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Post Count Shame
This thread has 16470 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 30.
Post 16 made on Tuesday January 20, 2009 at 10:16
Super Member
August 2006
....Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Post 17 made on Tuesday January 20, 2009 at 18:27
Ultimate Member
May 2001
Stamp... The Intermission completely inflated my post count. So the number really has no bearing on at least my ability to give solid info. If anything, I miss having the low number.... At least I could easily get away with seeming clueless as a newb.

yeah, that is always funny. You always get that on large sites with many forums, sometimes people don't put 2 and 2 together, just because someone (for example) is an expert in one remote does not mean that he ever used or knows anything about an other one (or x10 or other sub forums).
OP | Post 18 made on Tuesday January 20, 2009 at 18:36
39 Cent Stamp
Elite Member
May 2007
Absolutely Anthony. I know a whole lot about the products i work with and very little or nothing about everything else.
Avid Stamp Collector - I really love 39 Cent Stamps
Post 19 made on Tuesday January 20, 2009 at 18:42
Ultimate Member
May 2001
Ha! Are you suggesting... It's Not the Quanity, it's the Quality! :>)

considering he said "low post count is overrated", I would guess the opposite.

on the other hand it reminded me of something that happened on a different forum. there was a thread (or posts) on BD collections (what movies they own) and one guy had a lot. Some other idiot replied “for me it is quality over quantity”, so then someone else replied something like “that other guy has every movie you have, why do you think you have better quality”.
Post 20 made on Tuesday January 20, 2009 at 18:44
Loyal Member
June 2005
39cent....always a day late and 3 cents short :-)

sorry that just came to me...+1 sucka!
OP | Post 21 made on Tuesday January 20, 2009 at 18:55
39 Cent Stamp
Elite Member
May 2007
On January 20, 2009 at 00:38, Mr. Stanley said...
I post a lot, but seriously never even think about the
"Post Count". I just like to blab away, I live alone and
well, don't have much of a life, except for spending a
couple hours in the morning and the evening HERE.

My girlfriend and i bought a house and moved to the suburbs a couple of years ago after living in Chicago our whole lives. Right around the same time i got promoted from wire monkey to head wire monkey so i got to spend more time at a desk and less time in an attic or crawlspace. And on top of that we started doing a bunch of out of town project where i would find myself sitting in a hotel room for weeks at a time. Thats when i stopped browsing and started posting here at RC.

39, I've got blasted for posting too much, on many occasions,
but I think that is ridiculous... I think a few guys
need more significant issues to bitch about.

People will complain about anything.. i get into with someone every other day with very little effort. I asked pantel why he needed someone else to help him get codes for his tv's beause im a dumb hillbilly and i was curious and the next thing you know im a hater, im making the site hostile and im slamming the guy. If anyone can point me to where i was hating or hostile or slamming the guy i would love to see it. I think im pretty self aware but you never know.

I've also noticed (not on RC so much) but on a lot of
other sites, people get very nasty and very petty.

When guys start out with the school yard bar room tough guy small penis name calling i usually just say yo momma. They get all mad and want to argue more even though all im trying to do is get them to look in the mirror and see how rediculous they are. I learned early on that the first guy to open his mouth is usually the first guy to run away scared when thier barking gets challenged.

I have an opinion, you have one, they have one and that will sometimes lead to an argument. Ok.. so we argue.. then what? Now that we find out someone voted for McCain we follow them around the forum arguing with them? Give me a break. Grow up. The grumpy little forum crybaby makes me smile.

I don't understand the dynamic(s) of that other than there
must be a lot of deep seated anger and frustration out

I have as much anger and frustration about things that make me angry and frustrated as anyone else :) But come on.. some of these guys are so uptight and grumpy.. i would love to see a blood pressure level meter next to our post count to see how many of these guys have one foot in the grave because of thier stress level. Once i suggested that a guy use CEDIA's find a member directory to look for work and some crank calls me a spammer. Whatever. My Post Reply button works as well as thiers and im guessing i have more time on my hands than they do :).

I've always enjoyed chatting away with guys here, and
the more active the better - jmo

Same here. But the political stuff has to end :). We won, the monster has left the whitehouse and its time to follow behind the new Socialist President and help him get rid of all the capitolists who want to spend trillions of tax dollars beating up the guy who made fun of the last Presidents Daddy (thats a bush iraq jab).

