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Theater Logic Home Cinema L6
This thread has 217 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Wednesday October 20, 2004 at 23:46
Lurking Member
October 2004
I lost my remote and manual and dont know which universal remote to buy... please help...

The system doesnt work without the remote... : (

I cant seem to find the website for the company anywhere on the internet... does this seem odd... I bought this off ebay... PLEASE HELP... ANYBODY!!!
Greed Will Be The End Of Us All
Post 2 made on Monday November 1, 2004 at 20:24
Lurking Member
November 2004

How much did you pay for the Theater Logic L6 home stereo package? Do you know how much they sell for retail? I've tried to find out, but cannot. Thanks.

Post 3 made on Tuesday November 9, 2004 at 09:36
Grand Audio Freak
Lurking Member
November 2004
Proud owner of the L6 system myself Edalmaraz. Don't know exactly where to get parts or remotes. Probably the distributor where you got it from will be able to help you but I'll have another look for ya!
Post 4 made on Tuesday November 9, 2004 at 12:34
Lurking Member
November 2004
hi, i bought one from a guy for $250, he showed me a magazine with it in there and it listed it for $2500. this guy was trying to make some money off of it because he had an extra one from a job he had just done. it seemed lagidament because he showed me the company he work for and the packing slip that showed that the items were paid for so i though it was a good deal. how much did you pay for it? where did you buy it? now i can't find a website for the company. i think thats kind of weird. Thanks
Post 5 made on Wednesday November 10, 2004 at 10:59
Lurking Member
November 2004
Heloo tdodds,

Did you find out anything more about your L6 Theater Logic Home Cinema system? I did the same thing you did. Have you tried using it? If so, does it work? I tried to find a HDTV magazine to find the advertisement these guys showed me, but I did not have any success. Do you know how much the system is worth. Do you think we got taken?
Post 6 made on Wednesday November 10, 2004 at 21:40
Lurking Member
November 2004
Hi Carlito,

I haven't found out any more about the system. I hooked up the system to my Xbox but only hooked one speaker to the subwoofer. It sounded really good for only one speaker hooked up. I don't have a DVD player or reciver that is compatible w/it. If I can't find one I might try to pawn it off or something. How much did you pay for it? Wich part of town did they sell it to you? The gys that sold it to me came up to me in my car after I just came out of the bank. It was an older guy that had a hat on, w/ blue eyes and his ears were peirced. He had his son w/ him the kid was only about 16 or 17 he was dressed in all black. The lisens plates were from Texas which i thought was weird but they said it was their bosses car. Were these the same guys that you bought it from? It supposed to be worth $2500 according to the magazine. We might have been taken. It seems like they mabe stole it, but he showed me the packing slip that showed that they were paid for but that might have been fake too. They told me that they worked for ORCA Distributers from Golden Co. Write back please.
Post 7 made on Thursday November 11, 2004 at 10:13
Lurking Member
November 2004
I am in houston and I had 2 young guys come up to me with the same mo, receipt, magazine all the good stuff, I paid $200. I just say it on ebay beginning bidding price $49.00 with a cap of $65.00 Looks like its a scheme, thats what i get i know better!!! Tell your friends to stay away. I do have alot of friends that are officers so i may catch them on the back end....Goodluck Everyone!!
Post 8 made on Thursday November 11, 2004 at 10:23
Founding Member
May 2001
You bought a stereo system in a parking lot and you wonder if you got taken?? Pal, you got taken. This has been a standard MO for decades.
Post 9 made on Thursday November 11, 2004 at 17:50
Super Member
August 2004
I can't believe this. I had a freind of mine whom I sell stuff at cost too. He was leaving a video rental store and was approached by two guys in a truck selling speakers. They told him they we $5000 speakers, htne sold them to him for $500 dollers. Honestly, he showed me the speakers and i could not control myself. I laughed sooo hard. The speakers were three way 12" speakers and the weighed about 20lbs each. The brand was something like home tech or something. I could have sold him some KEF's, Jamo, JBL, or POlk at cost, but instead he bought Home Tech.

Oh well....whatever floats your boat....or finds your lost remote.

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish...
Post 10 made on Friday November 12, 2004 at 19:48
Long Time Member
March 2003
I thought everyone in the country with a driver's license was aware of the guys in the white van with a spare set of speakers that were accidentally thrown in the truck from the supplier.

