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O-T-A Channel Changes Southern Ontario and Surrounding States
This thread has 152 replies. Displaying posts 151 through 153.
Post 151 made on Saturday September 18, 2021 at 02:19
Bruce H.Campbell
Long Time Member
January 2007
On September 17, 2021 at 08:21, the-one said...
All the channels are still working at ATSC 1.0. The ones at 3.0 are active and would need a special box to view them. Not all Buffalo stations are running 3.0. Not many boxes out there to view those channels yet. I believe there is one called HDHomerun box that has 3.0.

That's the only one, no PC cards/w remote yet, SiliconDust sends me bulletins in E-mail. Still can't get Comet and its adjoining subchannels, but WBBZ/H&I has come back over the legacy PC card and older HDHRs I have.
OP | Post 152 made on Tuesday October 18, 2022 at 17:51
Advanced Member
April 2014
I wasn't planning on posting anything anymore as the transition of ATSC 3.0 has slowed down probably due to the recession. I don't know if OTA ATSC 3.0 will ever be completed; streaming seams to be the way of the future.

However special note to those in the Welland area of Ontario:
"On August 14, 2020, WDTB‐LD was forced to go silent after the FCC informed WOGF that WDTB‐LD was causing interference to Canadian station CKVP‐DT."
WDTB has petitioned the FCC to broadcast on RF channel   , same as CITY-DT Toronto. I don't know what interference this will cause, if this goes ahead.  ROGERS will probably object.
[Link: file]

P.S. Why is ROGERS allowed to operate 3 OTA stations in one market? They would save money if they consolidated onto one frequency.
Post 153 made on Friday December 9, 2022 at 11:01
Long Time Member
March 2005
I don't know if the above is related but , CKVP virtual 42, physical 29 has been down (or at least unreceiveable) for a couple of weeks here (from this post date).

Anyone know anything about this? I remember reading about a station change consisting of either power, location or direction of their pattern of at least one Southern Ontario station a while back.
Years from now, you might as well kiss recording OTA TV goodbye thanks to ATSC 3
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