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PS3 the way to go?
This thread has 30 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 30.
Post 16 made on Sunday September 14, 2008 at 02:01
Super Member
August 2006
Easy Salti... I never said you were incorrect in your post. I only raised the point that the IR4PS isn't bulletproof.

A "CI" is one of those dreaded "Custom Installation" guys that hate Harmony's because they take money out of their pockets... :)

That's why I said:

On September 12, 2008 at 21:30, smokinghot said...
Although good enough for home
use, an end user like you or myself, the IR4PS3 (or any
other of the current work arounds) just simply isn't a
bulletproof solution for CIs.

...And why is that..? Because, CIs have to deal with service calls for dumb assed things, like macros that get out of synch. So when approaching a control situation they need to have reliability. I'm sure yours hasn't missed a beat... That may make it "end user" worthy, but not necessarily customer/CI friendly. I only meant to bring up a counter point, not start an arguement.

*edited for bad grammer and spelling

Last edited by smokinghot on September 14, 2008 22:18.
....Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Post 17 made on Sunday September 14, 2008 at 09:16
Long Time Member
January 2005
On September 14, 2008 at 02:01, smokinghot said...
Easy Salti... I never said you were incorrect in your
post. I only raised the point that the IR4PS isn't bulletproof.

A "CI" is one of those dreaded "Custom Insatllation" guys
that hate Harmony's because they take money out of their
pockets... :)

I never took you to mean I was incorrect. That said, you keep suggesting that somehow the IR4PS3 isn't "bulletproof." It is "bulletproof" in that it never gets out of sync, it always turns the PS3 Off no matter what mode it is in, and it always turns the PS3 On when desired. It has not missed even one command since I have owned it. (Now if I could get my A/V receiver to do so. lol)

Thanks for the explanation of what a CI is - makes sense now in context. And I see the requirement for "bulletproof." The IR4PS3 would not be a problem in a CI project. (Certainly for a small investment a CI could determine if that is true - rather than seeing comments about models some two or three iterations ago.)
Post 18 made on Sunday September 14, 2008 at 15:24
Loyal Member
June 2005
Ahhh the dreaded CI, thanks smoke :-)

Yes, it needs to be bulletproof if it's going to have my company name on it. One of these days I'll get one to test out. Believe it or not, hardly any of our clients have a PS3 anyway; too busy making the cash to afford us I suppose and we never recommend them for a BluRay solution.
Post 19 made on Sunday September 14, 2008 at 16:55
Long Time Member
January 2005
On September 14, 2008 at 15:24, tweeterguy said...
... Believe it or not, hardly any of our clients
have a PS3 anyway; too busy making the cash to afford
us I suppose and we never recommend them for a BluRay

Yeah, I can see that. The PS3 does take some technical time investment on the part of the user if is to be used as a BD/DVD player. I suspect that type of person would be more inclined to utilize DYI rather than seek CI help.

I just wanted to share my experience with the current version of the IR4PS3 and suggest that you may want to take a look at it.

I do love my PS3 as a BD player and it now a 2.0 Standard player with every assurance it will be updated via the www as future profiles may be developed.

I'm going back to crawl under a rock at the Harmony Remote Forum.
Post 20 made on Sunday September 14, 2008 at 22:14
Super Member
August 2006
On September 14, 2008 at 16:55, SaltiDawg said...
I just wanted to share my experience with the current
version of the IR4PS3 and suggest that you may want to
take a look at it.

Although it wasn't directed at me. I appreciate you sharing that experience. I haven't pulled the trigger on any of the PS3 work arounds as of yet, (wating for the dust to settle, and experienced opinions to emerge). Your post has made me lean towards the IR4PS3 now.

I was just wanted to raise the point that those possible little annoying problems that may mean nothing for you or another diy end user. Would be major pains in the ass for Tweet as a service provider.

I'm going back to crawl under a rock at the Harmony Remote

Please don't. I'll admit, that the lack of Harmony forum regulars in the rest of RC, really effects my belief in their ability to give informed advice, ...beyond what the Harmony help center's phone number is.

