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Blu-Ray/ HD-DVD
This thread has 55 replies. Displaying posts 31 through 45.
Post 31 made on Sunday January 28, 2007 at 11:44
Ultimate Member
May 2001
I don't see their dual player on their web site. At CES they were showing a player that does both formats and played CD's as well.

truth is I am not really interested in it. I will try and find where I saw it discussed and where they saw it for sale
Post 32 made on Sunday January 28, 2007 at 12:52
Ultimate Member
May 2001
We? I don't get it.

we= Toshiba. They said they c=got it working and that they will be bringing it in front of DVD forum at some point. The issue is they said the same thing just under two years ago about the HD DVD45 and that was never brought to the DVD forum. 45 would have been more easily added at that point in time because HD DVD was not out yet. Now if 51 is added to the specs it makes a mess. A studio will need to think "do I go with 51 or 30, 30 is not enough and I can add ______ but 51 won't play well on some players. If I do go wit 51 how do I differentiate between what players can play it and not PO customers that buy it and it won't play. Should I do split runs (less features in a 30 for the other customers)......"

for example let's say HD DVD adds 51GB to the specs, NL decides to make LOTR on 51GB and the AX2 can't play them. How would bookaroni feal about that?

200GB has been done?

yes, even demonstrated at CES by TDK and one other (can't rememebr who). Still not an official BD format and might never be added (especially as ROM where it is harder to change specs). For r/rw it is not out of the question drives usually say what format they can use and DVD definetly got people into looking at more then just the type (i.e. DVD+ or DVD- SL or DL....). But a movie is something you buy to play on a player so if some players are none compatile with a movie it is a bigger issue

I don't live in Europe.

did not say you did. You said King Kong proved 30 is enough, I just pointed out that because of the 30GB limit you lost some stuff you could have had if it was 50GB and that people in Europe will lose even more. I am not the one trying to defend 30GB as enough for all movies and content.

Over a month? Wow. I am impressed.

well the change only started a bit over a month ago, BD though is now at 2:1 vs HD DVD and growing every day

2 mil shipped maybe, but not sold.

sold. At least that is what the sales tracking was showing

In the Portland area I ask every employee at the stores I frequent how each gaming system (and the Xbox add-on) are selling. Been doing this weekly. Xbox add-ons are selling ok and the PS3's are gathering dust.

maybe people in Portland are special. For the rest of the world that is not the case. Also for someone that just said you don't care about gaming it is funny how you go around asking about gaming systems

We might all lose anyway if it becomes a niche market and another superior technology comes along that the consumers get convinced they need.

if it is a niche market a superior product is not needed for all of us to lose. On the other hand if it is superior then let them both be dead. Either way (BD wins, both lose to inferior, both lose to superior) the PS3 will still be an excelent gaming machine that he will be able to enjoy)

Price of standalone HD-DVD players are much cheaper and you get much more for that lower price.

don't know about that, they are only cheaper because you decided to exclude the cheapest BD player. And the player you are talking about (the AX2) is not cheaper

Some of the things you get "extra" with a HD-DVD player over a BD player are the new advanced HD audio decoders built into the players, because they are required as part of the format.

HD DVD requires stereo in lossless and DTHD only (but the Toshiba players can do DTHD lossless up to 5.1). So the titles that use DTS-HD MA will just be DTS (and some HD DVDs use DTS-HD MA) . And if you look at titles (what a player can do is almost useless if a title does not have the content) few HD DVD titles come with lossless (and some of them DTS) while most (almost all) BD titles come with it (many in PCM that does not need decoding). Also no HD DVD at this point has use 24/48 lossless while some BD titles have

Better interactivity that is available with ALL HD-DVD players because they are mandatory from the start

that is a load of BS. Even Disney that was a cocreator of HDi and gets royalty payments from it state BD-J is better. On the other hand has any HD DVDs included an in movie game? have any had conditional branching so that you can decide what cut scenes and other stuff to include in the movie?

BD players sold now will not be able to do everything that the format will/could provide because the BDA decided to create 4 different profiles of players (3 video/1 audio).

and the same is true for HD DVD. The one good thing about profiles, it is for optional content so your player will still play. With HD DVD some of it is optional (like MC) others might not be (like adding 51GB to the spec that would make a player totally useless)

--- for the rest the 4 BD profiles are

-- BD audio -- a high end audio standard for music disks
-- BD live --- the highest standard for video players it must be able to connect to the internet for extras --- for example DL more audio streams, DL extra subtitles, play a Q&A game live with others

and then the two BD-Video standards

the ver1 that is there today and the newer one that comes into effect in June or July- the difference between the two is that Ver2 requires a secondary decoder so that two video streams can be decoded at the same time (some refer to this as PiP, but PiP can be faked with one video stream

Better average PQ with HD-DVD over BD that looks not only more detailed but looks smoother with motion.

that is rubish. Now you don't have a BD palyer so obviously you are just retransmitting some BS you read somewhere, but find anyone that has both and ask them

Post 33 made on Sunday January 28, 2007 at 18:48
Loyal Member
September 2003
On January 28, 2007 at 11:44, Anthony said...
truth is I am not really interested in it. I will try
and find where I saw it discussed and where they saw it
for sale

I was at CES and spoke with LG, they had a big hoopla in regards to this NEW piece.

I was just sharing this information with the group not really caring if one individual is interested of not.

I think it would be foolish for pro to take a gamble on a format at this junction. No matter what facts you bring up in regards to Blue Ray, you do remember Beta, don't you??

I understand the physics in that a blue laser has a higher frequency, therefore can produce a smaller laser to read more information off the discs. So by nature this would be the better choice. But that is not what runs this industry currently.

