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 Files > Pronto > Systems > All > B
There are 861 System CCFs.
95 authors begin with the letter B.
Displaying files 21 through 30 on page 3 of 10.
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For: Philips TS-1000
By: Craig Barnes
Craig Barnes' UK System
Complete CCF based on Daniel Tonks' current file. All UK models.
Updated: December 16, 2000  Size: 43kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Dan Bishop
Dan Bishop's Remote
Compilation of many graphics available on this site. Streamlined layout works very well for the one fingered couch potato. Many logo channel menus and Comcast ONDemand controls.
Updated: October 03, 2004  Size: 213kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Daniel Burkhard
Daniel Burkhard's TAG CCF
A complete system CCF covering the following devices:
Updated: April 15, 2001  Size: 70kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: David Byrne
David Byrne's First CCF
This is my first CCF, all graphics are stolen, thanks to the original creators. The layout is designed for ease of use rather than flash graphics. I have included a help system for people who haven't a clue what to do by hitting the modified home button.
Updated: June 04, 2002  Size: 48kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Dean Barrett
Dean Barrett's CCF
A complete system CCF file for the Pronto RU940 with the following components. Includes a better layout for the DVD-RAM.
Updated: January 23, 2003  Size: 50kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Dennis Boyce
Dennis Boyce's CCF File
A complete system CCF file for a diverse home theater.
Updated: September 19, 2000  Size: 54kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Dieter Bermann
Dieter Bermann's Original CCF
Keep it simple! So did I while creating my own buttons. No 3D, but a better readability with 2D-buttons.
Updated: October 23, 2002  Size: 17kb

For: Marantz RC5000i
By: Duan Bouwer
Duan Bouwer's RC5000i System
This is a complete CCF file. Only basic operation is included, although the DSTV is a bit more extensive. This file should help South African users.
Updated: September 08, 2002  Size: 43kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Eric ten Barge
Eric ten Barge's CCF
A complete system CCF from the Netherlands for the following devices.
Updated: May 31, 2004  Size: 73kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Fabio Bianchini
Fabio Bianchini's System
A complete CCF file from Italy with the following components.
Updated: October 20, 2002  Size: 61kb
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