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Post 7 made on Wednesday December 30, 2009 at 17:29
Long Time Member
October 2009
On December 30, 2009 at 11:41, KCThirstyEar said...
Negative. The 3000 uses a stand-alone editor, and the 6000 is incorporated into the CCP. The functions of them are pretty different and so is the size of the screen. You can import codes and stuff from 3000 files using the Universal Browser, but you can't directly open and convert a 3000 program to a 6000 program.

Hmm.. I'm still a little lost here. In the main page for this section, it says,

"Welcome to the Complete Control forum! This is for Universal Remote Control Inc.'s advanced series of controls targeted to the custom installation industy. Models include the MX-350, MX-450, MX-650, MX-810, MX-850, MX-880, MX-900, MX-950, MX-980, TX-1000, plus the MX-3000 and MX-6000 color touchscreens."

Doesn't this mean that both the MX-3000 and MX-6000 uses the Complete Control Program?

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