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Used S70 - Bad Idea?
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Post 1 made on Friday December 2, 2011 at 22:21
Long Time Member
December 2004
So I have been thinking about picking up a used S70 and NC. I really like the Sonos integration which I miss from Pronto (got rid of a 9600 with much regret).

I have a URC 5000 now that I am not in love with, gonna go back to my MX-850 while I find something else. I was thinking RTI, but Sonos seems sketchy and getting the software as non-CI is near impossible.

I love the look and idea of the S70 but with Nevo done with that remote line, is it a very good idea to be looking at used Nevo stuff?

I have Studio Pro 3 and have already built the remote, not any harder then figuring out CCP or Pronto. Like the way it all lays out.

So if ya think its worth the risk, let me know. Also, other then battery issues... anything to be weary of with the S70?


Post 2 made on Saturday December 3, 2011 at 09:10
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
 I've used/programmed both the mx5000 and the S70.  the mx5000 is one of my favorite remotes.  the S70...not so much.   The extra hard buttons on the mx5000 make it much easier to use.  the screen is larger on the s70, but it has the same resolution as the mx5000, so the graphics aren't as crisp on the s70.   The color of the the mx5000 screen is much more accurate as well.

have you actually used the Sonos app on the S70?  i've heard it is clunky and no where near the same as a Sonos controller.  

what don't you like about the 5000?

by the way, Nevo is not done with that remote line.  they just don't sell the Q50 to the US market anymore.
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday December 3, 2011 at 12:53
Long Time Member
December 2004
On December 3, 2011 at 09:10, Duct Tape said...
 I've used/programmed both the mx5000 and the S70.  the mx5000 is one of my favorite remotes.  the S70...not so much.   The extra hard buttons on the mx5000 make it much easier to use.  the screen is larger on the s70, but it has the same resolution as the mx5000, so the graphics aren't as crisp on the s70.   The color of the the mx5000 screen is much more accurate as well.

have you actually used the Sonos app on the S70?  i've heard it is clunky and no where near the same as a Sonos controller.  

what don't you like about the 5000?

by the way, Nevo is not done with that remote line.  they just don't sell the Q50 to the US market anymore.

No, I have not used the Sonos plug-in, have just seen the screen shots etc.

Last edited by RayoVac on December 4, 2011 22:25.
Post 4 made on Monday December 5, 2011 at 18:11
Active Member
December 2004
If you need a S70 I have one that I got to demo and never used. Full warrany.
$400 if interested.
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