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Blu-Ray/ HD-DVD
This thread has 55 replies. Displaying posts 46 through 56.
Post 46 made on Tuesday January 30, 2007 at 06:59
Long Time Member
December 2004
On January 29, 2007 at 22:18, Anthony said...
wow pointing to a site that on a regular basis goes oops
our numbers for BD where wrong and way lower then usual.
What next

Way lower? Amazon is wrong about how many they sell? You amaze me with that.
I have no idea what you are saying here. Unless you mean I linked a site showing BD is selling more. And that is true. As you stated below, partially because HD-DVD is behind on title releases ATM. And probably affected by the fact that PS3 owners got tired of playing Resistance and decided to buy a couple movies.
On the other hand there is a reason the HD DVD is slightly
lower there are no good new releases. If on the other
hand you compare the same title on BD and HDVD (let's
say the departed since it is on the same page you linked

The Departed [Blu-ray]
Price: $23.95


The Departed (Combo HD DVD and Standard DVD) [HD DVD]
Price: $27.95

As a combo disc it is well worth it for someone that wants to watch the movie but had no HD player. Well worth the extra $4. Will the Departed on Blu-Ray work on a SD player?

One example. The overall average is what I'm talking about.
someone with both players that wants the movie must pay
more for the HD DVD

now a third rate title that has been on the shelf for
almost a year like Serenity will be Serenity [HD DVD]
Price: $19.95

Third rate? Rubbish. BS!
but then you are comparing apples and oranges

the average price on HD DVD (as computed there) are a
bit lower but that is because it has in its mix a lot
more of mossy titles that no one is buying

Rubbish. BS!
Headed out of town for work. You will have to find someone else to convince that HD-DVD is pretty much dead. Which is Rubbish and BS!
Post 47 made on Tuesday January 30, 2007 at 13:45
Founding Member
February 2002
I think the winner will be blu-ray, assuming someone comes up with a valued use for the extra space available. If no one ever gets creative and puts something "must see" on each blu-ray disk that isn't on HD-DVD due to the lack of space, then HD-DVD will win because it's cheaper.
Post 48 made on Tuesday January 30, 2007 at 23:13
Ultimate Member
May 2001
Way lower? Amazon is wrong about how many they sell? You amaze me with that.

you did not link to Amazon, you linked to a site that supposedly reports on Amazon but is often off.

As a combo disc it is well worth it for someone that wants to watch the movie but had no HD player. Well worth the extra $4. Will the Departed on Blu-Ray work on a SD player?

Why would I want to watch SD. I bough two BD players so that I don’t have to. So that I can watch HD in two rooms in the house. Why would I want to spend 4$ more for something I will never use. Also do you realise it is 4$ more then BD and not DVD? It is much more then that VS DVD and no one that does not have an HD DVD player will buy the combo. No one is that much of a moron.

One example. The overall average is what I'm talking about.

The over all average is meaningless. You don’t buy averages you buy movies and movies fall in price over time,. HD DVD does not have many newer movies and there are many titles (like the Serenity I pointed out) that have been on the shelves since day 1. It has been there almost a year, it was one of the first titles on HD DVD. If you compare titles you need to compare the same ones. You can’t compare averages, you can’t compare catalogue to new, you can’t compare a 1year old title to one that just came out. And you can’t even compare one studio to an other because some tend to charge more then others. When you compare the same ones BD on 50 or 25= HD DVD on 30 no matter which version has more features (more and more it tends to be the BD) or HD DVD is more expensive if it is a combo.

Third rate? Rubbish. BS!

Then what? Fourth or fifth rate.
Post 49 made on Wednesday January 31, 2007 at 21:21
Ultimate Member
May 2001
just thought this was interesting

Post 50 made on Thursday February 1, 2007 at 00:06
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Interesting. Be interesting to hear how things are come, say, March.
Post 51 made on Thursday February 1, 2007 at 01:01
Loyal Member
September 2003
On February 1, 2007 at 00:06, Daniel Tonks said...
Interesting. Be interesting to hear how things are come,
say, March.

Are you aware of something coming in March??
When good enough is not good enough.
Post 52 made on Thursday February 1, 2007 at 01:03
Loyal Member
September 2003
On January 31, 2007 at 21:21, Anthony said...
just thought this was interesting

Not coming up in my browser, maybe this is what Daniel is referring too??

What the hell, typed and posted this and all of a sudden it comes up.

I guess I need to start drinking...
When good enough is not good enough.
Post 53 made on Saturday February 3, 2007 at 13:02
Ultimate Member
May 2001
It was a pic using Videoscan's numbers

YTD: BD 100, HD DVD 38.36
SI: HD DVD 100, BD 92.40

in essence in 2007 BD outsold HD DVD 2.61:1 and since inception (with HD DVD launching three months earlier and HD DVD leading for most of last year) it is 1.08:1 advantage for HD DVD over BD.

That was the stats for the week ending Jan 14
Post 54 made on Saturday February 3, 2007 at 13:17
Ultimate Member
May 2001
just found this [Link:]
Post 55 made on Sunday February 4, 2007 at 19:53
Long Time Member
December 2004
Sound & Vision magazine has awarded the Toshiba HD XA-1 as the Product Player of the Year:

InFocus and Runco are using it as their Reference Player.
Post 56 made on Tuesday February 6, 2007 at 22:02
Ultimate Member
May 2001
for all the people interested in real info and what is happening

the disk numbers above are incorect. Some combo disks were miss categoized as DVD

don't know the real numbers for
but the numbers for Jan 21 are

YTD: BD 100.00/ HD DVD 50.51
SI: BD 82.3/ HD DVD 100.00
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