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 Files > URC Text Series > Systems > All > B
There are 105 System Files.
8 authors begin with the letter B.
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BNC-RCA-RG59's MX-900
For: URC MX-900
I made this remote for an old couple that wanted to be able to record 25 shows a week. They used to have 5 VCR's around the house in different rooms. Now they have one Dual Tuner HD Tivo. After a week of use the only complaint was that they wanted to record two shows at the same time while watching a third (Monday night football). So I connected another HD DVR Comcast box from another room into the mix using RF and like the feature to pause live tv any time and be able to fast foward through the commercials. Still looking for the new 30sec skip for the 3 series TIVO if anyone is holding.
Updated: December 25, 2006  Size: 38kb
David Bulfer's MXF Setup
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: David Bulfer
Discrete codes for everything but the DSS. Main page 1 are devices; page 2 are activities.
Updated: October 07, 2003  Size: 23kb
Ken Bowers's System
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Ken Bowers
A complete system setup for the following components.
Updated: April 28, 2007  Size: 27kb
Kranston Boodram's System Setup
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Kranston Boodram
The layout uses some LCD buttons (like AMP>, and <BACK) for easy jumps to different screens. The file is still being tweaked as I search for more discretes! Now includes a new DVD player and updated VCR commands.
Updated: October 09, 2002  Size: 32kb
Lee Bailey's Remote
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Lee Bailey
Main menu set up for activity-based use. Discrete codes used for all devices except the cable box.
Updated: December 25, 2006  Size: 15kb
Mark Burkhart's MXF
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Mark Burkhart
This layout allows for control of the listed components with both startup and device switching macros. Main Page 1 allows for individual device control with a quick press, and device switching with press and hold. Page 2 contains startup macros for each of the devices - the left side starts up using TV audio, the right uses the receiver. The only work in progress is my favorites listing.
Updated: January 28, 2004  Size: 37kb
Rod Brown's System
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Rod Brown
A complete system file with discrete codes.
Updated: July 30, 2004  Size: 45kb
Teddy Bear's MX-700 System
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Teddy Bear
Plus Cox cable channels and power macros.
Updated: October 27, 2003  Size: 13kb
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