For: Philips TSU2000 By: Mr. M | Mr. M's Windows 95 CCF I made this theme from scratch. I use Windows at work, I use Windows at home, why not use Windows for movies and music? |
For: Philips TSU2000 By: Matt Mackinnon | Matt Mackinnon's Custom CCF Have some harder to find direct codes for Toshiba TV and DVD. My first attempt at programming a Pronto. Mostly all custom graphics. |
For: Philips TS-1000 By: Aaron Macpherson | Aaron Macpherson's Custom CCF My CCF is leveraged off of Andrea Whitlock's configuration. I added a few custom icons and modified some others. A "SETUP" icon is used for devices to make it easy for someone to use my home theater. |
For: Philips TS-1000 By: Jason Maguire | Jason Maguire's CCF File I hope everyone gets a kick out of the home page -- that's a picture of my wife and I. I have tried to make this easy to understand without too many extras. |
For: Philips TSU2000 By: Karen Maguire | Karen Maguire's System A complete system CCF file made up of the following devices. |
For: Marantz RC5000i By: Michael Riley Maguire | Michael Maguire's Easy-To-Use CCF I set out to make a VERY SIMPLE interface which my wife would actually use... she loves it! Special features include a locking mechanism to disable all but the most necessary icons, and a password protected home screen. |
For: Philips TS-1000 By: Kabir Mahadeva | Kabir Mahadeva's System Activity-based system for the TS-1000 with macros throughout. Virtual devices for DSS, VCR1 and DVD for easy reprogramming by remapping to another manufacturer's device (also includes unused codes for Sony TVs, Panasonic DVDs and Plasmas). Multiple screens for satellite channels with logos. Single-key shutdown macros shut off all devices for a particular activity. |
For: Philips TS-1000 By: Randy Mangoba | Randy Mangoba's Task-Based CCF This CCF has a task-based user interface that maximizes ease-of-use for casual and advanced users, while providing full access to all the devices' remote commands for complete end user control. |
For: Philips TS-1000 By: George Marantis | George Marantis' Greek CCF Pretty much original template with some graphics from different files and a lot of new ones. Also icons from Greek TV. |
For: Philips ProntoPro By: Marchal | Marchal's French CCF A little french CCF based on the beautiful graphics of Daniel Tonks! Enjoy! |
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