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There are 330 System PCFs.
10 authors begin with the letter T.
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For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Daniel Tonks
Daniel's Color TSU7000 Layout
v1.06 This is it - my personal PCF file for the Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000 color touchscreen LCD remote control. This completely original and full-screen interface is based on my black-and-white layout for the Pronto NG TSU3000, but is not merely a colorization of that design. In this version I've concentrated on making the layout quicker to navigate (no more home page), easier for others to modify, and far more versatile.

Sporting 6 zones with over 42 full device configurations complete with separate code pages with discretes, this setup makes liberal use of hard buttons, a quick main task bar to the left and a sub-task/device bar on top. Also new is a status line with the time, date, battery level and device name, two buttons that can be used for page history or device switching, plus better page numbering.

Additional features include Rogers VIP and HDTV digital cable and off-air HDTV television surfing guides for the Toronto, Canada area, an interactive lighting device, hard button help page and my Galaxy NG puzzle game.

Included as hidden devices in this file is a gallery which includes over 1000 original graphics that can be used to completely customize this... (more)

Updated: May 07, 2008  Size: 5.07mb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Daniel Tonks
Daniel's TSU3000 Configuration
v1.02 This completely original and full-screen design builds on my previous layouts, but features a new concept with quick-switching to any system device, plus page navigation via hard buttons. Although the layout can be used without a home page, one is still included.

Sporting 23 full device configurations with seperate code pages, this setup makes liberal use of hard buttons along with a quick task bar on the left. Other features include cable TV icons for the Toronto area, an interactive lighting device, multi-room control, and "pressed" states for all buttons.

Included as a hidden device is a huge button gallery with many original graphics not used in the actual layout. For example you'll find 80+ large device icons, 70+ small icons, 120+ text object and much more! Please read the README file for important information.

Updated: October 23, 2003  Size: 888kb
Daniel's TSU3000 Configuration (Alternative)
For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Daniel Tonks
v1.02 Is your computer having trouble opening my PCF file? Here are three alternative smaller versions that might help. Includes a file with only the gallery, a file with everything but the gallery, and a stripped file with only the core system. Same description, devices and screenshots as the above file.
Updated: October 23, 2003  Size: 1.70mb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Jack Tompkins
Jack Tompkins's Pronto Setup
A complete ProntoNG setup with the following components.
Updated: April 25, 2003  Size: 261kb

For: Marantz RC5400
By: Richard Treese
Richard Treese's System
Now supports a Panasonic plasma and Accutek fan. Includes more involved macros. I got many of the bitmaps from this site and created custom ones; some which are made from pictures of my equipment to use as buttons or graphics. I also made some fairly elaborate macros to track my actions such as change sound modes, switch inputs, adjust volume for an input, turn on or off devices for a particular action, and navigate pages automatically to follow an action.
Updated: August 18, 2007  Size: 544kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Sam Thorpe
Sam Thorpe's PCF Setup
I know that this is really closer to software than to an actual operating system, but I call this PCF SamOS. My approach was to use the hard buttons as a means for consistent navigation, making it easy for the user to get anywhere on the remote in no more than two button presses. I've created custom graphics to give each device its own personality and vibe. I've also made use of drop-down menus in a few sections. I hope you dig it.
Updated: September 02, 2003  Size: 248kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Steve Travis
Steve Travis' Australian PCF
I have learnt the codes for the Soundgraph iMon remote control for HTPC control, which is mainly used with Media Portal (Home Theatre software). I also have TV and Foxtel channel icons (grouped) for direct channel access.
Updated: July 30, 2007  Size: 4.11mb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Tiddy
Tiddy's TSU3000
All codes for the following devices including CLEAN codes for the front buttons on the Sony STR-DE695 which dont appear on the remote!
Updated: April 05, 2005  Size: 750kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Tony
Tony's TSU3000 File
Round two with a much easier file! Features two home pages (one for me, one for the wife and kids). The password is 0157.
Updated: September 02, 2003  Size: 340kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Trent Toner
Trent Toner's System
My PCF is largely taken from Daniel's great setup. It is an activity based PCF made for easy switching of devices. I used Button Maker to create one touch browsing and selection of the DVD's in my jukebox. My single DVD player is on codeset 1 and my jukebox is on codeset 3. I streamlined Daniel's work to suit my needs and make it easy for a novice (the wife, the babysitter, the in-laws, etc.) to operate and still allow complete control over my gear. TV stations have 1 touch logos divided by category. Thanks to all those who worked so hard and provided me with so many great tools to complete my setup.
Updated: November 24, 2004  Size: 799kb
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