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This guy stand a chance of being president? part 2
This thread has 69 replies. Displaying posts 46 through 60.
Post 46 made on Friday September 14, 2012 at 23:44
Trunk-Slammer -Supreme
Loyal Member
November 2003
Some things that really need to be done?

Cease giving money (that's borrowed to countries that have a total hatred for America. The old adage "you cannot buy friends" comes to mind.

Bring some reality to government jobs pay rates, benefits, and retirement amounts. Do these people even realize that the rest of us are furnishing the funds?

Eliminate PAC's in their entirety.

Term limits for ALL politicians.

Welfare reform (drug testing, work requirement, etc, etc.).

Clean up the illegal immigrant issue (illegal being the key word).

And how about we stop calling Social Security an "entitlement program". It's not. We the taxpayers fund it. We just want OUR money returned instead of being "borrowed" to help make the statistics look good.
Post 47 made on Saturday September 15, 2012 at 12:49
Active Member
October 2002
LOL! There are differences between the 2 parties. One cannot add 2+2 and the other cannot add 1+1 (I'll leave it up to you to figure out which is which).
OP | Post 48 made on Tuesday September 18, 2012 at 12:13
Mr Griffiths
It's my lucky day!
February 2005
Romney's leaked speeches could push voters either way.. the fact he is calling nearly 50% of all Americans tax dodging scroungers when he wont post his own tax affairs is a little interesting..

In the leaked speech the phrase "the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish". The scary word is "almost" he definitely wants to get Iran and also Palestinians his comment "The Palestinians have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace," shows you are in for a hell of a war like no other if he gets in.. A large percentage of the 50% tax dodgers will be drafted and sent to fight his war.

I do hope it's hot air and just pampering to the audience and he wishes war and hates half of all Americans.
Post 49 made on Tuesday September 18, 2012 at 12:45
Mr. Stanley
Elite Member
January 2006
On September 18, 2012 at 12:13, Mr Griffiths said...
Romney's leaked speeches could push voters either way.. the fact he is calling nearly 50% of all Americans tax dodging scroungers when he wont post his own tax affairs is a little interesting..

In the leaked speech the phrase "the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish". The scary word is "almost" he definitely wants to get Iran and also Palestinians his comment "The Palestinians have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace," shows you are in for a hell of a war like no other if he gets in.. A large percentage of the 50% tax dodgers will be drafted and sent to fight his war.

I do hope it's hot air and just pampering to the audience and he wishes war and hates half of all Americans.

He is a war monger. Show us your taxes.
"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger."
Frank Lloyd Wright
Post 50 made on Tuesday September 18, 2012 at 20:17
Trunk-Slammer -Supreme
Loyal Member
November 2003
On September 18, 2012 at 12:13, Mr Griffiths said...
Romney's leaked speeches could push voters either way.. the fact he is calling nearly 50% of all Americans tax dodging scroungers when he wont post his own tax affairs is a little interesting..

The number was 47%, and although I don't think much of the "statistics" (those nicely made up numbers) that government throws around, I tend to agree with the basis of that part of his statement. But not for the same reason as he. The fact that an enormous amount of bottom feeders are living the life at the expense of all the rest of us, IS a major part of the problem these days, and the "community organizer" does want that to not only continue, but continue to grow.

It is true that those who live on the dole, will vote for the guy that's giving them their "free ride".

In the leaked speech the phrase "the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish". The scary word is "almost" he definitely wants to get Iran and also Palestinians his comment "The Palestinians have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace," shows you are in for a hell of a war like no other if he gets in.. A large percentage of the 50% tax dodgers will be drafted and sent to fight his war.

History shows that the Islamic nations have absolutely NO desire to live in peace. For them, it's "our way or you die" and nothing more. Has been for a few hundred years (or is it thousands of years?). Anyone think that's subject to change?

I do hope it's hot air and just pampering to the audience and he wishes war and hates half of all Americans.

Politicians pander to the audience. You expect something else?
OP | Post 51 made on Tuesday September 18, 2012 at 23:50
Mr Griffiths
It's my lucky day!
February 2005
well i have been to and stayed in Turkey for over two months in total ... an Islamic country, it is not their way or die.

Turkey was a real eye opener ..

After seeing on TV and hearing such negative things about Muslims and how they run their countries.. Turkey is a tolerant, friendly country with people of great charm, humour and plenty of Christian churches if you look and plenty of people having a drink, playing music and having fun.

I spoke to many Turks both in tourist areas and out in the mountains and all want peace , I spoke to guys who have served in the Turkish army (as all young turks have to) all wanted people to just get along one guy a ex soldier who fought against PPK terrorists (kurdish freedom fighters from the other perspective). Sercan actually made a negative remark about a woman wearing a burka who walked past (she was the only one i saw in a burka in all my time there i see more in my home town in England) and he called her a "ninja fanatic " he was telling me how he has always been a Muslim , goes to Friday prayers and how they have great social picnics with the family etc , but in the last few years more are coming over to Turkey who do wear burkas instead of the Hijab he was used to for his mum and aunties etc.. and also more guys practising his faith in what he called a fanatical type way , he a Muslim of peace was not happy at those changes . Me and Sercan spent a few nights getting drunk on Efes (turkish lager), playing cards , back gammon etc we chatted about life , women , death , religion, politics , av gear etc The only difference between me and him was place of birth and religion .. we still got along and i consider him a friend.. Turkey has taken in tons of refugees from Syria recently..
so to tar all Islamic countries and all their people with the same brush is in my opinion a little unfair and a sweeping generalisation .

