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 Files > URC Text Series > Systems > All > G
There are 105 System Files.
12 authors begin with the letter G.
Displaying files 1 through 10 on page 1 of 2.
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DJ Garcia's MXF File
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: DJ Garcia
A complete system MXF file with a large number of devices.
Updated: June 05, 2002  Size: 27kb
Harvey Gordon's Home Theater
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Harvey Gordon
Discrete codes for all devices except Cable and XBOX - which don't exist.
Updated: October 07, 2003  Size: 27kb
Jon Gubman's MXF File
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Jon Gubman
A complete system file for the following components.
Updated: December 30, 2002  Size: 20kb
Mark Giles' MX-850
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Mark Giles
This was set up to be as user friendly as possible. It's an "activity" based layout. Descretes for everything. 30 second skip for DCT6412. Page 2 of the main menu gives you direct access to each component.
Updated: April 03, 2005  Size: 28kb
Mark Giles' Main Remote
For: URC MX-900
By: Mark Giles
Complete system set up. I was able to find descretes for just about everything I need. I have quick access to sound and lighting for on-the-fly adjustments from any activity. I'll probly tinker some more with it, but for the most part, it's done. The wife gave it 2 thumbs up (that's gotta mean something).
Updated: March 07, 2008  Size: 22kb
Marvin Gloven's Theater
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Marvin Gloven
I have a fairly clean setup, with the right bank of 5 buttons essentially cloning the 5 remotes being replaced, plus a single START button (lower left) for family use. The START button opens a page of macros with appropriate power on/off and inputs. The controls, macros and punchthroughs are such that all functions now work as the wife/kids expect them to respond. A special thanks to Matt H. for getting me started on some basics!
Updated: April 28, 2004  Size: 17kb
Matt Garbell's MX-700
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Matt Garbell
Full system file with dicrete codes for the following equipment.
Updated: February 10, 2005  Size: 23kb
Mitch G's Family Friendly Setup
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Mitch G.
Using ideas picked up in various places, I created what is generally a family-friendly remote where I use two device buttons to provide displays that say "Watch TV" or "Play DVD" or "Tape Show" etc. When pressed, they go to a simple menu focused on these activities. That simple menu includes a "DONE" button which is used to shut things down when done. The actual devices are displayed on page 2 with a square next to them. This basically tells the non-power users in the house to not push those buttons. Additionally, I have a couple of "Hop 2" commands in there which I use to bounce between devices when I want to, say, watch TV while listening to the radio or a CD.
Updated: March 23, 2004  Size: 18kb
Robert Gill's System File
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Robert Gill
A complete system file for the following components.
Updated: May 27, 2004  Size: 16kb
Steve Garn's System #1
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Steve Garn
Unique system layout: Main button not used between most devices; Full surround discretes; Music device for cable music; Z2 functions on FAV page.
Updated: April 03, 2005  Size: 35kb
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