Hope to seen you again.
....Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Post 21 made on Tuesday September 16, 2008 at 14:07
Loyal Member
June 2005
Salti, I also do appreciate your comments and help. I may be in the biz but never claim to know it all and surely am lacking in the gaming knowledge area. No need to run and hide in shame just because you own a harmony :-) You're one of the few who seem to fit with the rest of us non-harmony proponents.
Post 22 made on Thursday September 25, 2008 at 21:36
Long Time Member
January 2008
There's one thing that everyone has eluded, that the PS3 and Denon 2500 Blu-Ray players lack, and that's outputs! They both only have HDMI outs! This is terrible for a systems that needs multiple video or audio sources. It's not always necessary, but it is a key factor nevertheless.
iTunes search Bmode or [Link:]
Post 23 made on Friday September 26, 2008 at 08:05
Super Member
August 2006
On September 25, 2008 at 21:36, bmode said...
There's one thing that everyone has eluded, that the PS3
and Denon 2500 Blu-Ray players lack, and that's outputs!
They both only have HDMI outs! This is terrible for
a systems that needs multiple video or audio sources.
It's not always necessary, but it is a key factor nevertheless.

I can't comment on the Denon piece, but the PS3 gives you three (maybe 4) options for video output.


The last three are outputted through the funky Playstation low res jack. Kind looks like a HDMI connection but smaller. You just need to purchase the appropriate cable for your application. I don't believe the HDMI and the low res (whatever that jack is called) can be enabled at the same time though.

You could use a distrubution amp or a cheap matrix (best of luck with HDMI) if you need mulitples of any output. The PS3 isn't a whole home Bluray solution, and I don't think that's what the OP was really looking for. However, as a stand alone piece, it's still one of the best performers available.
....Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Post 24 made on Friday September 26, 2008 at 08:45
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
I still don't know why Sony hasn't simply taken the existing PS3 hardware, added some control stuff like IR, RS232, IP, the needed output jacks, then simplified the OS by removing all gaming but keeping the media player, internet browser and so forth, stuck it into a traditional DVD/BD housing, and sold it for 2-3X what a normal PS3 would cost.
Post 25 made on Friday September 26, 2008 at 09:04
Super Member
August 2006
....That would truly be a fanastic idea.

It seems unthinkable to me that the sony development hasn't thought of the same concept. There must be some business aspect to it that stops that from happening. Divisons intermingling or something....?
....Light travels faster than sound. That's why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
Post 26 made on Sunday September 28, 2008 at 23:15
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
I think the problem is that they're completely different divisions. However the BD side of the PS3 is obviously tied to Sony's BD strategy as a whole, so it is odd that something like this hasn't been done anyways.

Up until now standalone BD players have been rather underpowered and feature lacking compared to the cheaper and more versatile PS3. And while I *do* want a standalone player for my system, I won't settle for something that's not as good as or better than my first generation PS3 (20gb model!).
Post 27 made on Monday September 29, 2008 at 20:44
Ultimate Member
May 2001
Up until now standalone BD players have been rather underpowered and feature lacking compared to the cheaper and more versatile PS3.

don't forget that these are two distinct product groups consoles have always been sold (by manufacturers and stores) as loss leaders and the money is made on the games, movie players are supposed to make a profit by themselves. Also they are completely opposite, BD as a new format would be expected to have high margins on players but PS3 as a console will have losses. The issue is that if they put everything (what is needed) that was in the PS3 and sold it as a player it would not sell anywhere near that price.
Post 28 made on Wednesday October 1, 2008 at 14:12
Long Time Member
March 2008
To support Anthony's claims he is right.



But now that we are almost at the 3rd year, there costs should be down. I would think that as DT said, 2-3 times the price of the PS3 should be $1500. Would a player like this be sellable at this price? As a consumer, I would expect a high quality product (top of the line scaler, 3 yr warrantee, ect.) at that price.
TSU7000 w/ RFX6000
Post 29 made on Wednesday October 29, 2008 at 14:29
Lurking Member
October 2008
I'm using the Nykko remote with the IR emitter from the MRF-350 stuck to the dongle..

After I got the codes learned from the crappy Nykko remote, it's worked quite well! I would call it bulletproof..

Using the IR4BT in a closet with an emitter stuck to it should be as good I would think.
Post 30 made on Wednesday November 26, 2008 at 09:48
Lurking Member
November 2008
I have the PS3 remote, but what universal remote will work with the PS3 as well as my TV, digital cable and DVR??
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