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There are 105 System Files.
5 authors begin with the letter F.
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Lee Friedman's MX-950
For: URC MX-950
By: Lee Friedman
This is a novice's basic setup of the MX-950 remote. There are a few comments I would like to add regarding my design philosophy. I am fortunate in that my components all offered discrete on/off codes, enabling me to avoid variable statements for the various power statuses of the devices. The main program design issue I had was the main up/down/left/right "joystick" button in the middle of the remote. While it normally operates the codes for the Motorola STB, I had to design a situation in which it controls the TV menu system if that is accessed (hence assigning the joystick buttons to the Pioneer). I managed to do this by writing identical pages under both TV and STB devices; the default page is the STB device, where the toggle operates STB commands. When "menu" is pressed however, it opens the identical page under TV, wherein the toggle operates Pioneer commands. The MENU button itself toggles between the pages so that exiting the TV menu brings the remote back to STB-appropriate commands. Menu paging is seemless, with only the page title changing. I used variables to define the status of the AVR device selector (eg. TV, DVD, etc.), since changing from TV to TV or DVD to DVD... (more)
Updated: July 12, 2006  Size: 28kb
Theodoros Fourtounas' System
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Theodoros Fourtounas
All commands from the original remote plus several extras. My complete home theater system on the MX-800 remote control, optimized for the way that I work. My first attempt.
Updated: April 06, 2006  Size: 40kb
Dave Fitzgerald's MX-850
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Dave Fitzgerald
This is a system setup for my own personal system. Some of them are discrete, some are not. There was a few pieces that had no discretes, so I improvised. The Onkyo receiver is part of a HTIB and with the power, only the off command is discrete. I could not find any discrete on command for this model. The TV has no discrete power or inputs so that was the toughest. I found a way to trick the system and work around the lack of discrete inputs. The only reason it worked is becuase this TV has seperate input commands for composite and componet and as long as you know the order, it's easy to trick and works flawlessly. I had to use an all on command because the lack of discrete on this TV.
Updated: June 05, 2005  Size: 14kb
James Ford's MX-700
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: James Ford
A complete system with a Home Theater Computer ("HTPC") which is used mainly for DVD playback (via WinDVD 5.0). Controls learned via a combination of Airboard infrared and iMon Multimedian infrared.
Updated: November 24, 2004  Size: 21kb
Donald Fish's System File
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Donald Fish
This MX-700/MX-800 file contains many discrete codes and setup macros. An attempt has been made to program devices similarly with controls as few steps away as possible and usable without looking.
Updated: July 30, 2004  Size: 26kb
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