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Post 10 made on Friday January 1, 2010 at 09:40
Long Time Member
December 2009
Hey Jediknight,

I've just researched and now ordered an MX-6000. It took a few calls to find someone willing to give up the CCP, but it can be done thru a dealer. You have to buy a more expensive remote due to that, not quite retail, but no 800 dollar Ebays if you want the program. I bought initial programming as well, which helped the dealer in his decision to give me the software.

I'm DIY, but will have a programmed platform to start from, which may end up being a help. The lack of files from other users didn't bug me, it looks like the database that is on CCP looks pretty comprehensive.

Good luck!

I'm looking forward to getting my hands on this thing. I'm on a job for the next few weeks, so wont be home to mess with it for awhile.

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