For: Philips TSU2000 By: Nathaniel Brown | Nathaniel Brown's TheaterTek CCF Some icons are borrowed from others, but the work is all my own. I have put in a full working layout for TheaterTek, which works with Girder software for the home theater PC. Special thanks to Jeff Kohn for programming the codes. |
For: Marantz RC5000i By: Paul Bess | Paul Bess' UK Layout Complete system CCF file from the UK. Includes popup and pullout menus, Sky & Freeview channel logos and an interface for ITV2's WWTBAM Interactive gameshow. |
For: Philips ProntoPro By: Tony Burton | Tony Burton's ProntoPro Here is my CCF for my new Pronto-Pro. I couldn't have done it without all your help. I know how many hours goes into this! Mine is pretty basic compared to some layouts I've seen, but does everything I want it to for now. Sprucing up will come in time. If anybody has suggestions for improvements or ideas, drop me an email. |
For: Philips TSU2000 By: Dean Barrett | Dean Barrett's CCF A complete system CCF file for the Pronto RU940 with the following components. Includes a better layout for the DVD-RAM. |
For: Philips ProntoPro By: Arnie Burke | Arnie Burke's iPAQ 3850 CCF My first color CCF. I'm using it with my 3850 IPAQ. Original buttons and Daniel Tonks' frames, tabs, and icons. |
For: Philips TS-1000 By: Mario Bieh | Mario Bieh's Pronto Desktop That's my latest try to build my own Pronto-Desktop. I hope you enjoy it too. |
For: Philips TS-1000 By: Arnie Burke | Arnie Burke's System Setup This is an updated version of my original CCF that uses a simplified split screen effect for most of my major equipment. Graphics are modified Dale Crawford Easy Theater buttons and background. |
For: Philips ProntoPro By: Michael Bramhoff | Michael Bramhoff's Color Theater A complete home cinema control system. Includes lighting, blind and screen controls. Even includes 93 DVD jackets so you don't have to get up to look! |
For: Philips TS-1000 By: Dieter Bermann | Dieter Bermann's Original CCF Keep it simple! So did I while creating my own buttons. No 3D, but a better readability with 2D-buttons. |
For: Philips TS-1000 By: Fabio Bianchini | Fabio Bianchini's System A complete CCF file from Italy with the following components. |
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