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ATTENTION MX-3000 Owners with DVD Mega-Changers!!
This thread has 1621 replies. Displaying posts 901 through 915.
Post 901 made on Monday April 17, 2006 at 13:59
Long Time Member
April 2006

DVD Profiler is on my computer, which is in my den - not in the living room where I watch movies. I thought that it would be helpful to have my dvd collection on my MX-3000 so that I, or my guests, could peruse my dvd titles without my having to go to the den, turn on the computer, etc. Does this sound impractical?

But I digress......
OP | Post 902 made on Monday April 17, 2006 at 14:52
triple B
Active Member
June 2004
Not at all, there are currently a few users that implement DMX-3000 in just that manner. Simply as a browsable listing on the remote, with no mega changer.

Like you say, this way no PC is required, and your listing is available immediately and while in front of the TV.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 903 made on Monday April 17, 2006 at 17:20
Long Time Member
October 2003
As far as putting fitting your 900 discs into your remotes current memory?

Hold your main button on your remote down for 5-7 sec. them select "System".

What is your user file size?

On a newer remote you should be able to fit about a 12k user file. My user file is about 4K before DMX additions and 8K after. I have about 730 DVDs Listed. That should give you some rough idea.

Additionally, the newest software release of the DMX 3000 software is supposed to be able to squeeze in a significantly larger user file. However, I don't know if the DMX software is even compatible with the new version.
Post 904 made on Monday April 17, 2006 at 17:23
Long Time Member
October 2003
Have you been able to look at file compatability on the latest editor release yet?

Let us know if it safe to upgrade if you can.


OP | Post 905 made on Monday April 17, 2006 at 17:27
triple B
Active Member
June 2004
Yes, you are safe to update your MX-Editor. There was no physical change in the file format itself. All changes were made on the remote side as far as I can tell.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 906 made on Monday April 17, 2006 at 18:31
Long Time Member
April 2006
Thanks for all of your responses. I'm awaiting delivery of my MX-3000, after which I'll try the software to see how it 'looks' on the remote. If the graphics are clear and 'readable', I'll be ordering it......

But I digress......
Post 907 made on Tuesday April 18, 2006 at 16:48
Long Time Member
October 2003
The graphics are clear enough but rather small. I can read/recognize about 90% of my titles (out of 725 discs). Some titles are simply too small due to the graphics styling and physical size limitation to be able to read the title off the cover graphic. For those I simple touch the cover graphic that jumps to that specific DVD's Details Page where the title, among other information, is spelled out in grand fashion.
Post 908 made on Friday April 21, 2006 at 14:42
Long Time Member
December 2004
i purchased last night. I found there are 2 road trips that come up in DVD profiler. Beware, my eyes are still burning....
OP | Post 909 made on Friday April 21, 2006 at 15:12
triple B
Active Member
June 2004
There are multiples of many DVD's in Profiler. Regions, ratings, un-rated versions, Limited Editions, etc will all show up if you are searching by name. If you search by UPC then there can be only one, and that is the easiest way to guarantee a match to the specific DVD you purchased.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 910 made on Friday April 21, 2006 at 15:36
Long Time Member
December 2004
On April 21, 2006 at 15:12, triple B said...
There are multiples of many DVD's in Profiler.
Regions, ratings, un-rated versions, Limited Editions,
etc will all show up if you are searching by name.
If you search by UPC then there can be only one,
and that is the easiest way to guarantee a match
to the specific DVD you purchased.


This one was a gay porn, not the one with tom green and amy smart
Post 911 made on Saturday April 22, 2006 at 10:52
Long Time Member
January 2006
On April 17, 2006 at 17:20, ljckbailey said...
As far as putting fitting your 900 discs into
your remotes current memory?

Hold your main button on your remote down for
5-7 sec. them select "System".

What is your user file size?

On a newer remote you should be able to fit about
a 12k user file. My user file is about 4K before
DMX additions and 8K after. I have about 730
DVDs Listed. That should give you some rough

Additionally, the newest software release of the
DMX 3000 software is supposed to be able to squeeze
in a significantly larger user file. However,
I don't know if the DMX software is even compatible
with the new version.
Post 912 made on Saturday April 22, 2006 at 11:12
Long Time Member
January 2006
Oops...sorry about that last post.

Lane - With the latest software release the user file is now 14240Kb on my remote. Given what you have posted i should be able to load my 700DVDs without a problem given that my user file is 4220kb.

I have downloaded the demo version of this software and it works a treat and im about to buy the full release. A couple of questions about this software and in particular DVD profiler.

1) Is there a quick way to personalize DVDs in the DVD Profiler?. I would like to make the DVDs id number just be the slot number. Im only using this for browsing my collection rather controlling a DVD megachanger.
2)Is there a quick way to make the locations of all the discs just be "1"?
3)Some DVDs in DVD Profiler don't have disc information. Is there a quick way add discs (just a main feature) for those DVDs that have missing disc info?
4) I also have about 200 laserdiscs and of course Blu-Ray is on the way. If i added my laserdisc collection (in addition to the 700DVDs) but used a location "2" does the DMX-3000 software have an ability to highlight this as a laserdisc etc?. Using the same concept but using location"3" could this highlight a Blu-Ray disc.?

Any help would be appreciated.
Post 913 made on Saturday April 22, 2006 at 12:46
Long Time Member
October 2003
- DVDs are easily personalized. As with any software, proficiency increases with use.

-You don't have to enter slot and and location info as far as Profiler is concerned, however, the DMX software will most likely cough at this. You can make these values anything you want but, to my knowledge, there is no way to globally assign those values, you just have to enter it each time.

- Disc info can be added for those that don't have it very easily, less than 10 second job if you aren't concerned with editing/customizing the disc names. Double click the title to be edited | Click on Discs | Click Add Disc | Click Save. Your done.

- You can use the location numbers or range of numbers to separate your disk types but Profiler currently has no way I know of to deal specifically with other formats. It's design is for DVDs only. Of course, any movie that has been released on DVD is probably in the Database and if not can be added but implementation is going to have to be an imaginative work around. In the case of Blu-ray etc, I imagine Profiler will handle them automatically by UPC with an "HD disk type" field addition in the not to distant future.
Post 914 made on Saturday April 22, 2006 at 13:23
Long Time Member
January 2006
Hi Lane

Thanks for the response. Looks like no shortcuts....I've entered all the missing discs and im now busy personalizing the location/slot positions of the discs. It will be a long day!

Thanks once again
Post 915 made on Monday April 24, 2006 at 00:59
Long Time Member
August 2005
when you are editing the discs simply use the "description" box next to the title and type LASERDISC or whatever else youd like to call them...

I also have about 120 LD's but havent cataloged them in this way...yet.

Kevin -
E-mail me for a link to photos of my theater...
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