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ATTENTION MX-3000 Owners with DVD Mega-Changers!!
This thread has 1621 replies. Displaying posts 721 through 735.
OP | Post 721 made on Wednesday November 23, 2005 at 08:23
triple B
Active Member
June 2004

The software has been used with all current models of Sony, Kenwood and Pioneer DVD Mega changers. I havent personally seen it being used with anything other than Sony brand. For this reason I cant recommend one changer over another, but have reports that they all work fine.

Please goto, you can get a full 24 Disc working demo there.
Follow the quickstart guide that comes with the install.
If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 722 made on Wednesday November 23, 2005 at 11:29
Founding Member
April 2002
I am personally using DMX-3000 full version with Sony 860 and 985 players, as well as with two Pioneer 727s. Works perfectly with both of them.
Post 723 made on Monday December 5, 2005 at 14:35
Founding Member
April 2002
Braken, I am trying to change some of the graphical elements used by DMX in order to make it fit better with my overall design. I try renaming the picure files in the Images subfolder of my DMX 3000 folder, but that doesn't work. Even when I try to remove existing pics these show up when I run DMX. Where are the pictures actually used stored?

Any news on the CD front?
Post 724 made on Monday December 5, 2005 at 15:18
Founding Member
April 2002

Never mind my last post, I figured it out in practice (although I still don't get the theory...)

I guess there's no way I can edit the text added to the MainBtn files? I would like the Full Listing button to be Bold, White and read "DVDs" instead.
Post 725 made on Monday December 5, 2005 at 19:37
Founding Member
July 2001
OK, I've got a stupid question. I've been using Bracken's software with my new MX-3000. I use it ONLY to control the changer. I am still using my Pronto to control the rest of my system. I am going to start moving over (creating) new devices. How do I change my RCC file? Do I edit the DMX file? I don't think I should edit the base file. Should I create a new RCC file?

Along the same lines: How do I just add a new DVD? I realize that I would add it to the Profiler and than resave the XML file and that will load into the new DMX file, but how do I save the new file?

I said it was stupid.

Post 726 made on Tuesday December 6, 2005 at 15:29
Founding Member
April 2002

the MX-3000 Editor software is much like ProntoEdit. So you create .rcc files in much the same way you create .ccf files. To add a new device to your present RCC file simply open up the RCC in MX-3000 Editor, oin the left hand window right click Devices and select Add New Device. To save the new RCC file use the top menu, File and Save or Save As. Extremely basic, but I believe that was what you were looking for?

Post 727 made on Tuesday December 6, 2005 at 17:34
Founding Member
July 2001
I understand how to save a file. My question is do I save a new base file or a new DMX file? Wouldn't a new DMX file create a new DMX-3000 device? Maybe I'm not explaining my question right.

I guess my question is:

Which file should I edit? To add devices, add DVDs and make changes to.

The base? The DMX? Or do I create a new file saved as something else.

Last edited by danr1707 on December 6, 2005 17:43.
OP | Post 728 made on Wednesday December 7, 2005 at 11:54
triple B
Active Member
June 2004
Guys, sorry for the delayed response, I am enjoying a week of "Work" in Las Vegas.

On December 5, 2005 at 15:18, cgroth said...

Never mind my last post, I figured it out in practice
(although I still don't get the theory...)

I guess there's no way I can edit the text added
to the MainBtn files? I would like the Full Listing
button to be Bold, White and read "DVDs" instead.

There is no way to change the button font before creating your DMX file. However, after creating your DMX file you can go change the buttons then, since the DMX file gets overwritten each time, you will have to change that font everytime you add movies.

I might try to come up with a way to customize the interface more in a future update.

On December 6, 2005 at 17:34, danr1707 said...
I understand how to save a file. My question is
do I save a new base file or a new DMX file? Wouldn't
a new DMX file create a new DMX-3000 device? Maybe
I'm not explaining my question right.

I guess my question is:

Which file should I edit? To add devices, add
DVDs and make changes to.

The base? The DMX? Or do I create a new file saved
as something else.

All system configuration changes should be made to the BaseRCC file. You never want to make permanent changes to the DMXRCC because it will be overwritten every time you add new movies. The BaseRCC should have NO MOVIES in it. It should be your system configuration and the DMX 3000 Device you imported. No other "DMX...." devices.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 729 made on Wednesday December 7, 2005 at 17:13
Long Time Member
December 2005
I'm a newbie..

I downloaded the 24 disc demo version. I installed the program and ran it, I did have a Profiler export file but the "Location" and "Slot" has not been filled in. When ran, it first came up ok, I told it to load the "Collection.XML" file, this is when it choked and gave me an error code, "Run Time error '13' : Type mismatch.

