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Roku Replay Workaround...
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Post 1 made on Saturday October 14, 2023 at 19:33
Regular Member
September 2023
Device: Hisense/Roku 43H4030F3
Remote simulated: see below
Universal: UEI C4000 (for Spectrum)
Device code: see below

My Roku TV accepts commands from two different vendor remotes,
  1. An actual Roku remote [vendor# 04FB, Goldstar] &
  2. Universal TV# 11756 [vendor# 609F, Vizio?]
Universal TV# 12183 is also vendor# 04FB. It has many of the same keys, but not all of them.

Program your TV device button to 11765 and copy Exit to Last.
I also like to copy >> to Page-.

Program your TV device button to 12183.
  1. Put EFC #00169 into the Replay button.
  2. Copy Play button to Pause.
  3. If you want the Sleep button, copy Last to a new key.
I like to make the following copies/moves
  1. Menu to Exit,
  2. Info to Menu,
  3. OK to Info,
  4. Left to Guide,
  5. Up to Ch+,
  6. Down to Ch- &
  7. << to Page+
Program your AUX device to 11756.*
Cross-copy AUX >> to TV >>.

*If your AUX is already programmed for a different device, changing its code and changing it back will not adversely affect it.

(edit: reorder steps)

Last edited by SysTech_Larry on October 17, 2023 17:50.
SysTech Larry
Post 2 made on Saturday October 14, 2023 at 23:39
Elite Member
April 2002
The UEI code made especially for Roku tv's is 14398 in newer remotes. See this thread at jp1 forum:


I'm MaskedMan in that thread. That's where we post newer commands found via brute force searches. Searching 00000 through 00255 EFC's. After 00255 they start repeat.

We have a thread for Stand-Alone Roku's like Ultra:

OP | Post 3 made on Sunday October 15, 2023 at 04:13
Regular Member
September 2023
At least for the 6122 format, I found a somewhat complicated algorithm for determining the EFC from the IR hex code.
For instance, EFC 00169 always produces IR hex 41, but IR hex 41 means different things on different devices. It is the vendor# that makes the difference.

You can tie IR hex#s to functions by using the original remote (or clone) on an IR tester.

My remote did not recognize TV# 14398.

My Western Digital WDTV comes up as the 6122A format on my IR tester.
Its EFCs were given to me in a two-byte format though its lower byte matches my findings in the 6122 format so far.

Last edited by SysTech_Larry on October 15, 2023 04:43.
SysTech Larry
OP | Post 4 made on Monday October 16, 2023 at 15:18
Regular Member
September 2023
On October 15, 2023 at 04:13, SysTech_Larry said...
At least for the 6122 format, I found a somewhat complicated algorithm for determining the EFC from the IR hex code.
For instance, EFC 00169 always produces IR hex 41, but IR hex 41 means different things on different devices. It is the vendor# that makes the difference.

You can tie IR hex#s to functions by using the original remote (or clone) on an IR tester...

Here is my map,...
EFC Map.pdf

Last edited by SysTech_Larry on October 16, 2023 16:59.
SysTech Larry
OP | Post 5 made on Monday October 16, 2023 at 23:19
Regular Member
September 2023
After posting this, a simpler fix occurred to me.
Instead of copying keys from TV# 11756 to TV# 12183, just set the TV to 12183 and add the following EFCs:
  • 00235 at >> &
  • 00169 at Replay.
Exit is already a working Back key (which I copy to Last).

Last edited by SysTech_Larry on October 17, 2023 01:45.
SysTech Larry
OP | Post 6 made on Friday October 20, 2023 at 17:45
Regular Member
September 2023
Another Roku code set [12049] has Replay assigned to the Last key. 11756 may have that, too, but my TV does not accept that code currently.
12183 has Sleep assigned to the Last key.
SysTech Larry

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