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is it just me or is IP down?
This thread has 19 replies. Displaying posts 1 through 15.
Post 1 made on Sunday November 4, 2007 at 15:33
Senior Member
December 2005
just wondering if they're tired of me over there or if rick and the guys are doing some maintenance...or my browser is wierding out on me...
feed a dog and he will not bite you. this is the principal difference between a man and a dog. Mark Twain
Post 2 made on Sunday November 4, 2007 at 15:50
Super Member
April 2004
when the error comes up click on the link to visit site. very wierd. it did the same crap a year or so ago and had to redo my fav link
Diplomacy is the art of saying hire a pro without actually saying hire a pro
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday November 4, 2007 at 16:19
Senior Member
December 2005
thanks kev, i'll try that
feed a dog and he will not bite you. this is the principal difference between a man and a dog. Mark Twain
Post 4 made on Sunday November 4, 2007 at 16:27
Loyal Member
September 2003
On November 4, 2007 at 15:33, briremo said...
just wondering if they're tired of me over there or if
rick and the guys are doing some maintenance...or my browser
is wierding out on me...

You were not part of the inner circle meeting then...


me neither though...
When good enough is not good enough.
Post 5 made on Sunday November 4, 2007 at 17:58
Super Member
April 2004
On November 4, 2007 at 16:19, briremo said...
thanks kev, i'll try that

rep points when it works :)
Diplomacy is the art of saying hire a pro without actually saying hire a pro
Post 6 made on Sunday November 4, 2007 at 20:43
Moe's original BBQ
Active Member
July 2005
Not anything I did. I do see also, but can always get in by hitting the link on the error page. Might be something Gary is working on.
Post 7 made on Sunday November 4, 2007 at 21:33
Long Time Member
July 2004
Its worked everytime for me, just need to get my rep to go up.
Post 8 made on Sunday November 4, 2007 at 21:39
Clark W. Griswold
Long Time Member
April 2007
Works for me!
I don't give a frog's fat ass who went through what. We need money! Hey, Russ, wanna look through Aunt Edna's purse?
Post 9 made on Monday November 5, 2007 at 00:34
Ernie Bornn-Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
Well, that was amusing.

I went to the site and signed in using the boxes near the top of the page. Because I could see them without scrolling and they looked like boxes for signing in, I signed in there.

Then I got a message saying welcome and thanks for signing in. Success!

Then the first page came back welcoming me and presenting a box for me to sign in at. Short-lived success, I guess. So, being a rat who has to go through the maze several times before learning how not to bang my head into the wall, I tried again the same way.

I got a message saying welcome and thanks for signing in. Success!

Then the first page came back...just as before. Ah. No success. Again. So I scrolled down and saw that there was ANOTHER pair of boxes where I could sign in. So I signed in there. I mean, what the heck, right?

SUCCESS! I GOT THE 404 MESSAGE! It's really sad for a web site when reaching a 404 message can be termed "success." Then I did as oex suggested and the site came up.

I'm back here now. The reason I spend so little time there is crap like this, and the small amount of page space devoted to posts, that is, the small number of posts per page. AHEM, I love the picture of Brian but it makes a one-line post from you take up a half page! Maybe I'll grab an eight-inch high photo as my avatar and see if anyone complains.... And I just generally find the site cumbersome in comparison to remotecentral.

Oh, yeah, and why are the things you have to click on to be as small as they are there? Going to the next page requires precision mousiness: there’s a little box to click on, but they haven’t even made it so the whole box is clickable, just the even smaller number inside. The > that gets you to the next page is even smaller than the numbers. I'd much rather always click the > than the number, but it's harder to get on top of.

Ever try to buy the integration pros T-shirt shown at the IP Store on the main page? I went there once and found thousands of shirts but could not for the life of me find the ip shirt. And I’ll never know if my buddy is right that the t shirts they sell there are really poor quality because I can’t find an ip one.

As they say in France, biche, biche, biche.
A good answer is easier with a clear question giving the make and model of everything.
"The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." -- G. “Bernie” Shaw
Post 10 made on Monday November 5, 2007 at 13:50
Audible Solutions
Super Member
March 2004
your experience may be due to the Ernie filter I asked Gary to install. It's purpose is to introduce on every post any number of subtle and not so subtle spelling and grammatical errors on your screen and only your screen.

"This is a Christian Country,Charlie,founded on Christian values...when you can't put a nativiy scene in front fire house at Christmas time in Nacogdoches Township, something's gone terribly wrong"
Post 11 made on Monday November 5, 2007 at 14:16
Integrity Limited
Long Time Member
February 2007
Does anyone want to tell Ernie where to find the user control panel to adjust these options, or should we let IP remain a grammar-free zone?

On November 5, 2007 at 00:34, Ernie Bornn-Gilman said...
I'm back here now. The reason I spend so little time
there is crap like this, and the small amount of page
space devoted to posts, that is, the small number of posts
per page. AHEM, I love the picture of Brian but it makes
a one-line post from you take up a half page! Maybe I'll
grab an eight-inch high photo as my avatar and see if
anyone complains.... And I just generally find the site
cumbersome in comparison to remotecentral...
...As they say in France, biche, biche, biche.
Post 12 made on Monday November 5, 2007 at 18:30
2nd rick
Super Member
August 2002
Are you kidding me?? HELL YES we can help Ernie get the forum software set up to his liking.

Ernie is one of the people who's posts I always make time to read... Even when I could really care less about the topic.

Ernie, you are not the only one to voice an opinion that the avatars are getting out of hand. I started a thread trying to be subtle (well, as subtle as I can be anyway!), no luck. A few went in and scaled them, but most of the large ones are still there.

I keep a reasonable size Joe Strummer photo as my avatar right now, but I had a big Bucky Badger not too long ago.

Here is the direction:

User CP
Edit Options (under Control Panel - Settings and Options)
scroll down to Thread Display Options
and there are check boxes to enable or disable Avatars, signatures, and attached or HTML linked images.

You can also set your preferences for how many posts per page, and how old the threads are that are visible to you.

My preferences are
- Linear view - oldest posts first...
- Show 10 posts per page...
- Show threads from the last Month...

Since you have a mousing issue and don't like the page flip, you may want to set your posts per page to a higher setting (you can go to 20, 30, or 40 posts per page)...

Even if you went to 20 posts per page with the avatars disabled, that is probably still less scrolling than a person with 10 posts per page and avatars on!!

Also, since you ARE registered and verified, bookmark this link to use as your primary entrance...

You can always hit the big Integration Pros header at the top of the page to take you to the home area to see the files and downloads area or the PayPal box during the fund raiser drives.
Rick Murphy
Troy, MI
Post 13 made on Monday February 5, 2024 at 20:29
Select Member
August 2011
Brining up this zombie thread…. So is IP down or is the party over?
Post 14 made on Monday February 5, 2024 at 20:40
Founding Member
March 2002
Down, no idea if is party over
Post 15 made on Monday February 5, 2024 at 21:16
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
Its been down for several days.
What's different this time is I'm not getting any page loading at all. No warnings or expired domain message.... nothing.

You would think they would give a heads up (announcement) if they were shutting it down. So I think it's just something is broken for now.
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