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IPronto Rookie
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Post 1 made on Friday April 25, 2003 at 22:25
Jax Beach Dave
Lurking Member
April 2003
I have been programming pronto's for somme time now, but the Ipronto has me baffled--I can not get the editor to find my ipronto at all. It is up and surfing the web, epg has downloade, etc but I can not talk to it with my computer. I have searched the forums here and read all everyone has to say about this but bo not understand all of what is being said. Any help from anyone will be greatly appreciated. Thanx......
Post 2 made on Saturday April 26, 2003 at 07:49
Founding Member
February 2002
give us more details and we can help

the computer you want to talk to the iPronto with must be connected to the LAN that has the wireless adapter connection

you can only communicate wireless

you click download or upload and the software will search for iProntos

what happens with your setup when you try this?

Post 3 made on Saturday April 26, 2003 at 08:13
Long Time Member
April 2003
make sure that your ipronto is active. tap the screen before you atempt to down load your cofig file. my ipronto will not upload or download unless the screen is active.
OP | Post 4 made on Saturday April 26, 2003 at 22:16
Jax Beach Dave
Lurking Member
April 2003
THe Ipronto is active, and I have tried both uploading, and downloading to the remote. The wireless card is working with my Linksys WAP, because I can use the web browser and I have downloaded the EPG, it is working fine. My two concerns are that when I try to communicate with the remote, Ipronto edit does not see any Iprontos, and on a different note, when I learn from directly from a remote into the IPronto it locks up after about five "learns" and I have to reset the remote. Thanks for the help, all is appreciated.
Post 5 made on Sunday April 27, 2003 at 20:17
Founding Member
February 2002
the fact you can access the WAP does not necessairily mean the computer with iPronto edit software can see the iPronto

I wonder if you could rerun the Linksys setup software direct to the WAP (the first step with the WAP LAN connection direct to the computer) to be sure that link is working

I have not seen the lockups you report after learning IR commands

Post 6 made on Monday April 28, 2003 at 17:19
Long Time Member
March 2003
Question.....are you using Windows XP? I was having the exact same problem....everything worked great except iProntoedit could not "find" my iPronto. That is until I decided to drag my old PC out of the closet that uses windows 98 and try downloading/uploading with that machine....with the windows '98 pc, it works perfectly...finds the iPronto every time. This is not much of a solution if you don't have a backup PC, but it would interest me if you use XP as well. FYI....iPronot support is very very weak on this topic. I finally quit trying to have them give me a solution...they came up with nothing but very unhelpful, elementary ideas...
Post 7 made on Monday April 28, 2003 at 22:05
Founding Member
February 2002
I use Win XP home and can upload/download to iPronto

I wonder if you need to disable a firewall?

Post 8 made on Tuesday April 29, 2003 at 12:32
Long Time Member
March 2003
That was a good idea to check, but my firewall is not enabled.
Post 9 made on Tuesday April 29, 2003 at 15:21
Founding Member
February 2002
well I never give up- there are at least 3 different firewalls possible in my setup: one in XP Network connections, one in the Linksys setup software, and one in Macafee or your virus program

the one in Network connections is the one to check: and the virus program if applicable

the suggestion to try another computer is a good one too
Post 10 made on Tuesday April 29, 2003 at 21:39
Long Time Member
April 2003
I have the same problem. I have to make multiple, anywhere from 5 - 20, attempts to try and upload or download. Eventually my laptop finds the iPronto, but it can be really frustrating after about the 15th try!

I am using XP. I am also using a "component" type wireless setup. Instead of an integrated router/hub/WAP, my setup uses all separate components. I wonder if Jax Beach Dave is using separate or integrated network hardware. I have spent several hours with both Philips support (isn't THAT fun!) and Linksys support. The Philips support people are using the Linksys setup (and smoking a little too much gange), but it is all integrated. I suspect that there is a timeout issue between all of these devices trying to handshake and negotiate a connection to the iPronto and on the occasional attempt that does get it, it simply is a "lucky shot" on my part catching something at exactly the right interval for the connection.

Good luck getting Linksys to step up to this issue. They have NO idea what an iPronto is and talk to you like you're crazy when you tell them that it is a remote control. I've actually gotten them to go to the Philips iPronto link on the 'net just to get them to see what I'm talking about... with no better luck.

I have my fingers crossed that some combination of a firmware upgrade and/or iProntoEdit upgrade will address the problem. Until then, I've virtually given up.

OP | Post 11 made on Wednesday April 30, 2003 at 21:48
Jax Beach Dave
Lurking Member
April 2003
I am using XP, and I am also using a linksys WAP. I have disabled the firewall in Norton Internet Security, and also my Black Ice, but not the one in network connections. I did try two other computers, but bot my desktop, and my old laptop are using Win2000 and I had no luck with them either. This is starting to piss me off.......
Post 12 made on Thursday May 1, 2003 at 17:43
Lurking Member
July 2002
this may sound stupid, but after you click download to pronto, it brings up a panel and you have to click on you ip address in the window then click ok, try that, if you already have than sorry if i sound insulting
Post 13 made on Thursday May 1, 2003 at 19:27
Long Time Member
April 2003
The other thing you might check is to make sure your computer is set up as a peer to peer network. I have several computers set up as a peer to peer network. when setting them up you give your peer group a name.Any name will work. your iPronto must also have the same name in the Ipronto host name box. I ran a test and changed the host name box to another name I could still get access to the internet but I could not get access to the iPronto from my computer until i change the name back to my work group name for my peer to peer network. good luck
Post 14 made on Tuesday May 6, 2003 at 12:37
Long Time Member
April 2003
Just a note to say that i had the same problem and it was my Norton firewall that was stopping the connection. Make sure that all firewalls are turned off and then when you search you shoudl see the IP address of the Ipronto appear. Good luck

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