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 Files > URC Text Series > Systems > All > E
There are 105 System Files.
2 authors begin with the letter E.
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Neil Evans' MX-950
For: URC MX-950
By: Neil Evans
This is a combination of learned and stocked codes. All devices have discrete power except for the DVD, which use a workaround. No images are used except for the "Macro in Progress." None of the components are particularly hard to find, but there are a few specific aspects of the programming that may be useful by example to other programmers:

1. The use of variables to track the power state of various components, reducing macro time. This is particularly helpful with amps and televisions that have a longish "warm up time."
2. The use of variables to create "FAV" style pages for lighting control and other advanced control pages. IE, after adjusting the lights, just press "Jump" and you're back to controlling the TiVo, or wherever you were when you accessed the Lights pages.
3. Help screens for guests or technically challenged owners.
4. The use of LCD backlight color to differentiate the different remote modes (ie, on Watch/Listen, on a device, or on auxillary screen).

Updated: March 05, 2007  Size: 103kb
Ted Evans' Home Theater
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Ted Evans
A complete system MXF file for the following components.
Updated: November 04, 2004  Size: 16kb
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