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ATTENTION MX-3000 Owners with DVD Mega-Changers!!
This thread has 1621 replies. Displaying posts 766 through 780.
OP | Post 766 made on Thursday December 22, 2005 at 15:45
triple B
Active Member
June 2004

Please goto to There you will be able to get a Fully Functional 24 Disc Demo version of the software.

Please send me an email if you have any questions and/or problems.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 767 made on Saturday December 24, 2005 at 16:41
Long Time Member
December 2005
On December 11, 2005 at 06:10, triple B said...
No, It wasnt the purchase dates that were causing
your problem in the first place in the 2.5 XML.
There also more new features in 2.5 that will
not work correctly with the 2.4 release. Nothing
major, and all new features have been addressed
in DMX-3000, so the software will be ready when
2.5 is current.

The purchase date issue was just an odd side effect
from taking a 2.5 collection back to 2.4


Got my Sony DVP-CX995V a couple of days ago and have been going through all the set-ups. All seems to be working fine, I am a tad surprised at how slowly the Sony DVP-CX995V reacted to commands, but aside from that, I am extremely happy with your software.

There seems to be a lot of tweaking need to be done with this stuff, and the best way for me to do is to sit infront of the system(s) and use my laptop to do the programming. That raised an issue, as I cannot get my registration code entered into DMX-3000. Would it be possitble to get the same registration code work for my laptop?

Denon AVR 5803, Sony KP61HS30, Sony VPLHS-50, Toshiba SD-9200, SA Explorer 8000HD, ExpressVu 6100HD
Post 768 made on Wednesday December 28, 2005 at 10:48
Lurking Member
December 2005
can you send me a copy of the program
OP | Post 769 made on Wednesday December 28, 2005 at 11:46
triple B
Active Member
June 2004

Please goto to There you will be able to get a Fully Functional 24 Disc demo version of the software. If you have any questions and/or problems please feel free to email me.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 770 made on Wednesday December 28, 2005 at 21:46
Lurking Member
April 2005

How do I get a key after purchasing the DMX-3000 software? I bought the software on Christmas day, and have not received the code. E-mails I have sent to [email protected] have bounced back. Any help with this matter would be greatly appreciated.

OP | Post 771 made on Wednesday December 28, 2005 at 22:49
triple B
Active Member
June 2004

I reply'd on the 25th also, I did not get a bounce back but rather just a "message delayed" response from your address. If you can, send an email to the address listed in my profile with either a different email address to try or for the quickest fix, your phone number and we can get this taken care of ASAP.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 772 made on Friday December 30, 2005 at 03:16
Lurking Member
December 2005
may i have a try at this software please new guy on the block experimenting, thanks ron
If your reading this to help I say THANK YOU!...Ron
OP | Post 773 made on Friday December 30, 2005 at 08:32
triple B
Active Member
June 2004

Please goto to There you will be able to get a Fully Functional 24 Disc demo version of the software. If you have any questions and/or problems please feel free to email me.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 774 made on Friday December 30, 2005 at 15:23
Long Time Member
December 2005
Hi Bracken,
I am posting a copy of this e-mail to you here so others may see and possibly help.
It may also help others with similar problems to read the answers here. I stumbled across this thread last night. But alas i did not find an answer.

I downloaded the MX-3000 programming manual and printed it out. Every time I read it I get new understanding and ideas of how to use its features. I would love to just demo the software so I can show my wife why my Sony commander remote is not even in the same family as the one I just ordered. You know the routine. She says I have over 20 remotes (not counting the fans and lights). She complains that most are universal and she still has to turn on all but the TV manually.

I just wanted to show Her my plans for the new remote and convince her it is not just a fancy remote to go next to all the others LOL. It will replace all the remotes and she will be able to use it and understand it. I want her to see that my plan from years ago to have all our DVD movies in the changer and ready to watch will finally come true. I just wish all my devices had discreet on/off inputs. I see that problem coming and I'm not to sure how to best avoid/solve it.

I get an error message when I try to save the file in step five. I am thinking it is because of the DMX-3000 file name and changer name mismatch. Or I need to somehow incorporate my DMX-3000 device into the changer DV-F727 device. I included the files so you might be able to see where I have gone wrong.

Error---------- "There are missing controls for the DV-F727 changer"

Do I need to rename a file? I checked and cross checked the commands in the DMX-3000 and my changer DV-F727 device files. The ones used in the DMX-3000 device file all seem to match. Do I need to add something or import controls? I may actually be the one that debugs this for the owner/user by exposing areas that are not readily apparent to the novice user. I hope that is it cause I would hate to have to admit that it is just because I am just stupid LOL.