Here is the problem: It's not really a scam, they are selling you something, although they are charging you 15 times what it is actually worth. (what the market can bare)

I still can't believe that you've never heard of this before? It's so popular that is has almost turned into urban legend.

Anyway, here's the deal. In America, somebody can sell you something for as much as your willing to pay for it. You purchased that equipment because you thought you were getting a great deal. (In Michigan we call it buying stolen property).

Unfortunately you didn't.

Lastly, there is nothing the authorities can really do to these guys because it is actually a business. There are warehouses of these guys all across the country.

TDODDS, please don't think for aminute that the 17 year old kid in the van was the other guys son. He was the apprentice.

P.S.- If anyone ever comes up to you with a story saying they are having trouble with the bank and they want to deposit money into your account, run like hell.
Post 11 made on Thursday December 2, 2004 at 00:45
Lurking Member
December 2004
Hi everybody,
I'm in Houston. I bought the same system (Theater Logic Home Cinema L6) today by the 2 young white guys who driving the truck like you all are talking about for $300. He showed the magazin with the price of $2500 for the same model. Also, they gave me the phone number from the store where I can verify the price. I actually call that number (and ofcourse it was a set up) I was told that the price for that system is $2500 too. I was too excited and bought it. After I got it home , I was so confused why it can only be operated by the remote control. I was wonder how I can use it if I lost the remote control. After looking around online to find more information about this I know that they tricked me so damn good.
I'd like to learn from all of your guys. Can I do anything when I still have the phone number they gave it to me (The person answered my phone and pretended as a shop's saleman must be their partners). In addition, I 've written down a driver license number of one of them (I don't know whether it is a real ID or not). I'd appreciate for any advice from anyone, so that there's not anyone else to be tricked like me! Thank you for all your advices
Post 12 made on Wednesday December 15, 2004 at 22:31
Lurking Member
December 2004
I got scammed just the same as you guys. A couple guys in black leather sold the set to me. They were in a Durango. How can I find the these guys. He gave me a card and told me his name was Gabrielle or something.
Post 13 made on Saturday December 18, 2004 at 08:50
Long Time Member
March 2004
I might recommend that you purchase a learning remote control and transfer all of the codes into it. The Home Theater Master MX800 or the new MX850 would work great because it lets you program the remote with computer software and you will always have the IR codes handy when you need them.

Maybe you can help edalmaraz by sharing these codes.
Post 14 made on Saturday December 18, 2004 at 23:17
Lurking Member
December 2004
I am ashamed to say I fell for the scam. I was outside of a HH Gregg in Piqua, Ohio after I had just bought a Big Screen TV. I was looking at Surround Sound Speakers but could not afford them in the store for the item I wanted. Well, I had my 2 sons with me who are 2 and 5 and I was approached by them in a white minivan. My 2 year old was having a fit so I was trying to get him buckled in as fast as possible. The guy stood right behind me and told me they were delivering for Rex Stores down the road, he claimed they had loaded 1 too many systems in their vehicle to deliver so they were trying to sell it between the 2 guys for profit since there was no record of it on their invoice. I looked over their invoice, I saw the $2499 price in the catalog and told them I wasn't interested. I figured they stole it so I was getting in the car trying to leave. Th guy basically was begging me to take it off their hands. I opened up the box and looked at everything and it seemed that it was worth atleast $500. I paid $250 for it. Well I got home and the manual had absolutely no contact information. I figured I was had. The speakers do sound good, well atleast the 2 I hooked up. I couldn't find any info on the internet until I stumbled on this website. I think I also found the company who manufactures the system. It is a European Company called Eltax. [Link:] Navigate through the surround sound speakers or [Link:]
I have a question about it though, What do you think it really is worth? Where can I find a DVD Player that has 6 audio outputs to plug into the 6 audio inputs for the speakers? I hope this will help some of you.
Post 15 made on Saturday January 1, 2005 at 13:41
Lurking Member
January 2005
well, guys!

don't feel too bad. I have hooked it to my Samsung HD841 DVD player w/ 6 channel output. the sound is comparable to any name brand system in the $300 range. so it's an ok deal, not a super deal like we thought. one important feature is missing is the power control on the remote or auto shutoff. oh, I would rate the power around 30 watts/channel not 100.
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