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Post 1,587 made on Saturday May 1, 2010 at 02:14
triple B
Active Member
June 2004
I have made the necessary updates to DMX and am currently testing it, if all goes well I will make the update in the next day or so. This first update will just be the necessary fixes to make DMX function as it currently does just so users can update to the newest DVD Profiler 3.6.1. I will then follow that up with another update that will take advantage of the newly added features once I can fully test them.

Which leads me to a question about the custom genres. Does anyone expect to use these for DMX, and if so, how would you like to see these implemented. In order for them to work with the current DMX GUI, you would have to manually create a Genre icon yourself for every custom genre you enter since they are completely graphical on the DVD Detail page and there really isnt a good way to display a text version there. Is this acceptable to everyone?

I have discussed this with Dale, and it might be a possibility to provide a few additional icons for the more common custom genres so if anyone has suggestions nows the time to make them.

Author of DMX-3000, Disc Managing Software for the MX-3000 Touchscreen

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