb
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