it's not that hard to install the IR+PWR solution for $50. I just did this one, it took a couple of reinstallations of the narrow copper strip, and now it works fine. true, it doesn't have the 51 flavors, but it turns the PS3 on and off, and works X, O, square and triangle, as well as R1, R2, L1, and L2. perfectly fine for the discerning client and doesn't look bad if you're good with electrical tape. for me, nyko and the supposedly upcoming BT/IR solution are worthless. I have my client running his PS3 with his TSU9600 flawlessly, for a very small investment. note, you need to pair the PS3 with a PSP to activate the USB inputs when the PS3 is off. if you don't, you can't turn it on with this solution.
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
i also sent an email to [email protected] weeks ago and got no reply. if you need to get your client's PS3 online with a decent remote yesterday, the only real option is the IR+PWR kit from, as far as i can tell. i am in no way affiliated with schmartz, other than the fact that i just ordered it, it came, and it worked.
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
I wouldn't get too excited. With the latest firmware upgrade from Sony for the PS3 (version 2.2), the USB ports are no longer powered when in standby mode (even if you pair it with a PSP). This, in effect, disables the schmartz solution from being able to power on the PS3 via IR. I have the same unit, and it's useless now for power on. See the AVS forum thread for more details.
I also just purchased the IR2BT solution and should receive it any day now.
On April 4, 2008 at 06:51, theKevin said...
i also sent an email to [email protected] weeks ago and got no reply. if you need to get your client's PS3 online with a decent remote yesterday, the only real option is the IR+PWR kit from, as far as i can tell. i am in no way affiliated with schmartz, other than the fact that i just ordered it, it came, and it worked.
I wouldn't get too excited. With the latest firmware upgrade from Sony for the PS3 (version 2.2), the USB ports are no longer powered when in standby mode (even if you pair it with a PSP). This, in effect, disables the schmartz solution from being able to power on the PS3 via IR. I have the same unit, and it's useless now for power on. See the AVS forum thread for more details.
Whoa... that blows goats.
Wonder if Sony is actively trying to disable control solutions comsumers are developing?
....Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
I doubt Sony has actually noticed these consumer efforts. The fact that USB had standby power after PSP remote play was enabled was probably considered a bug (I mean there's no logical reason for it to do that) and it was fixed without any consideration or knowledge of the Schmartz product.
However I *do* feel that Sony is trying to keep the PS3 just slightly inconvenient for home theater use, to better promote their standalone (and higher margin) BD players.
What I'd be happy with is a standalone BD player based on the PS3 hardware (which is just *so* nice and responsive), but in standard component size, with full IR remote capabilities, discrete codes, RS232 and so forth. It should be a full networked BD, Music and Media player, but can skip the entire game side.
bummer, thanks for the info. is it easy to find the last firmware version online and update the PS3 back to its earlier state? i don't think BD live is something my client could give two ***** about.
On April 4, 2008 at 07:53, dinom said...
I wouldn't get too excited. With the latest firmware upgrade from Sony for the PS3 (version 2.2), the USB ports are no longer powered when in standby mode (even if you pair it with a PSP). This, in effect, disables the schmartz solution from being able to power on the PS3 via IR. I have the same unit, and it's useless now for power on. See the AVS forum thread for more details.
I also just purchased the IR2BT solution and should receive it any day now.
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
Recall that I'm targetting DIY market, buyers of IR4PS3 will have to get a Sony BD Remote for Playstation 3 to achieve a complete IR4PS3. If you already own one that's perfect.
Logitech database is also ready for my device.
Manufacturer: IR4PS3 (just under IR2BT :) ) Device: IR4PS3
Wow, I just bought my PS3 yesterday and was curious as to whether any kind of support for universal remotes was in the works. This is exactly what I was hoping to find. Gonna see if I can get added to the mailing list to find out when they become available
Are there any functional differences (advantages/disadvantages) of the ir4ps3 vs. the ir2bt? Other than availability, is there any reason why I’d purchase one over the other?
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