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MX programming error: Invalid Answer-LimitedProgramLoadToRC [LPLTR-2]
This thread has 37 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 30.
OP | Post 16 made on Thursday February 16, 2006 at 12:32
Senior Member
May 2004
I can provide a detailed list of the apps on the computer tonight if that's helpful ... from memory, here are the major applications that are installed on the computer:

- URC editors for MX700, MX800 and MX850 (in different directories, only ever run one copy at a time, though)

- Mozilla Firefox & Thunderbird

- Russound PC Power Tools editor
(this also uses the COM port to program the Russound CAV, but I *never* have this running at the same time as the URC editor)
OP | Post 17 made on Thursday February 16, 2006 at 23:04
Senior Member
May 2004
Ok, have the laptop in front of me now, so for the sake of argument I'm going to include the list of installed software:

Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0.2
Ahead Nero
ATI Control Panel
AVG AntiVirus
eFax Messenger
Exact Audio Copy
Intervideo WinDVD
J2SE 5.0
.NET 1.1
Firefox 1.5
Thunderbird 1.5
MX-700 Editor
MX-800 Editor
MX-850 Editor
MXEditor for Parasound
Russound PC Power Tool
Ulead VideoStudio 7 SE Basic
Post 18 made on Thursday February 16, 2006 at 23:50
Super Member
April 2004
I've done quite a few 700/800/850 and never had this problem. I have gone round and round with usb adapters though. I make a habit of doing a reset BEFORE downloading the final version of your programming to the remote.
Diplomacy is the art of saying hire a pro without actually saying hire a pro
Post 19 made on Friday February 17, 2006 at 11:24
Jeff Wagner
Founding Member
January 2002
The concensus here is that there is some sort of conflict with the Russound software. I like to look for the unique thing that can be causing a problem and the Russound seems like a winner for that.

For everyone else reading this thread: Do you experience the problem being described?
Do you use the Russound software? If yes, are you having any issues with the MX700/800/850?

The only way to know this for certain would be to uninstall the Russound software and see if the problem persists. That is understandably a lot to ask, but since we aren't seeing the same problem here it makes the most sense. You can always reinstall the software afterwords and it may answer a few questions for you.

OP | Post 20 made on Friday February 17, 2006 at 13:15
Senior Member
May 2004

The only way to know this for certain would be
to uninstall the Russound software and see if
the problem persists. That is understandably
a lot to ask, but since we aren't seeing the same
problem here it makes the most sense. You can
always reinstall the software afterwords and it
may answer a few questions for you.

Thanks for the info and your pursuing this matter, Jeff. I'm not convinced that the Russoud app is to blame, since it's never running at the same time as the URC stuff, nor does it install any whack serial or other device drivers or other such system-level files; however, I'm willing to entertain the theory!

Tell you what, I actually have a brand, spanking new laptop that I've been meaning to transition to - I'll throw WinXP SP2 on the system, apply security updates and install *only* the URC 850 software; I'll then try downloading the MXF files in question to this remote to see if I can recreate the problem, or if it's resolved. This will take me a few days, but I'll be back in touch here with the results when I'm done!

Thanks again for working on this with me!
Post 21 made on Friday February 17, 2006 at 13:56
Long Time Member
January 2005
If you suspect a conflict, you can limit the programs that start up using msconfig, no need to uninstall anything. See instructions here.
Post 22 made on Friday February 17, 2006 at 15:04
Jeff Wagner
Founding Member
January 2002

Cool! Please let me know how it turns out.

OP | Post 23 made on Wednesday March 29, 2006 at 19:54
Senior Member
May 2004
Sorry that I've not got around to this yet ... but as I just ran into the problem on *another* install (this on a brand new MX-850 with a "created from scratch" MXF file) last week, I'll be doing this testing right away ... will post w/the outcome!
OP | Post 24 made on Wednesday April 5, 2006 at 01:41
Senior Member
May 2004
Bumping this thread back up - I finally had the opportunity to run some tests ... and I have to ask, did the March 31st, 2006 MX Editor update address this problem?

The reason I ask is because I just spent ~1 hr running through various trials (all on my original laptop, hadn't gotten to the new laptop trials yet), and I *cannot* reproduce the problem. Well, let me elaborate ...

I started my trials this evening with a brand new, never programmed MX-850 w/fresh batteries. Fired up the MX-850 editor v1.12.255 (this is important), opened a client's MXF file that I knew had previously resulted in the LimitedProgramLoadToRC error, and started a full download to the remote; download reached 100% w/o issue.

I did this a total of three times w/o issue ... on the fourth try, the Invalid Answer - LimitedProgramLoadToRC [LPLTR-2] occurred upon reaching 100% download; the remote locked up (not even backlight worked, nor did the main+stop reset).

I reset the remote by pulling the batteries for a few second, whereupon the remote started working again. Then performed a RESET ALL to return remote to default state.

