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 Files > Pronto > Systems > All > M
There are 861 System CCFs.
75 authors begin with the letter M.
Displaying files 51 through 60 on page 6 of 8.
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For: Philips TSU2000
By: Mark Mitchell-Henry
Mark Mitchell-Henry's Windows CCF
Using a mixture of existing and new graphics I have tried to create a Windows GUI which is fast to navigate and simple for the entire family to use. Not all device functions are catered for as many are only used during system setup and cause unneccesary clutter.
Updated: February 28, 2002  Size: 32kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Jay Mitchosky
Jay's CCF File
This is a completely revamped version of my CCF. Many of the graphics have been streamlined, and popups/pullouts have been used for less frequently used buttons. The panels have also been reorganized, placing only source components under the Device bar with the remaining activities under the Macro bar.
Updated: February 26, 2002  Size: 83kb

For: Marantz RC9200
By: Albert Mizrahi
Albert Mizrahi's RC9200
This is the base layout for RC programming in the most exclusive High End store in Mexico, "Fidelus".
Updated: February 16, 2004  Size: 359kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Omar Mohatarem
Omar Mohatarem's Layout
This pronto interface is based on Jim Hughes' original design. It uses most of his bitmaps along with a few of my own. The main virtue of this interface is very low memory usage (only uses 15% of memory on a 1mb pronto). Includes directory with raw BMP collection.
Updated: June 16, 2004  Size: 69kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: John Mooney
John Mooney's UltimateTV CCF
UltimateTV CCF file. Includes second RCA DSS receiver setup using the alternate IR codeset for people with both a UTV and a 2nd RCA DirecTV receiver.
Updated: April 22, 2001  Size: 75kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Andrew Moore
Andrew Moore's Pronto CCF
Just started using X-10, so this is update/upgrade of my previous file. As before, the mute button acts as prompt to turn power off (TV or Amp) with confirmation screen. Left and right buttons now goto either Device or Lights. Speaker icon on amp screen is power on button, with standby button below. X10 codes are all on hidden screen under 'LIGHTS'.
Updated: February 28, 2002  Size: 70kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Kirk J. Moore
Kirk Moore's CCF for the Visually Impaired
Very bold high contrast design that works best with long backlight timeout settings. System is: Many variations have been done, but using less buttons with the largest font seems to give the best results. Modify to suit your needs.
Updated: October 06, 2000  Size: 19kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Frank Moors
Frank Moors' CCF File
I tried to arrange the buttons for each device the most effectively as I didn't want too many pages. German TV and Premiere World Logos included. Includes discrete codes.
Updated: March 09, 2003  Size: 29kb

For: Marantz RC5000
By: Ryan Morano
Ryan Morano's CCF
A complete black & white system file with really nice Sky+ layout and discrete codes for AV inputs on Sony TV.
Updated: April 12, 2005  Size: 64kb

For: Marantz RC5000
By: Frédéric Moreau
Frédéric Moreau's Custom CCF
This system CCF is entirely original -- all buttons and animations were created by myself. The system even includes an animated help interface for device and macro groups. In the device section the user is always informed of where they are and can jump between panels and devices quite easily.
Updated: January 20, 2001  Size: 51kb
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