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ATTENTION MX-3000 Owners with DVD Mega-Changers!!
This thread has 1621 replies. Displaying posts 1576 through 1590.
OP | Post 1,576 made on Friday October 23, 2009 at 23:56
triple B
Active Member
June 2004
You were on the right track.
You will just need to add the HDMI switching commands to the AFTER button on the particular changer's control page. This way for any particular movie it will call the before macro, then the slot and then the after macro for that changer, which will also set the HDMI input port for that particular changer.

Please let me know if you need anything else.

Best Regards,
Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 1,577 made on Saturday October 24, 2009 at 13:24
Lurking Member
April 2007
Thanks Bracken!

Your knowledge and willingness to share it are, as always, timely, accurate and greatly appreciated!

Post 1,578 made on Sunday November 29, 2009 at 22:58
Long Time Member
September 2004
On October 5, 2009 at 02:58, triple B said...
Sorry for the delay. I wanted to do some digging before replying. I dont personally have a Sony BR changer (would love to, but am frustrated by the whole thing at the moment) so I cant confirm nor deny this. From everything I read, it sounds as though Sony has not included any way to directly select a disc using IR commands. I guess you have to use the integrated browser on the changer. This completely eliminates the possibility of using any URC remote to automate movie selection with the CX960. However, you could use the CX7000ES since Sony kindly added an RS-232 port for a measly $1000 price jump.

I would love for someone that has a BR changer to tell me I'm wrong here. :)

Best Regards,

You are not wrong.
I've owned a CX960 for a week now. I'm very disappointed that Sony hasn't corrected this issue. The DVP-CX995V had the same problem and was the very reason that I sent mine back for refund.
Post 1,579 made on Sunday November 29, 2009 at 23:25
Long Time Member
September 2004
On October 18, 2009 at 18:30, jbwood1 said...
I'm afraid it appears you correct :( There does not seem to be a way to directly navigate to a slot via IR. In fact the current Live Update IR DB for the RM-ADP036 remote (used by both models of Sony BD changers) doesn't work. I had to use the codeset for BDX-2.

Where could I find the current Live Update IR DB for the RM-ADP036?
Post 1,580 made on Thursday December 3, 2009 at 02:57
Lurking Member
July 2009
I believe the sequence is as follows, at least this works on the CX995:

1. Stop (if playing)
2. delay 5 seconds
3. Display
4. delay 0.5 seconds
5. Enter
6. [Disk #]
7. Enter
8. delay 4 sec
9. Display
10. delay 5 sec
11. Display

Then about 9 seconds to load.

It's a pain but it works on the CX995, I'm guessing it's about the same for the CX960. I hope this helps.
I have a pronto with the rs232 extender so I'm just going to bite the bullet and get the CX7000ES for a blu-ray changer just to avoid this.
OP | Post 1,581 made on Friday December 4, 2009 at 10:24
triple B
Active Member
June 2004
This is correct for the CX995. And is pretty true for all the Sony DVD changers but does not work for the 960. They removed the menu selections for picking a disc directly by slot, ( at least according to the info I've been given ). So the only way to select a movie on the 960 is using the on screen guide built into the changer. If you step up to the CX7000ES you get an RS232 port which will allow remote selection of discs.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 1,582 made on Thursday December 10, 2009 at 23:03
Long Time Member
December 2005
How hard would it be to use your software with the CX7000ES and the MSC-400?
Post 1,583 made on Thursday December 17, 2009 at 13:43
Long Time Member
July 2004
On December 10, 2009 at 23:03, thxext said...
How hard would it be to use your software with the CX7000ES and the MSC-400?

I have the same question.

Post 1,584 made on Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 14:44
Founding Member
April 2002
Apparently there is a new version of DVD Profiler out. Will DMX-3000 work if I update?

Post 1,585 made on Tuesday April 20, 2010 at 22:08
Super Member
July 2006
Yes, most certainly. All DVD Profiler does is spit out an .xml list file which is used by DMX-3000. That function still exists and works the same way. DVD Profiler is constantly updating it's software.

I just programmed an MX-3000 for a client with over 800 movies and it worked perfectly.

Post 1,586 made on Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 09:37
Universal Remote Control Inc.
June 1999
The latest DVD Profiler supports user-created genres. I believe Bracken is working on a way to support those in DMX.
I'm a member of the Remote Central community, just like you! My comments here are my own, and in no way express the opinions, policies, or plans of Universal Remote Control, Inc.
OP | Post 1,587 made on Saturday May 1, 2010 at 02:14
triple B
Active Member
June 2004
I have made the necessary updates to DMX and am currently testing it, if all goes well I will make the update in the next day or so. This first update will just be the necessary fixes to make DMX function as it currently does just so users can update to the newest DVD Profiler 3.6.1. I will then follow that up with another update that will take advantage of the newly added features once I can fully test them.

Which leads me to a question about the custom genres. Does anyone expect to use these for DMX, and if so, how would you like to see these implemented. In order for them to work with the current DMX GUI, you would have to manually create a Genre icon yourself for every custom genre you enter since they are completely graphical on the DVD Detail page and there really isnt a good way to display a text version there. Is this acceptable to everyone?

I have discussed this with Dale, and it might be a possibility to provide a few additional icons for the more common custom genres so if anyone has suggestions nows the time to make them.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
OP | Post 1,588 made on Sunday May 2, 2010 at 21:51
triple B
Active Member
June 2004
I just uploaded the update for DMX which will work with the newly released DVD Profiler 3.6.1. In fact, it actually requires it so when you update DMX you must also update DVD Profiler.

As always please let me know if any of you have questions, problems and/or suggestions.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
Post 1,589 made on Monday August 9, 2010 at 09:04
Founding Member
April 2002
Hi, I am considering buying a SONY BDP-CX7000ES blue ray changer, but only if it can be used with Bracken's software. Is this now possible? I believe the issue is one of being able to select the slot number directly? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

OP | Post 1,590 made on Thursday August 12, 2010 at 00:44
triple B
Active Member
June 2004

I do believe that it would be possible but ONLY with the ES model because of the ability to control it via RS-232 with the use of one of the RF base stations that has RS-232 output such as the MSC-400. Sony has removed the ability to select a disc by slot number using IR directly so the regular Sony blue ray changer is not even an option.

I dont have access to a 7000ES in order to test setting up the RS-232/MSC-400 and MX-3000 combo so I havent added this to DMX as of now.

If there is anyone that has a 7000ES and would be interested in helping test this setup please let me know.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen
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