I was about to attempt the same series of trials on the new (clean) laptop, when on a lark I ran the "live update" on this one ... doh! a new version (v1.12.263) downloaded! Ach, back to the drawing board, all my trials were just made invalid =(

So, I reset the MX-850 remote once again and downloaded a "blank" (New Config > Empty - No devices) profile to it. I then repeated the above trials, as so:

- Start MX-850 editor (v1.12.263)
- open MXF file that previously resulted in error
- Full Download to remote, worked w/o issue
- Make minor change (add time delay, save macro)
- Full Download to remote, worked w/o issue
- Make minor change (delete time delay, save macro)
- Full Download to remote, worked w/o issue
- Make minor change (add time delay, save macro)
- Full Download to remote, worked w/o issue
- Make minor change (delete time delay, save macro)
- Full Download to remote, worked w/o issue
- Make minor change (delete time delay, save macro)
- Full Download to remote, worked w/o issue

Suddenly, I can't recreate the error ... whereas in the past it had occurred every 3-4 downloads?!?

So, I'm wondering - has URC done something in this latest iteration of the software to finally resolve this problem? If so, folks, I laud you! But I would be curious to find out from someone @ URC directly!
OP | Post 25 made on Thursday April 6, 2006 at 12:38
Senior Member
May 2004
Jeff, are you online? Interested in your thoughts/info on this?
Post 26 made on Thursday April 6, 2006 at 13:07
Jeff Wagner
Founding Member
January 2002
Er, uhm, yes...we fixed it! Yea for us!

Actually, I just checked with the engineer and he's unaware of anything that may have changed. Perhaps the cosmic inbalance has shifted back?

The good news is that the problem is gone. To me this suggests that it was something else in your system that changed, but I can't verify this.

Post 27 made on Saturday September 9, 2006 at 10:56
Lurking Member
September 2006
I am having the same problem getting the "invalid answer" error at various download complete percentages. I purchased the MX800 in May of 2005 and initially performed numerous downloads while fine tuning all the devices' macros without errors. I recently made a minor modification to the file and am now getting the "invalid answer" errors. I can sometimes click OK and the download continues and then fails at 100%. I then remove the AAA cells for a reset and the changes seem to have taken effect.
I am not able to perform the live update function successfullyeither, as it begins to download from the site and then gets a "download failed" error. Any Ideas?
Post 28 made on Saturday September 9, 2006 at 13:06
Advanced Member
November 2005
Welcome to the club. I posted this on URC's installer site. Haven't heard from any higher ups yet, but this was my original post:

At least once a day I receive one of the following errors or problems

When uploading it will stop at:
11% 19% 31% 52%

Occasionally, at 5% or 11%, I'll get:
Upload Error: Invalid Answer - LimitedProgramLoadToPC [DLTR-2]

When downloading, I'll get these:
At 25%,
Error: Unknown protocol. [DLTR-4]
then this appears:
Remote Control not found.

Sometimes this will just pop up randomly when attempting a download:
Error code: 110-17UU-0001
Either the com port setting is incorrect, or the cable is defective.

I've uninstalled/reinstalled the software multiple times. Same problems. Happens in the MX800, MX850, and B&K SR10.1 editors. It's mostly the uploading that gives me the most headaches. I will have to try and upload the remote about 10 or 12 times before it uploads 100%. It will get to 11% or 31%, etc, as stated above, and just stops. I have to cancel out, and try again. Sometimes that won't work and I have to close and reopen the editor. Sometimes even that won't work and I have to reboot the computer before it uploads 100%.

I don't use any USB-serial adapter. I use the com port on my laptop.
OP | Post 29 made on Sunday September 10, 2006 at 15:36
Senior Member
May 2004
Well, the problem's back - I'm using the 1.12.267 build now, and the problem occurred on two different MX850s over the past week ... one was an existing one I was updating, that's been in use for >1 year, the other was a *brand new* one. Note that the error occurred on the brand new one on the _very first_ download, too!! More to the point, this brand new one had an MXF config built from _scratch_ (that is, not based on any exported config data from previous MXD/MXF files I may have used).

Ach, this is an annoying issue - I'm not ready to abandon the 850 yet (it's form-factor and more LCD buttons is better for some of our clients), so I really wish URC could identify & resolve the root cause here.
OP | Post 30 made on Monday October 2, 2006 at 01:23
Senior Member
May 2004
Ok, I'm done and now ready to abandon the 850 ... I've programmed four seperate MX850 remotes over the past week (two existing, one 2 weeks old, one brand new) - each one of them exhibited this issue, 4 out of 5 times during download. It's not worth the aggravation/frustration, so I'm done.

The most annoying thing was when I programmed a brand new MX850 out-of-the-box for the *first* time (with a new, built from scratch MXF file!), and the problem occurred.
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