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Personal Information
User Name:Jeff Wagner
Location:San Diego, California
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About Me:My most recent position was as Technical Training Manager for Universal Remote Control. Previously I have served a similar role for the Magnolia division of Best Buy as well as being the Custom Install Manager.
I've been in the business for about 18 years now, working in sales, install and management for retail operations -from mom and pop to massive corporations and just about every in between -small custom companies and others. I've worked in California, Chicagoland, Detroit, Minneapolis and now New York.
My system is a mishmash of products from Primare, Sonus Faber, REL, Samsung, Panamax, NHT and, of course, Universal Remote Control.
User Statistics
Status:Founding Member
Registered:January 3, 2002
- Has been a member for 22 years, 6 months, 23 days.
Forum Posts:368
- An average of 0.3 posts per week.
Last Post:July 2, 2010 10:55
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