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Do the MX-6000 and MX-3000 use the exact same program editor?
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Post 1 made on Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 11:26
Long Time Member
October 2009
Hi all,

I'm thinking and very close to buying a MX-6000. I went over to the RC files area ([Link:]) here to see what are the complete system files I could use when I start programming my own MX6000. I did a search for all files under 'MX-6000' and found that there is a grand total of... ONE such file in the URC section (?!)

Now I saw some nice system files done by fellow members here for the MX-3000 and was wondering if I could use the system files for the MX-3000 for my MX-6000.

Do the MX-6000 and MX-3000 use the exact same program editor? ie, are files from each program inter-usable with one another?

Sorry if this is a noob question. :p

Thanks in advance.
Post 2 made on Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 11:41
Active Member
January 2003
Negative. The 3000 uses a stand-alone editor, and the 6000 is incorporated into the CCP. The functions of them are pretty different and so is the size of the screen. You can import codes and stuff from 3000 files using the Universal Browser, but you can't directly open and convert a 3000 program to a 6000 program.
Audio Artisans
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 11:47
Long Time Member
October 2009
Thanks for the quick reply, KC.

Hmm.. this kidda sux then. Are there any other site(s) other than RC where I can lay my hands on some MX-6000 system files?
Post 4 made on Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 12:28
Super Member
July 2006
Unfortunately you need to be a dealer to acquire CCP (Complete Control Program) which is a suite that is developed for a growing list of URC Professional series remotes. The MX-3000 just happens to not be included at this point, so it is still only possible to program it with the MX-3000 standalone editor.

While the standalone editors are available limited (either by entering serial numbers, etc) CCP is not going to be distributed. Although there are major differences with CCP vs. standalone much of it is cosmetics. It's just easier for dealers to use one program - especially when creating a system that is revolving around a processor with a series of remotes.

Post 5 made on Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 13:49
Select Member
December 2008
An authorized URC dealer, at his/her discretion, can provide you with the MX6000 hardware and the programming according to URC's policy.
OP | Post 6 made on Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 14:08
Long Time Member
October 2009
Hmm.. therein may lie the reason why the MX-6000 is not selling as much as the Prontos.

There are many, many potential customers who would like to do their own programming, and using complete system files that's available online (courtesy of MX-6000 users) and tweak them for their own needs.

Many potential customers may be turned away from the MX-6000 and go for other makes instead when they found how little system files are available. To those who may not give it much thought, the first impression they'll get is that the MX-6000 is not 'popular' amongst users, and thus can't be good.

URC might not have thought about this aspect when they did what they did (not provide the programming software out of the box like the Prontos), and thus probably lost a significant amount of sales there. Oh well.. *shrugs shoulders*
OP | Post 7 made on Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 17:29
Long Time Member
October 2009
On December 30, 2009 at 11:41, KCThirstyEar said...
Negative. The 3000 uses a stand-alone editor, and the 6000 is incorporated into the CCP. The functions of them are pretty different and so is the size of the screen. You can import codes and stuff from 3000 files using the Universal Browser, but you can't directly open and convert a 3000 program to a 6000 program.

Hmm.. I'm still a little lost here. In the main page for this section, it says,

"Welcome to the Complete Control forum! This is for Universal Remote Control Inc.'s advanced series of controls targeted to the custom installation industy. Models include the MX-350, MX-450, MX-650, MX-810, MX-850, MX-880, MX-900, MX-950, MX-980, TX-1000, plus the MX-3000 and MX-6000 color touchscreens."

Doesn't this mean that both the MX-3000 and MX-6000 uses the Complete Control Program?
Post 8 made on Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 17:40
Long Time Member
July 2005
On December 30, 2009 at 17:29, JediKnight77 said...
Doesn't this mean that both the MX-3000 and MX-6000 uses the Complete Control Program?

Complete Control is what URC calls their entire professional model line.

The Complete Control Program is a piece of software used for programming certain remotes. It currently supports the following remotes: MSC-400, MX-6000, MX-5000, MX-980, MX-900, KP-900, MX-880, MX-880Z.
Post 9 made on Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 17:41
Select Member
December 2008
On December 30, 2009 at 17:29, JediKnight77 said...
Doesn't this mean that both the MX-3000 and MX-6000 uses the Complete Control Program?

Nope, the MX3000 has been around for some time now and uses a different Windows protocol, as I understand it, so it cannot be incorporated into the same program.
Post 10 made on Friday January 1, 2010 at 09:40
Long Time Member
December 2009
Hey Jediknight,

I've just researched and now ordered an MX-6000. It took a few calls to find someone willing to give up the CCP, but it can be done thru a dealer. You have to buy a more expensive remote due to that, not quite retail, but no 800 dollar Ebays if you want the program. I bought initial programming as well, which helped the dealer in his decision to give me the software.

I'm DIY, but will have a programmed platform to start from, which may end up being a help. The lack of files from other users didn't bug me, it looks like the database that is on CCP looks pretty comprehensive.

Good luck!

I'm looking forward to getting my hands on this thing. I'm on a job for the next few weeks, so wont be home to mess with it for awhile.

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