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 Files > Pronto > Systems > All > B
There are 861 System CCFs.
95 authors begin with the letter B.
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For: Philips TSU2000
By: Jason Beardsall
Jason Beardsall's Pronto
Based on Dexco's CCF, with codes learned or added where needed and buttons added or removed. Also added a complete system on button and buttons to switch all componants between watching Sky Digital or a DVD.
Updated: January 17, 2002  Size: 56kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Jason Bergman
Jason Bergman's System CCF
This is my full system CCF file, which contains mostly new or tweaked icons and buttons. In addition to the usual DVD, VCR and Tuner screens, my CCF also contains 11 video game systems. It has been simplified so that it only contains the buttons my girlfriend and I use on a regular basis - everything else has been removed completely. Includes gallery.
Updated: April 11, 2001  Size: 51kb

For: Marantz RC5000
By: Jason Bihun
Jason Bihun's System File
A simple CCF file complete with channel icons.
Updated: August 13, 2002  Size: 52kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Jeff Bernardis
Jeff Bernardis' RM-AV2100 Layout
My new CCF that mimics Sony RM-AV line.
Updated: August 03, 2003  Size: 22kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Jeff Boen
Jeff Boen's System CCF
Hidden code sheets for all devices, standard layout for all devices. Menu system to bring up any panel for any device. Large buttons on standard grid to ease use. Extensive DirecTV channel pages.
Updated: August 10, 2002  Size: 49kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: John Bradbury
John Bradbury's First CCF
My first ccf, took approx 2 weeks to complete and most of the ideas/images are taken from this site (BIG thanks to you all). Contains genuine discretes for TV, VCR & Receiver, plus a fake one for the Toshiba DVD. Phone directory & Tetris instructions included. I believe my set-up was fairly easy to program due to the way my system is hooked up. I need a new CD player to get it spot-on, though.
Updated: July 02, 2001  Size: 65kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Jon Berry
Jon Berry's CCF File
A user friendly CCF that is fully self-navigating, with all macros assembled on buttons. All the IR codes are aliased to separate panels for easy modification. A few new icons, but mostly borrowed from countless other CCFs. Many thanks to everyone who contributed. Gallery file included.
Updated: March 31, 2000  Size: 139kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Jose Blanco
Jose Blanco's Philips Setup
I am getting quite busy... don't have enough free time to design CCFs. Here's a design that isn't 100% done, but I thought since I wouldn't complete them soon, I'd give you what I have. This CCF is desinged like the Philips website. This is in honor of those that made this product. Some new button designs, MUST SEE ON THE REMOTE. The 2D pics don't show what it looks like on the remote. See the attached notepad to find out what needs to be completed.
Updated: February 22, 2002  Size: 168kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Jose Blanco
Jose Blanco's Pronto
I have designed new types of cursors and a "pipe-works" type tab holder. My home pages are divided into two sections: Video and Audio devices. Each audio device asks whether or not the user wants to turn off video equipment. I have desinged a simple "back" button that allows the user to adjust the receiver, then return to where they left off.
Updated: February 08, 2000  Size: 33kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Jose Blanco
Jose Blanco's Pronto #2
This CCF is the most complex I've done to date. Includes two monitors. The CCF asks the user for the status of the receiver (which has no discretes) and which monitor they would like to use. A lot of jumps, and thanks to Daniel for his CCF style.
Updated: June 08, 2000  Size: 37kb
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