If you lay off the politics i will leave the Control4 guys alone.. Deal? :)
Avid Stamp Collector - I really love 39 Cent Stamps
OP | Post 22 made on Tuesday January 20, 2009 at 18:57
39 Cent Stamp
Elite Member
May 2007
On January 20, 2009 at 18:44, tweeterguy said...
short :-)

Have you been talking to my girlfriend?
Avid Stamp Collector - I really love 39 Cent Stamps
OP | Post 23 made on Tuesday January 20, 2009 at 19:01
39 Cent Stamp
Elite Member
May 2007
On January 20, 2009 at 18:42, Anthony said...
considering he said "low post count is overrated", I would
guess the opposite.

on the other hand it reminded me of something that happened
on a different forum. there was a thread (or posts) on
BD collections (what movies they own) and one guy had
a lot. Some other idiot replied “for me it is quality
over quantity”, so then someone else replied something
like “that other guy has every movie you have, why do
you think you have better quality”.

We should start a thread where we quote odd responses that people give. I cant remember if it was at IP or AVS where some guys response to a "whos hardware is better" pissing contest was to post a picture of him and some women he works with and a photo of his wife along with something like "this is what i wake up to every day and i get to spend the day working with these ladies".

Im not 100% sure what that was about but i think he was saying that his av gear sucked but he had a hot wife and lots of options for infidelity so his was bigger.
Avid Stamp Collector - I really love 39 Cent Stamps
Post 24 made on Tuesday January 20, 2009 at 19:11
Ultimate Member
May 2001
Im not 100% sure what that was about but i think he was saying that his av gear sucked but he had a hot wife and lots of options for infidelity so his was bigger.

sounds a bit familiar, maybe it started at IP and made its way here

We should start a thread where we quote odd responses that people give

it wasn't just a funny anecdote, but that I also felt it made sense in the current context as well. Yes if you have 3k+ posts some might be useless, but I am sure anyone here with 3k+ posts has added more to the site (quality) then some guy that has been here 5 years and has 100 posts. It is not as easy to show (prove) as a movie collection, but I am sure for the most part, it would still hold.
Post 25 made on Tuesday January 20, 2009 at 21:04
Mr. Stanley
Elite Member
January 2006
In every phase of existance there seems to be the + & - yin & yang...

It's almost like a cosmic balance...

Good / Evil
Mac / PC
Red State / Blue State
Crestron / AMX
Peace / War
Religious / Atheist
Ford / Chevy
BMW / Audi
Sobriety / Indulgence
Sales Staff / Design Staff

You could say on any website, black is black & get a flurry of differing opinions.

Or it coul;d be a beautiful; sunny day, and someone will tell you, there is threatening foul weather or the air is polluted or their is global warming...

There is just an interesting dynamic at work online... Plus being it is not a face to face communique' - many feel less threatened about releasing their inner a-holeness.

I just enjoy hanging out and BSing, that is until someone comes along and gets ugly... I don't back down all that readily from jerks.
"If it keeps up, man will atrophy all his limbs but the push-button finger."
Frank Lloyd Wright
OP | Post 26 made on Tuesday January 20, 2009 at 21:07
39 Cent Stamp
Elite Member
May 2007
I fixed your list a little bit to keep the Good on the left :).

Good / Evil

Mac / PC
Blue State / Red State
Crestron / AMX
Peace / War
Atheist/ Religious
Chevy / Ford
Avid Stamp Collector - I really love 39 Cent Stamps
Post 27 made on Tuesday January 20, 2009 at 21:31
Loyal Member
June 2005
Funny...I must be in complete balance as I own both a BMW and an Audi - such a yuppie I am.

39cent I like the list formatted that way.
Post 28 made on Wednesday January 21, 2009 at 05:50
Super Member
August 2006
On January 20, 2009 at 19:11, Anthony said...
Yes if you
have 3k+ posts some might be useless, but I am sure anyone
here with 3k+ posts has added more to the site (quality)
then some guy that has been here 5 years and has 100 posts.

aha...but you're not considering is the Harmony forum regs. Those guys have huge post counts, never leave their little pond, and do nothing but direct first timers to Level2 phone support...oooohhh

Their koolaide is incredibly strong...and it's most fun pissing in it from time to time with a little doze of reality.
....Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Post 29 made on Wednesday January 21, 2009 at 06:12
RC Moderator
August 2001
On January 21, 2009 at 05:50, smokinghot said...
. . . with a little doze of

Yes, I really must go and get some sleep.
Post 30 made on Wednesday January 21, 2009 at 07:34
Super Member
August 2006
On January 21, 2009 at 06:12, djy said...
Yes, I really must go and get some sleep.

oh come on.... are you seriously busting my balls with spelling errors in the Intermission forum djy..?

fine.... I meant "dose"...jeese.

....Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
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