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ATTENTION MX-3000 Owners with DVD Mega-Changers!!
This thread has 1621 replies. Displaying posts 91 through 105.
Post 91 made on Thursday December 9, 2004 at 16:22
Jim Christian
Founding Member
August 2001
Please send to [email protected]
Post 92 made on Thursday December 9, 2004 at 18:58
Long Time Member
October 2003
RE: Multi changer support

I would love to work with you on this if you can fit it in to schedule. I've decided with your work on the horizon to go ahead and order my 3000 today (maybe I can still get it by Christmas) so if I can help you out I 'd jump at the chance. I'm not what most would call a programer but have considerable experience designing control software and 15 years as a broadcast engineer as well as a degree in EET, so I think I could help you out if it fits your needs.

Again, thank you for all your work and my vote is for the multi changer first as the lack of this feature accually keeps me, and others as I read the forum, from making full use of your software.

Lane Bailey
Post 93 made on Thursday December 9, 2004 at 19:19
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001

I've tried several times to get hold of the file format for the MX-3000 to no avail. HTM has not responded to my requests. Did you reverse engineer the file? Please email me [email protected] to discuss if you don't mind.

Lyndel McGee
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
Post 94 made on Thursday December 9, 2004 at 22:26
Founding Member
March 2002
I have 2 400 disc changers( both Sony). But they have different code sets. (assignable up to 3 code sets/changers) Note: this feature is a must for those guys not using the MRF for IR routing. I don't know if your program supports disc management by collection #s in DVD Profiler or not.The program would need to take the first 400 discs #s (aka collection #s in DVD Profiler) and assign audio/vidio comands then the changer comands or replace the delays with the a/v comands.(to shorten macro duration). And then follow w/comands for the 2nd changer(401 to 800 disc/collection #s).And then the same for the 3rd. If the the program doesn't support the 2 other codes, it could use the IR routing feature(MRF 250 or whatever) to do the same thing.This feature could be a manual setting in MX-software but it would be cool if it could be done with your program. I hope this info helps but I think you know all this. Thank you,
OP | Post 95 made on Friday December 10, 2004 at 09:53
Active Member
June 2004
On 12/09/04 19:19 ET, Lyndel McGee said...

I've tried several times to get hold of the file
format for the MX-3000 to no avail. HTM has not
responded to my requests. Did you reverse engineer
the file? Please email me [email protected]
to discuss if you don't mind.

Lyndel McGee

Yes, I spent MANY MANY hours staring at the RCC files in a home made hex editor.
To the point that I can almost read it as though it were plain english.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
OP | Post 96 made on Friday December 10, 2004 at 10:20
Active Member
June 2004

You are correct, and that is exactly what I plan on doing. I already have a good game plan for this addition.

DMX-3000 will support any and all IR codes sets, because you enter those manually, (One time for each changer in your collection), and I just alias to those buttons. This way you can do anything you want on each disc that loads. You change the macro in ONE SPOT and since I just alias that macro, ALL DVD's are updated instantly.

I plan on starting and *fingers crossed* finishing the code for the Multiple Changers this weekend. So be looking for it.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 97 made on Friday December 10, 2004 at 18:30
Long Time Member
November 2004

I've been following this thread and am considering a Sony DVP-CX777ES.

I understand that you use DVD Profiler (haven't downloaded it yet) to build the list of DVD's, etc., and that your DMX-3000 builds the MX-3000 pages/aliases.

But how does DMX-3000 know what slots the DVD's are in?

BTW, I would really like to get a copy of your program (another "me too!") if I can to demo it without having a changer installed...[email protected]

Post 98 made on Friday December 10, 2004 at 21:16
Founding Member
April 2002
JB Wood:
When you are entering your collection in DVD Profiler, one of the options is "collection number" you just make sure that this corosponds to the slot in the DVD player for each disk and Braken's program does the rest. It is very easy to use.
Post 99 made on Friday December 10, 2004 at 21:36
Long Time Member
November 2004
Ah, ha! OK, thanks!

I downloaded DVDProfiler and it looks pretty cool, can't wait to see DMX-3000...
OP | Post 100 made on Friday December 10, 2004 at 21:38
Active Member
June 2004

DVD Profiler gives each movie a Collection number, which can be user entered, so you make the Collection Number match the slot that movie resides at in your changer. You then import the database from DVD Profiler into DMX-3000 and it does the rest.

I will get a copy on its way to you.


-Bracken (triple B)

EDIT: Sam beat me to the punch. ;-)
Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 101 made on Saturday December 11, 2004 at 04:42
Oliver K
Lurking Member
December 2003

I have tried this program now and it is awesome !

I think everyone with a DVD changers and/or a large DVD collection should buy the MX-3000 now because of Bracken's program, it just makes handling the collection that easy.

I already have used DVDprofiler for some time and so I needed only a measly few minutes to be able to select every disc in my 400+ collection with a simple click on the DVD cover - this is so easy it is stunning.

I have considered the TSU-7000 before, because I can use it with only one hand instead of two, but no program by Bracken for that one, so it'll have to be the MX-3000 :-)

@Bracken: There will be a riot on the DVDprofiler forums once you post this !
And: With all the changer guys buying the MX-3000 because of you, you should negotiate a percentage of Home Theater Master's profits ;-)

Post 102 made on Saturday December 11, 2004 at 16:33
Long Time Member
November 2004
On 12/10/04 21:38 ET, LuvMyRemote said...

DVD Profiler gives each movie a Collection number,
which can be user entered, so you make the Collection
Number match the slot that movie resides at in
your changer. You then import the database from
DVD Profiler into DMX-3000 and it does the rest.

I will get a copy on its way to you.


-Bracken (triple B)

EDIT: Sam beat me to the punch. ;-)

Well, I went with a DVP-CX985V, and picked it up today!

Any idea when you might send the DMX-3000 software?

Can't wait to get started entering titles and having DVD "On Demand"!!! Way cool!
OP | Post 103 made on Saturday December 11, 2004 at 18:27
Active Member
June 2004

You, along with everyone else that has requested it will be getting an email this evening as soon as I get back home, and have a free minute to sit down and wrap up the install.

I apologize for the delay, but have been very busy the last week. You can get started entering your DVD's into DVD profiler now if you dont already have that completed.

Both the free version and the premium versions will work equally with DMX-3000, so try it first and if you like it, by all means, support the authors and purchase the premium version. The Hi-Res cover images are well worth the small investment.

DVD Profiler: [Link:]

Be watching for the email this evening.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 104 made on Saturday December 11, 2004 at 19:41
Long Time Member
November 2004
On 12/11/04 18:27 ET, LuvMyRemote said...
I apologize for the delay, but have been very
busy the last week. You can get started entering
your DVD's into DVD profiler now if you dont already
have that completed.
DVD Profiler: [Link:]

Be watching for the email this evening.


thanks a lot, and no need to apologize, you are providing a great tool for us to use, so at you convenience (I'm just excited to give it a try!) !

I did try the DVD Profiler and found it to be very cool, so I went ahead and paid for the premium version...

Thanks again!!!
Post 105 made on Sunday December 12, 2004 at 00:46
Long Time Member
November 2004
I have a 777 and Pronto Pro TSU-7000, looks like I might sell that one for MX-3000 b/c of your software, I would like a copy.
Thanks, Danny

[email protected]
I'll figure it out by the time you wake up tomorrow. Good Night
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