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Link for Download Nevo Studio SL and Studio Pro
This thread has 21 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 22.
Post 16 made on Friday October 6, 2017 at 20:37
Long Time Member
October 2008
Here is a earlier post which describes the process to install Nevo Studio on Windows 10:


As mentioned by @JMarcosPG possibly a recent update broke something? After I installed using the above instructions in March 2017, everything worked perfectly. Now when I launch, I get an error that Windows Media Device Software needs to be installed and it was installed at the time I did the Nevo software install on Win 10. When I launch WMDC by itself it sort of launches but just hangs.

Following the instructions from JMarcosPG above, it will run and load properly and Nevo Studio can see the Q50 connected.

Like to figure out a way to avoid all of the extra items which @JMarcosPG describes, which did work. Probably until the next restart.

Any thoughts?

Thx DD
Post 17 made on Friday October 6, 2017 at 21:25
Long Time Member
October 2008
With regard to the NevoStudio messages in this thread, (for Q50 & S70) not for Nevo SL, UEI took down the server for two things.
1) Registration no longer works; you cannot register your version and it really doesn't make any difference because the services after registration are also no longer available. See below.
2) Using "Model-based-setup", which was the best feature for adding a device also no longer works. You have to create a new device manually and learn the IR codes or paste them in via some other source such as a manufacturer spreadsheet, etc. Or you can choose "Browse for Devices by Device code and Brand which is a crap shoot and has way too many codes sets to make it easy.
3) On this page, there area few other options which will work without registration. Choose what you feel like working with.

Post 18 made on Saturday October 7, 2017 at 10:46
Long Time Member
July 2017
Hello RedCoat007!

Do not give up on your Nevo.

It is a superb piece of equipament!

I recently bought a brand new Harmony, which is cool, but not as efficient as my old Nevo.

It took a lot, but now I have my software running on Win 10!

Registration is not needed to use the main routines of the sofware.

I am away frim home and do not have access to my files to send you the software for the next 30 days...

In case you do not find a functional link to download it, just PM me that I will send it to you later on...
Johnny Garcia
Post 19 made on Monday February 5, 2018 at 22:17
Lurking Member
November 2005
Hi -

I cant believe there are others out there trying to get this working.

I have Nevo Studio installed on win10.

Now with Nevo's servers down, how do you get around the registration? I need to import a config from a nevo remote to my pc to make some edits.

Ive read the whole post about framework etc ... but does that solve the registration issue? or is that just the installer working?

Many thanks in advance
Post 20 made on Friday February 16, 2018 at 06:53
Long Time Member
July 2017
Yep! I would never give up using my Nevo...LOL!

Forget about the registration (it will not work at all, since the servers are down for good).

As far as I remember Import option is not available indeed. So you will probably need to start from scratch again... Save your project locally and we will be fine!

Take care,

Johnny Garcia
Johnny Garcia
Post 21 made on Thursday April 5, 2018 at 11:48
Lurking Member
April 2018
I open again this post. I am French so, sorry, my English is very poor
I am owner of two NEVO (Q50 and Q70) and of NEVOSTUDIO Pro CD
I have programmed them long time ago (4 or 5 years) without problem
Today I expected to add an IR Device (new CANAL + decoder).
I discover that, now, it is no more possible to enter HEX files or to teach new codes through an other remote (LOGITECH)
No code is learned and i get the message (incompatibility)
Same problem with Q50 and Q70
Unfortunately there is no way to contact again NEVO and I suppose that the fact to register NSP gave, in the past, access to tranfer HEX files, or learning function
Maybe I am wrong?
Do you encounter the same dificulties?
I would be pleased to have your help or some ideas to solve my problem

I use WINDOWS7 and my remotes are well connected, I can create pages, buttons, etc... excepted learning functions !!!
Many thanks
Post 22 made on Friday February 28, 2020 at 03:56
Lurking Member
August 2011
Hi, I can't open the file Win

Any solution? What's in it?
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