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Complete system CCF file. As the Saba & Thomson VCRs use the same code set, the Thomson is configured to the optional "B" codeset. Both involve a toggle-bit workaround.
The layout is for complete ease of us for my wife and family. I have borrowed the icons and buttons used in my CCF from other layouts deposited on this site... my thanks go to the people who provided them and a special thanks the Andrea, I used alot of her ideas! And, if you're an Oregon State Football Fan, look at my Home Directory!
I've been working on this CCF for a couple of months now. Though I used a few other people's ideas, the button design/animation and general layout is all my own work. I have paid meticulous attention to button placement to ensure a consistent feel is maintained. I'm particularly pleased with my SkyDigital TV guide and the Sony CDP Jukebox.
Complete System ccf with generous use of other ccfs and bitmaps provided here at Remote Central. Each panel after the first in a device has a back button to jump to the first panel in a device. Also includes each component in separate files.