Any guidance would be appreciated. I know I will need my remote to test what I have and to learn the other devices but would like her to see this run in the demo mode if possible. I need her to understand so she will quit grumbling about another remote for the coffee table LOL.

Thanks, Ken

I think this is the step I am on but I must have done something wrong before I got to this step...

Click the Save button (fourth button from the left). Once this process is complete your file is ready for use.

6. Clicking the MX-Editor button (fifth button from the left) will open the new file in the MX-Editor so you can easily upload it to your remote.

7. Enjoy the convenience of having easy access to your entire movie collection at your fingertips.
OP | Post 775 made on Friday December 30, 2005 at 15:37
triple B
Active Member
June 2004

I replied to your email, the error came from the fact that you hadn't renamed your "Controls" page to match what you were using as your Location in DVD Profiler.

Step 5 under the "Preparing your RCC File." section of the QuickStart.

I also included a sample RCC file just to demo to the wife, and possibly help you out in the process.

Please let me know if you have any other problems.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 776 made on Friday December 30, 2005 at 22:50
Long Time Member
December 2005
Hello everyone. Lots of great info here--hope I can contribute soon once I get up and running on DMX and Profiler.

I'm PLANNING to buy a couple of Sony 995's and use the DMX-3000 with DVD profiler. My issue is this: Many of my box sets are dual sided, and there aren't any "flipping" dvd megachangers available these days (or I'd be buying them instead of the 995's). I've read how at least one of you is handling this with older changers that flip, but didn't see anything about how you handle when you don't have a "flipping" changer.

My best thought to date (but not the best or cheapest solution) is that I'll have to rip the B sides of all of them to DVD+R DL and then my box sets that are double-sided will then double in number of discs. My question is what will this do in Profiler and will this muck up the entire DMX setup? That is, I'm guessing I'll have to manually edit the Profiler default setup of the box set to reflect the new number of single sided discs in the collection. I just dowloaded both Profiler and the DMX demo a few hours ago, so I don't have a lot of time playing around in either, but first glance tells me this is the only choice I have. Anyone know why this WOULDN'T work?

Sorry if this has been covered--I searched the thread, but again, at 775 posts (even using the search thread function), it's kinda hard to catch everything.

Thanks in advance, and thanks Bracken for what looks (and reads) like a wonderful program--I'm looking forward to buying and using.
OP | Post 777 made on Saturday December 31, 2005 at 00:14
triple B
Active Member
June 2004

I was unaware of the fact that the new changers didnt have the ability to "FLIP" the discs. That's a very nice feature to have on a changer. I wonder why they got rid of that feature. Doesnt seem like it is a very complicated thing to leave in.

Your idea for copying the movies will work just fine. For any movie, you have the ability to list up to 10 individual discs. They will each get their own Location and Slot, so you will have no problems with DVD Profiler or with DMX-3000.

Thanks for your interest in my software, and please let me know if you have any other questions.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 778 made on Saturday December 31, 2005 at 01:20
Long Time Member
December 2005

Thanks for the confirmation on that--I'm breathing easier now. I'm also checking on the AVSforum site to see how other 995 owners have handled the double sided discs issue. Also heading to the store tomorrow with several different ripped "b sides" to test disc compatability and quality of playback before handing over the credit card.

I'm betting that automating turning a disc over is probably a lot trickier than we imagine. I seem to recall some posts elsewhere about how some makes and models jammed or dropped discs. That's likely why it was left off in newer models (that and that Sony's R&D dept for dvd megachangers is just not up to speed as to features needed--for as good as they are and the problems they solve, the new models lack a LOT of features that seem, well, obvious. But that's a topic for AVSforum, not RemoteCentral!)
OP | Post 779 made on Saturday December 31, 2005 at 02:00
triple B
Active Member
June 2004
Well, I dont see how it is that complicated, my old 860 changer did it very well, and pretty simple too if im not mistaken. The player would take a disc in the front just like it was going to play it, then it would spin the tray 180 degrees so that the slot was now on the exact opposite side of the player and it would slide the disc straight out the back into the original slot only now it was flipped.

At any rate, doesnt matter how simple it seems, its not available anymore :(

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 780 made on Saturday December 31, 2005 at 04:26
Founding Member
April 2002
Just FYI, if anyone with an Sony 860 are contemplating getting DMX-3000, the "flip" works fine, although I have come to prefer loading the DVD normally and manually pushing "flip" for DVDs with same material on both sides (TV series and so on), but obviously not different movies on each side (then I normally don't know what's on each side without consulting Profiler). Pressing "flip" manually saves time in many cases as I don't have to go for the "lowest common denominator" delay.

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