Don't believe that all Islamic countries want us to die.. they don't!

Irans leaders are nutters though !
Post 52 made on Monday September 24, 2012 at 17:42
Active Member
October 2002
On September 18, 2012 at 23:50, Mr Griffiths said...
well i have been to and stayed in Turkey for over two months in total ... an Islamic country, it is not their way or die.

Turkey was a real eye opener ..

After seeing on TV and hearing such negative things about Muslims and how they run their countries.. Turkey is a tolerant, friendly country with people of great charm, humour and plenty of Christian churches if you look and plenty of people having a drink, playing music and having fun.

I spoke to many Turks both in tourist areas and out in the mountains and all want peace , I spoke to guys who have served in the Turkish army (as all young turks have to) all wanted people to just get along one guy a ex soldier who fought against PPK terrorists (kurdish freedom fighters from the other perspective). Sercan actually made a negative remark about a woman wearing a burka who walked past (she was the only one i saw in a burka in all my time there i see more in my home town in England) and he called her a "ninja fanatic " he was telling me how he has always been a Muslim , goes to Friday prayers and how they have great social picnics with the family etc , but in the last few years more are coming over to Turkey who do wear burkas instead of the Hijab he was used to for his mum and aunties etc.. and also more guys practising his faith in what he called a fanatical type way , he a Muslim of peace was not happy at those changes . Me and Sercan spent a few nights getting drunk on Efes (turkish lager), playing cards , back gammon etc we chatted about life , women , death , religion, politics , av gear etc The only difference between me and him was place of birth and religion .. we still got along and i consider him a friend.. Turkey has taken in tons of refugees from Syria recently..
so to tar all Islamic countries and all their people with the same brush is in my opinion a little unfair and a sweeping generalisation .

Don't believe that all Islamic countries want us to die.. they don't!

Irans leaders are nutters though !

The reality of your experience just doesn't fit with the black and white world espoused by Fox News et al. It is so much easier to just label an entire group than to realize the world is complicated and there are more answers than just yes or no.
Post 53 made on Tuesday September 25, 2012 at 19:37
Mr. Stanley
Elite Member
January 2006
On September 24, 2012 at 17:42, BizarroTerl said...
The reality of your experience just doesn't fit with the black and white world espoused by Fox News et al. It is so much easier to just label an entire group than to realize the world is complicated and there are more answers than just yes or no.

"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger."
Frank Lloyd Wright
OP | Post 54 made on Sunday October 21, 2012 at 21:36
Mr Griffiths
It's my lucky day!
February 2005
I think my prediction of Romney will happen...Just a feeling i get.

I do pray that for the sake of the world he is a good president.. not just for the USA but the rest of the world.
Post 55 made on Tuesday October 23, 2012 at 10:43
RC Moderator
August 2001
On October 21, 2012 at 21:36, Mr Griffiths said...
I think my prediction of Romney will happen...Just a feeling i get.

I do pray that for the sake of the world he is a good president.. not just for the USA but the rest of the world.

Hmm. Define 'good'.
OP | Post 56 made on Wednesday October 24, 2012 at 06:42
Mr Griffiths
It's my lucky day!
February 2005
Tries all he can to promote tolerance and understanding and does not use war to be popular or gain votes but as a truly last resort.

less secret and undercover and underhand meddling of other countries affairs.

And a president who cares about his people, all his people from the very rich to the very poor.

One who will take other unpopular decisions for the genuine benefit of his people in the future.

One that has an open mind to facts and information even if they go against previous religious beliefs.

That is my definition of "Good"

I don't want to see a national program of children taught intelligent design then when of age sent to a israel iran war zone then as veterans come home and be money grabbing,little people stomping uber-capitalists and politicians with surface to air missiles in their back garden that they bought from walmart. that would be my definition of "bad" :D

Post 57 made on Wednesday October 24, 2012 at 11:17
RC Moderator
August 2001
Basically then, unlike the Fox news Black 'n' White, you follow the all white narrative of the BBC.

Try broadening your horizons...

Post 58 made on Saturday October 27, 2012 at 12:11
Active Member
October 2002
On October 24, 2012 at 11:17, djy said...
Basically then, unlike the Fox news Black 'n' White, you follow the all white narrative of the BBC.

Try broadening your horizons...

And these are different than MSNBC/Fox News how?
Post 59 made on Saturday October 27, 2012 at 14:14
RC Moderator
August 2001
On October 27, 2012 at 12:11, BizarroTerl said...
And these are different than MSNBC/Fox News how?

Having never seen MSNBC/Fox News, I couldn't possibly comment.
OP | Post 60 made on Wednesday November 7, 2012 at 05:41
Mr Griffiths
It's my lucky day!
February 2005
I think Iran went "phewww!" at the results

well i got this one wrong but still predicted the two final candidates .

personally after listening to all i could through our biased media i am glad Obama got in again but thats just my opinion , i don't have to live there.. I just hope its not like here in the UK , that just because side A. says something side B. says thats wrong and fights it at every opportunity for the sole reason side A. said it.

I looked at the senate and house of representatives and the numbers seem to mean that if both sides are just plain stubborn it could be easy to stall and mess up things, like they do here.

It would be nice to think we and the USA has people who care more about the people they serve and would roll up sleeves and work together harder than ever to help all the people rather than bickering to win petty arguments.

Paul Ryan is my guess for the next president
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