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MX programming error: Invalid Answer-LimitedProgramLoadToRC [LPLTR-2]
This thread has 37 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Sunday November 27, 2005 at 23:42
Senior Member
May 2004
I'm seeing an Invalid Answer-LimitedProgramLoadToRC [LPLTR-2] error on three different remotes - two MX850s and an MX800. The error always occurs at 99% of programming completion (that is, during the "download to remote" phase). After the error occurs the remote is locked up - even the "MAIN+STOP to reset" method doesn't work ... only thing to do is pull the batteries and wait; after re-inserting the batteries, though, the remote seems to work ok with the updated programming!

Today I ran into the issue again - after finding this thread, I tried the "download blank config to remote" trick to overwrite the remote, then downloaded the original remote config again ... this time, the error didn't occur and the download reached 100% without issue; however, when I made some small updates to the config an downloaded it 10 minutes later, the error occurred again! **Infuriating** =(

Would appreciate any thoughts on how to address this ... does, perhaps, the MX remote configuration need to be "cleaned up"? FYI, each of the remotes exhibiting this problem has had its programming update many times ... I do recall reading a while back that MX remote profiles tend to get "corrupted" after many updates, so wondering whether this could be the root cause?
Post 2 made on Monday November 28, 2005 at 10:58
Surf Remote
Loyal Member
July 2001
If downloading a different file doesn't cause a problem, you probably have a corrupted file. Try creating a new, blank file and importing the various devices. If that downloads successfully, you can add the macros.


THX-certified video calibrator and contributing writer,
Post 3 made on Monday November 28, 2005 at 12:37
Super Member
April 2004
I'd also recommend resetting the remote. Hold main and stop for 15 seconds. Then click all. Then reload file. Might help
Diplomacy is the art of saying hire a pro without actually saying hire a pro
Post 4 made on Monday November 28, 2005 at 12:39
Select Member
August 2002
On November 28, 2005 at 12:37, oex said...
resetting the remote.... Hold
main and stop for 15 seconds. Then click all.

good to know!
What part of "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." do you not understand?
OP | Post 5 made on Monday November 28, 2005 at 13:30
Senior Member
May 2004
I'd also recommend resetting the remote. Hold main and stop for 15 seconds. Then click all. Then reload file. Might help

I'd tried that ... after the remote locked up upon download, I pulled the batteries until it died, then replaced them; once the remote finished "booting" (the checkup sequence), I performed a MAIN+STOP reset back to MX defaults, then applied a "blank" file to the remote - the blank file completed download successfully. At this point I downloaded the actual config, which also completed download successfully.

It's upon subsequent attempts that the download continues to fail & remote locks up, now :(
OP | Post 6 made on Monday November 28, 2005 at 13:31
Senior Member
May 2004
If downloading a different file doesn't cause a problem, you probably have a corrupted file. Try creating a new, blank file and importing the various devices. If that downloads successfully, you can add the macros.

Could you elaborate? I would import the various devices into the new/blank profile ... how would I then import the macros, or would I have to create these from scratch? (ugh)
OP | Post 7 made on Monday February 13, 2006 at 13:02
Senior Member
May 2004
ok, this issue is really starting to get on my nerves

Yesterday I was programming a brand new MX-850 (w/the latest client software, updated as of yesterday) ... created an MXF file from scratch (I did import MXD device files, but no macros). The first 2-3 downloads to the remote went fine. Then on the next one this damnable error suddenly came up ... remote locked and was completely unresponsive (even to a reset), as is typical with this error; had to pull the batteries in order to get it working again.

I reset the remote and the next download worked ok; then the one after *that* AGAIN caused a lock! In the course of getting the programming right, I must've run into the error message four times ... and with a completely brand new, created from scratch MXF file?!?

Has Universal Remotes even acknowledged this problem? If so, what's the story, why is it taking so long to resolve (it's been happening for years, afaik?!?)
Post 8 made on Tuesday February 14, 2006 at 10:41
Control Remotes
Super Member
August 2003
Two questions...

1) Have you preformed any live updates to the Editors you are using? Give that a try.

2) Are you using the appropriate Editor with the corresponding remote? For example, MX-850 Editor with the MX-850 and MX-800 Editor with the MX-800? Not matching up Editors can potentially cause quirky issues - not always, but I've seen it.

Thank you,
Damon DG
= = = = = - Authorized Dealer & Remote Programming Services
Remote Programming Services for URC Remotes - 914-509-5360
Follow me on Twitter @HomeTheaterNY
OP | Post 9 made on Tuesday February 14, 2006 at 12:32
Senior Member
May 2004
On February 14, 2006 at 10:41, Control Remotes said...
Two questions...

1) Have you preformed any live updates to the
Editors you are using? Give that a try.

Yes, just before programming the new remote for the first time I performed a Live Update (this was on Sunday, 02.12.06)

2) Are you using the appropriate Editor with the
corresponding remote? For example, MX-850 Editor
with the MX-850 and MX-800 Editor with the MX-800?
Not matching up Editors can potentially cause
quirky issues - not always, but I've seen it.

