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There are 105 System Files.
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Chuck Hutchins' MXF
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Chuck Hutchins
A complete MX-700 setup with discrete codes.
Updated: March 09, 2003  Size: 15kb
Hank Summy's MX-700 Setup
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Hank Summy
This is a system MXF containing the following equipment.
Updated: February 12, 2003  Size: 21kb
Don Roth's Almost Complete System
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Don Roth
An almost complete system file for MX-700 only. Has TV, cable, DVD and A/V setup.
Updated: January 04, 2003  Size: 17kb
Bill Spence's MX-700 System
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Bill Spence
Many hard to find discrete codes. I use the mute and prev ch buttons to toggle between my receiver and DVD/TiVo. I also use push and hold macros extensively. My two DSS receivers are next to each other so I have one set for ID 1 and the other to ID 51. I am still looking for a VIDEO 7 discrete for the TV and any Yamaha DSP discretes. Thanks to Greg for doing the hex conversions!
Updated: December 30, 2002  Size: 25kb
Jon Gubman's MXF File
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Jon Gubman
A complete system file for the following components.
Updated: December 30, 2002  Size: 20kb
Pat Snyder's System MXF
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Pat Snyder
A complete MX-700 system layout with the following components.
Updated: December 15, 2002  Size: 18kb
Stan Prescot's MXF System File
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Stan Prescott
MXF system file with 8 devices. Macros, shortcuts and punch-throughs programmed. All devices have at least power discretes except the Hitachi TV and Motorola cable box. I also have macros for setting the system to watch cable TV, to watch a DVD or to listen to music. Also a system Power Off macro. The MX-200 Sidekick is programmed for watching cable TV and controlling the ReplayTV and Audio.
Updated: December 15, 2002  Size: 18kb
Kranston Boodram's System Setup
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Kranston Boodram
The layout uses some LCD buttons (like AMP>, and <BACK) for easy jumps to different screens. The file is still being tweaked as I search for more discretes! Now includes a new DVD player and updated VCR commands.
Updated: October 09, 2002  Size: 32kb
Rick Wilson's MX-700 File
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Rick Wilson
A complete MX-700 layout including special SideKick programming for the TV, DSS and receiver.
Updated: October 09, 2002  Size: 30kb
Jason Turner's System
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Jason Turner
Time delay macros on device buttons to control sound mode and video switching. Separate devices created for shared components (DVD/CD, Processor/Radio). Setup autoplay for the "rental" slots on the DVD changer.
Updated: September 07, 2002  Size: 15kb
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