I figured it was because of the "Collection.XML" file has no Location and slot info in it. So I started from scartch.

Uninstalled the DMX-3000, reinstalled it.
Prepared the DVDXML file with Profiler, this time filled in the location and slot numbers.
Prepared the BaseRCC file.

Ran the program again, but it still insist on the "Run Time error '13' : Type mismatch.".
What am I doing wrong??

Denon AVR 5803, Sony KP61HS30, Sony VPLHS-50, Toshiba SD-9200, SA Explorer 8000HD, ExpressVu 6100HD
OP | Post 730 made on Thursday December 8, 2005 at 23:56
triple B
Active Member
June 2004

Thanks for your interest in DMX-3000. If you could email me your XML File and your BaseRCC, I should be able to tell you what the problem is.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
OP | Post 731 made on Friday December 9, 2005 at 20:07
triple B
Active Member
June 2004

After looking over your DVDXML file, I noticed that you are using the BETA version 2.5.0 of DVD Profiler. There is information in this XML file that my software does not process correctly because it is non-existent in 2.4.0. Due to the fact that only premium users of DVD Profiler have access to the beta updates, the DMX-3000 software will remain up to date with the currently released version of DVD Profiler, in this case 2.4.0

If after creating a DVDXML file with version 2.4.0 you still have any problems, please let me know.

Just as a side not, I noticed in your BaseRCC that you have a Sony Changer. On your DMX 3000\Controls page you will want to delete the +10 and +100 buttons as those are only used for Kenwood changers. Then you will also want to rename the Controls page to what you use for Location in DVD Profiler. (In this case '1' appeared to be what you used). After making these changes save your BaseRCC again, and the rest seemed to be good.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 732 made on Saturday December 10, 2005 at 09:17
Long Time Member
December 2005
Hi Bracken,

Did a number of experimentation and you might find interesting.

First off, I should say that I use drive �F:� to install these apps.

-Uninstalled DVD Profiler (DP) V2.5b
-Installed DP V2.4
-Restored DP database created by V2.5 � everything looks good
-Exported DVDXML file
-Launched DMX-3000
-Same run-time error (13)
---------------------------------------------------- Then --
-Uninstalled everything
-Installed DMX-3000 using Drive C
-Installed DP using drive C
-Launched DMX-3000
-Same run-time error
------------------------------------------------------ Then --
-Uninstalled DP
-Reinstall DP on Drive C
-Started from scratch with DP V2.4 database with 5 records
-Exported DVDXML file
-Launched DMX-3000
-It works!
----------------------------------------------------- Then --
-Tried creating a RCC file
-DMX reports �There are missing controls for the 1 changer�.

Well, I think this is great progress�

I have enclosed a PDF for you to take a look at the error screens.

Many thanks
Denon AVR 5803, Sony KP61HS30, Sony VPLHS-50, Toshiba SD-9200, SA Explorer 8000HD, ExpressVu 6100HD
Post 733 made on Saturday December 10, 2005 at 09:32
Long Time Member
December 2005

Will you be updating your software for DVD Profiler 2.5? It is a lot of work to input 200 DVDs into V2.4.

Denon AVR 5803, Sony KP61HS30, Sony VPLHS-50, Toshiba SD-9200, SA Explorer 8000HD, ExpressVu 6100HD
OP | Post 734 made on Saturday December 10, 2005 at 11:42
triple B
Active Member
June 2004

After looking at the new BaseRCC file your problem is this, it appears you have changed all the Controls proper ID names. The Number buttons must be named, "DVD 1", "DVD 2", "DVD 3", etc. IKeep in mind this is the Button ID not the Button Text. If they are not named correctly, my software doesnt know which button is which, and cant find them when trying to link to them.

You can either go back and re-name all the buttons on that page to what they were originally, or just remove that device and re-import the "Import Header" again. Make sure to go through the setup steps again after importing, remove the +10, +100, and rename the Controls page to 1. Also, I noticed that you turned the Controls page off Hidden, I would recommend leaving it Hidden as you wont ever need to see that page.

As I said above, the software stays up-to-date with the current release of DVD Profiler. So yes, there will be an update for 2.5 when it comes out of beta and is the current release.

Unless they have made changes in 2.5 that arent backwards compatible, you should be able to backup your database and restore it to 2.4 so you dont have to re-enter all your movies.

Let me know if this wont work for your, and I will try to come up with another solution.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 735 made on Saturday December 10, 2005 at 14:04
Long Time Member
December 2005
New guy here. Hope you get this one.
Anyway, like ED, I get the same error code. I have the DVD Profiler 2.4 and the test DMX. I noticed the key box is blank now. I tried entering the key but I keep getting the error code. Hoping you can help.

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