Yes, I'm using the MX-850 editor with the MX-850 remote.
OP | Post 10 made on Tuesday February 14, 2006 at 12:33
Senior Member
May 2004
I'm curious, how many other folks have experienced this problem, and does the workaround (i.e., reset the remote, download a blank/clean MXF, then re-download your MXF) resolve the issue for you?

Also, has Universal acknowledged this issue? Is there even a tech note on it (I searched their site in vain for one).
Post 11 made on Tuesday February 14, 2006 at 13:12
Jeff Wagner
Founding Member
January 2002

I just showed your post to one of our engineers. He echoed the question we all asked (when shown this post): Are you using a USB to Serial adaptor? Which one?

The message you are seeing indicates a hardware conflict and the most likely answer is your USB adaptor. We've had tremendous success with the Belkin unit and I'm sure other posters here can make other suggestions for brands as well.

I asked around and no one else has seen this, although a likely solution is the adaptor - so can you let us know which one you use and we'll make sure others don't use that one?

OP | Post 12 made on Wednesday February 15, 2006 at 23:01
Senior Member
May 2004
On February 14, 2006 at 13:12, Jeff Wagner said...

I just showed your post to one of our engineers.
He echoed the question we all asked (when shown
this post): Are you using a USB to Serial adaptor?
Which one?

Hello, Jeff ... thanks for responding on this, I'm glad to see URC monitors the issues their installers see!

I'm actually not using any sort of USB-to-serial adapter (I avoid them like the plague, have never had good luck with them); I'm using a Compaq nc6000's native serial port, COM1.

Any more information that I can provide (e.g., the MXF file), please let me know (you can also email me directly - [email protected])
OP | Post 13 made on Wednesday February 15, 2006 at 23:10
Senior Member
May 2004
Incidentally, I did dig up an older thread on RC on this topic, where one fellow (Tom) writes:
As an aside, I have had LOTS of those errors when downloading. I've used an older 233mHz laptop which has been dandy for prontos, Sonance K2s, RTIs, Xantechs, and so on...but suddenly with the 700 and 850 in my arsenal, all these errors.

I endured for quite a long time and pulled the battery several times on some projects. Was even considering building a little gizmo to fit between two batteries with a little momentary push switch so I could do a quick reset.

I found some memory on ebay and upped the ram from 64m (typical for this age laptop) to 128m and problem has gone away.

However, the laptop I'm using is a 1.6Ghz system with 1GB of RAM on Windows XP SP2 ... so I doubt it's a resource issue. Someone earlier had suggested that it could be an MXF file corruption issue??
Post 14 made on Thursday February 16, 2006 at 10:55
Jeff Wagner
Founding Member
January 2002

Are you using any other hotsync software - like a palm pilot - on this computer? If this is the case you could uninstall the software for that hotsync device to see if the problem goes away (and learn what is causing the conflict). Otherwise I'm still looking for ideas...
Another suggestion is to try disabling then re-enabling your comport to see if that frees it up. I've not had this problem myself so I'm trying to find out.
Our IT guy tells me that the sometimes people have a hotsync device that they've forgotten about - or was installed accidentally - and this can cause a problem.

Let me know,

OP | Post 15 made on Thursday February 16, 2006 at 12:29
Senior Member
May 2004
On February 16, 2006 at 10:55, Jeff Wagner said...

Are you using any other hotsync software - like
a palm pilot - on this computer? If this is the
case you could uninstall the software for that
hotsync device to see if the problem goes away
(and learn what is causing the conflict). Otherwise
I'm still looking for ideas...
Another suggestion is to try disabling then re-enabling
your comport to see if that frees it up. I've
not had this problem myself so I'm trying to find

Our IT guy tells me that the sometimes people
have a hotsync device that they've forgotten about
- or was installed accidentally - and this can
cause a problem.

No, this is a very clean computer - I've specifically avoided installing any unnecessary software as I use it only for A/V programming (e.g., I don't even have any "Office" apps on there).

From the symptoms I'm seeing, though, this doesn't appear to be related to a conflict of any sort; recall that once the error occurs, I take action only on the remote (remove batteries, wait 10s, reinstall batteries and peform a full "reset") ... this gets the remote back up and running; I'll then download an empty MXF (no error occurs), followed by the client's MXF. The latter MXF download also occurs without issue ... it's downloads subsequent to this, though, that result in the error occurring again.

So, no action taken on the computer, but the download doesn't result in an error when following the above steps.

Also, it's worthwhile pointing out that even when the error does occur, the remote does still seem to accept the MXF programming. i.e., the error will occur at the tail-end of downloading (after 99%), at which point the remote locks up completely. Pulling the batteries and then reinserting them gets the remote back up & working, and when one tests it it does appear to have received the most recent IR programming, macros, etc.
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