But I still will not stake my name either way...
When good enough is not good enough.
Post 34 made on Sunday January 28, 2007 at 19:50
Ultimate Member
May 2001
I was just sharing this information with the group not really caring if one individual is interested of not.

sorry you misunderstood my point. I was just explaining why I did not know where they saw it on sale. Curiosity made me look but not really caring I did not take down or try and remember the where.
Post 35 made on Sunday January 28, 2007 at 21:06
Loyal Member
September 2003
On January 28, 2007 at 19:50, Anthony said...
sorry you misunderstood my point. I was just explaining
why I did not know where they saw it on sale. Curiosity
made me look but not really caring I did not take down
or try and remember the where.

I did miss your point, no worries. I think it must of been some preorder thing. I would be very suprised to see a product released early, but it sure could happen.

This is just one of those things that pisses me off about this industry. I would love to be selling these things, but I just can't afford to be wrong.
When good enough is not good enough.
Post 36 made on Sunday January 28, 2007 at 22:40
Ultimate Member
May 2001
This is just one of those things that pisses me off about this industry. I would love to be selling these things, but I just can't afford to be wrong.

I am not in your shoes (no customers) but I know what you mean it POs me as well. I f there was one format the chances of HD disks catching on would be so much better.
Post 37 made on Sunday January 28, 2007 at 23:08
Loyal Member
September 2003
On January 28, 2007 at 22:40, Anthony said...
I am not in your shoes (no customers) but I know what
you mean it POs me as well. I f there was one format the
chances of HD disks catching on would be so much better.

If there was one format it would go in almost all my installs. Since there is not, nothing has gone in any of my installs.

I would love to be putting these in.
When good enough is not good enough.
Post 38 made on Monday January 29, 2007 at 06:58
Long Time Member
December 2004
Actually I did watch both formats in a high end HT store in Portland before I bought a player. I thought HD-DVD looked better. But that was a while back. I know BD is using some better codecs now.
Ok, let us say hypothetically that Blu-Ray is (not in my opinion) better.
It doesn't matter.
The reason HD-DVD will prevail is price, both software and hardware.
If I am wrong and BR does prevail, by then their players will be better and cheaper.
And I will have at least 200 movies on HD-DVD. That system can go next to my Pioneer CLD-97 and my 800 Laserdiscs.
Post 39 made on Monday January 29, 2007 at 14:39
Lee Kropp
Long Time Member
May 2004
found this on C-Net

Blu-ray would seem to have the advantage here. With the exception of Universal, every major Hollywood studio has pledged to release movies in the Blu-ray format. By comparison, only Warner, Universal, Paramount, and Europe's Studio Canal will be releasing on HD-DVD. That means that HD-DVD owners won't find any of their favorite Columbia, MGM, Fox, or Disney movies available in high-def. That said, it seems likely that neither format will have more than a few hundred titles available by the end of 2006. The good news? Thanks to the fact that Netflix will be stocking both HD-DVD and Blu-ray titles, your financial exposure can be limited to just the hardware--and a monthly membership fee.
Post 40 made on Monday January 29, 2007 at 21:11
Ultimate Member
May 2001
roddymcg: [Link:]


Last edited by Anthony on January 29, 2007 21:20.
Post 41 made on Monday January 29, 2007 at 21:18
Ultimate Member
May 2001
It doesn't matter.

to some of us quality does matter

The reason HD-DVD will prevail is price, both software and hardware

SW is the same (except for HD DVD combo disks that are higher)

1) kind of a stupid comment coming from someone that bought an XA2 the most expensive HD DVD player and as expensive as any stand alone BD player (but I guess as an HD DVD most of the titles you buy are DVD because most studios don’t support HD DVD – so in that way yes the SD titles for your HD DVD player are cheaper then HD titles on BD )

2) if your definition was not so narrow you would notice BD and HD DVD prices are not that far. Someone needs to spend 500$ or more to get into the game
Post 42 made on Monday January 29, 2007 at 21:35
Long Time Member
December 2004
The average cost on Amazon is $25.10 for BR and $22.80 for HD-DVD. Look here:
Quality does matter to me. That is why I bought an HD-DVD player.
Post 43 made on Monday January 29, 2007 at 22:17
Loyal Member
September 2003
On January 29, 2007 at 21:11, Anthony said...
roddymcg: [Link:]



Funny, I get this from LG:


Still nothing on the site, I wonder what gives. I need to get one, I know I could sell it pretty quick if its up to par.

Thanks for the link Anthony.
When good enough is not good enough.
Post 44 made on Monday January 29, 2007 at 22:18
Ultimate Member
May 2001
wow pointing to a site that on a regular basis goes oops our numbers for BD where wrong and way lower then usual. What next

On the other hand there is a reason the HD DVD is slightly lower there are no good new releases. If on the other hand you compare the same title on BD and HDVD (let's say the departed since it is on the same page you linked

The Departed [Blu-ray]
Price: $23.95


The Departed (Combo HD DVD and Standard DVD) [HD DVD]
Price: $27.95

someone with both players that wants the movie must pay more for the HD DVD

now a third rate title that has been on the shelf for almost a year like Serenity will be Serenity [HD DVD]
Price: $19.95

but then you are comparing apples and oranges

the average price on HD DVD (as computed there) are a bit lower but that is because it has in its mix a lot more of mossy titles that no one is buying
Post 45 made on Monday January 29, 2007 at 22:26
Loyal Member
September 2003
I think you are are forgetting that it does not matter which way the mainstream studio's go, it's what the porn industry does.
When good enough is not good enough.
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