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 Files > Pronto > Systems > Black & White > K
There are 718 Black & White System CCFs.
27 authors begin with the letter K.
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For: Philips TS-1000
By: Costas Katsavounidis
Costas Katsavounidis' CCF
Includes a calendar and discreet on/off codes for most devices. Used a few buttons & such from other files - thanks to the uploaders!
Updated: March 31, 2000  Size: 43kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Alex Kurz
Alex Kurz's Pronto Setup
Complete system CCF file. As the Saba & Thomson VCRs use the same code set, the Thomson is configured to the optional "B" codeset. Both involve a toggle-bit workaround.
Updated: February 06, 2000  Size: 28kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Jim Knotz
Jim Knotz's Home Theater
The layout is for complete ease of us for my wife and family. I have borrowed the icons and buttons used in my CCF from other layouts deposited on this site... my thanks go to the people who provided them and a special thanks the Andrea, I used alot of her ideas! And, if you're an Oregon State Football Fan, look at my Home Directory!
Updated: January 20, 2000  Size: 118kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Kabster
Kabster's CCF File
This is a mix of files out there and then some!
Updated: November 14, 1999  Size: 107kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Norman King
Norman King's Pronto
I've been working on this CCF for a couple of months now. Though I used a few other people's ideas, the button design/animation and general layout is all my own work. I have paid meticulous attention to button placement to ensure a consistent feel is maintained. I'm particularly pleased with my SkyDigital TV guide and the Sony CDP Jukebox.
Updated: September 01, 1999  Size: 40kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Tim Kriebel
Tim Kriebel's Configuration
Complete System ccf with generous use of other ccfs and bitmaps provided here at Remote Central. Each panel after the first in a device has a back button to jump to the first panel in a device. Also includes each component in separate files.
Updated: June 12, 1999  Size: 185kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Bryan Kujala
Bryan Kujala's Pronto CCF
Complete system which includes the following devices:
Updated: June 03, 1999  Size: 51kb
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