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This guy stand a chance of being president? part 2
This thread has 69 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 30.
Post 16 made on Friday March 16, 2012 at 21:24
Trunk-Slammer -Supreme
Loyal Member
November 2003
Given the Republicans are doing such a great job of painting each other as the scumbags they are, Obamanation will probably continue on.

And then we'll go like Greece, with one small exception. There is no Eurozone that can bail us out.....

I wonder if anyone in politics will admit that the only way to tame the ever climbing national debt MUST start with lowering the cost of government.

I've heard enough of the lies claiming it's all about Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security being the cause of all our debt problems.
Post 17 made on Friday March 16, 2012 at 23:25
RC Moderator
August 2001
I must confess that what I know of American politics (though I thoroughly enjoyed "Ides of March") can easily be written on a cigarette paper; the thickness of which, coincidentally, is seemingly the distance between the policies of our major political parties. But unlike America even that is illusory, as our real masters reside in Brussels: the Eurocrats that nobody in Europe is allowed to vote for.

As for Greece; I wonder if David Černư has had any thoughts about changing his depiction?

Post 18 made on Saturday March 17, 2012 at 09:20
Ultimate Member
May 2001
This is the biggest problem with politics. Both sides are truly only trying to do what they can to keep themselves in office. If they cared about doing their job then they would do what's best for the country.

OP | Post 19 made on Tuesday April 10, 2012 at 23:08
Mr Griffiths
It's my lucky day!
February 2005
well if I have got it correct Mitt is through as the candidate and will now take on Obama..

From the biased press i read and hear I am not sold on Mitt
Post 20 made on Wednesday April 11, 2012 at 02:24
RC Moderator
August 2001
I don't think much of them either...

OP | Post 21 made on Wednesday April 11, 2012 at 04:08
Mr Griffiths
It's my lucky day!
February 2005
On April 11, 2012 at 02:24, djy said...
I don't think much of them either...


I do think a backlash from voters will mean Mitt will get in , From my perspective over here and fed the media i receive i personally feel happier that Obama is in the whitehouse seeing Romney walk ,talk he seems a little weird to me and i dont know if the world will be a safer place with him at the helm.
OP | Post 22 made on Sunday May 13, 2012 at 22:03
Mr Griffiths
It's my lucky day!
February 2005
ok Mitt has stood against gays being able to get married in the UK that would mean he is out of the race as almost every person i have spoken to in the UK doesn't see the problem apart form my mum and dad (yes we call them mum not mom in the UK its not a spelling mistake!)

my father is quite anti homosexuality , he feels uncomfortable in the presence of gay guys or girls and physically squirms , me i am happy with who i am , a married heterosexual guy , i have a few gay friends and do not feel like my dad does.i am happy when any two people are in love . i just don't see the issue but i respect others may have a different view point.

BUT things maybe different in the USA people how will this decision from mitt affect his chances?
Post 23 made on Monday May 14, 2012 at 14:52
RC Moderator
August 2001
Whilst not completely devoid of interest in things transatlantic; I'm presently reading this...

I'm more concerned with the dismal and shallow state of politics over here, an illustration of which can be found in an anecdote from Damien Lewis, whilst hosting an episode of "Have I Got News For You" (part 2; 1:35 minutes in).

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Post 24 made on Wednesday July 11, 2012 at 13:34
Select Member
October 2002
Never underestimate the stupidity of the American voting public. Obama is a disaster, yet millions of ignorant, uninformed voters will vote to re-elect him. Too bad you don't have to take an intelligence test to be able to vote.
I'm just a sheep in wolf's clothing...
Post 25 made on Wednesday July 11, 2012 at 13:58
Founding Member
February 2002
Yes, but some who vote for Obama are very smart. They know that by voting for him and the democrats they can continue to get food stamps and medicaid and welfare money by just sitting around and doing nothing but laugh at people who work hard for their money and have to hand half of it over to the government to pay for the losers who have no interest in getting a job because the government will give them all they need for doing nothing.

(How's that for a good example of a run on sentence?)
Post 26 made on Wednesday July 11, 2012 at 14:00
Founding Member
February 2002
I hope Mr. Griffiths is right about Romney being the next president.
OP | Post 27 made on Wednesday August 29, 2012 at 05:09
Mr Griffiths
It's my lucky day!
February 2005
I see that he has been officially been announced as the Republican presidential nominee and that he will challenge Barack Obama in November's presidential election.

The BBC both in the UK and on world news (I saw this when i was in Cyprus BBC world news is different to what we get in the UK) always shows Romney in a bad light. The implication is that it would be better for the world if Romney doesn't become president.

Al Jazeera News also doesn't seem as keen on Romney.

It Will be interesting and a little scary in November. It may go down well in the USA if Romney wins , but the rest of the world has been fed a lot of negative press surrounding Romney and his campaign .. intelligent design , religious nut , raped women can't get pregnant, tax dodging etc etc Obama has been painted in a much better light to the rest of the world..It is only natural that some will be nervous and some will panic.

I just pray for peace for all peoples, in all lands and for people to live free and in peace without being exploited by any government. unfortunately i am a dreamer that doesn't seem to happen anywhere.
Post 28 made on Wednesday August 29, 2012 at 09:19
RC Moderator
August 2001
On August 29, 2012 at 05:09, Mr Griffiths said...
The BBC both in the UK and on world news always shows Romney in a bad light.

And Obama as the new Messiah.
OP | Post 29 made on Wednesday August 29, 2012 at 10:11
Mr Griffiths
It's my lucky day!
February 2005
Indeed djy indeed
Post 30 made on Thursday August 30, 2012 at 15:36
Active Member
October 2002
On August 29, 2012 at 09:19, djy said...
And Obama as the new Messiah.

No more so than Romney is.
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