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Question about RS-232 and CCP remotes
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Post 1 made on Tuesday March 26, 2013 at 09:34
Long Time Member
April 2007
I'm at a point where RS-232 control would be very helpful. I want to make sure I'm understanding what will and won't work from URC.

If I understand this correctly, the MSC400 will allow the CCP remotes (such as the MX-880, MX-890, MX-980, etc) to use RS-232 codes if devices are connected properly (correct cabling and serial port settings). These remotes will still allow RF control of Lutron light switches that are designed for RF, but will the MSC400 allow one of these remotes to use the Lutron RadioRA2 devices (thermostat, etc.)?

I also looked at the MRX-1, which APPEARS to be compatible with both CCP-programmed/RF remotes as well as Total Control remotes. However, if I read everything correctly, the RF remotes will NOT allow RS-232 control or IP control through the MRX-1? And if that's the case, I presume I would need a Total Control remote (and thus the effort of writing device drivers) to make use of the MRX-1?

Also, can either of these options be used to control ceiling fans? I can't find any Lutron RF switches that will operate ceiling fans.
Post 2 made on Tuesday March 26, 2013 at 09:41
Active Member
January 2005
Correct, except for the Total Control. You need an MRX10, in Total Control the MRX1 is just an accessory. Have to use Total Control Remotes or iDevices too.
Post 3 made on Tuesday March 26, 2013 at 09:50
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On March 26, 2013 at 09:34, Grit said...
I'm at a point where RS-232 control would be very helpful. I want to make sure I'm understanding what will and won't work from URC.

If I understand this correctly, the MSC400 will allow the CCP remotes (such as the MX-880, MX-890, MX-980, etc) to use RS-232 codes if devices are connected properly (correct cabling and serial port settings). These remotes will still allow RF control of Lutron light switches that are designed for RF, but will the MSC400 allow one of these remotes to use the Lutron RadioRA2 devices (thermostat, etc.)?

The URC remotes will control Lutron RF lighting that is made for URC.  The MSC400 will allow 1 way RS232 control of RadioRA2

I also looked at the MRX-1, which APPEARS to be compatible with both CCP-programmed/RF remotes as well as Total Control remotes. However, if I read everything correctly, the RF remotes will NOT allow RS-232 control or IP control through the MRX-1? And if that's the case, I presume I would need a Total Control remote (and thus the effort of writing device drivers) to make use of the MRX-1?

The only CCP remotes that will control RS232 with an MRX1 are the network based remotes (MX5000, MX6000, MXiOS, and KP4000)  The rest of the remotes can still talk to the MRX1 over RF if you add an RFX250 antenna, but they can only control IR devices plugged into the MRX1.

As stated, the MRX1 will only work with Total Control if you have an MRX10 processor.  All Total Control systems need an MRX10 processor, as that is the brain of the entire system.

Also, can either of these options be used to control ceiling fans? I can't find any Lutron RF switches that will operate ceiling fans.

Don't know, but again, if you want to control any light switches with RF from a URC remote, it has to be a URC light switch/dimmer.
OP | Post 4 made on Wednesday March 27, 2013 at 04:38
Long Time Member
April 2007
Thanks all. I misunderstood the MRX10 vs MRX1 part.

I guess my next question is, is the MRC-400/RF remote system going to become outdated in the near future, with the IP/network systems becoming the proverbial wave of the future? Or will URC and component manufactures continue to support IR/RS-232 for the foreseeable future? I know no one has a definite, factual answer, but I'd appreciate the insight and opinion of those with more knowledge/experience than me.


Last edited by Grit on March 27, 2013 04:45.
Post 5 made on Wednesday March 27, 2013 at 09:14
Super Member
March 2008
The MSC-400 has been outdated for quite a while.
"Quality isn't expensive, it's Priceless!"
Post 6 made on Wednesday March 27, 2013 at 15:30
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
i wouldn't be surprised if they came out with a network version of the MSC400 in the next year or so.  They need something more capable than the MRX1 for the MX-iOS app.
Post 7 made on Wednesday March 27, 2013 at 17:19
Long Time Member
October 2010
On March 27, 2013 at 04:38, Grit said...
Thanks all. I misunderstood the MRX10 vs MRX1 part.

I guess my next question is, is the MRC-400/RF remote system going to become outdated in the near future, with the IP/network systems becoming the proverbial wave of the future? Or will URC and component manufactures continue to support IR/RS-232 for the foreseeable future? I know no one has a definite, factual answer, but I'd appreciate the insight and opinion of those with more knowledge/experience than me.


The future is already here. It is a culture who can't focuse on anything for more than 3 seconds. We need constant stimulation! We need a touch screen just to comunicate with the person sitting next to us at the dinner table. We check our e-mails, facebook and twitter accounts and are oblivious to our surroundings!

We'll use that same touchscreen to control our TV; scrolling through stations on our tablet and taking turns watching TV and looking down at our tablet for useless metadata, while missing the show!

I'll stay happy pushing a button on my remote and watching the blinds close using 1-way RS-232. My feedback will be my visual connection with the blinds. I'll continue to channel surf using the hard physical buttons on my remote while, keeping my eyes glued to the display!

I'm so old school! LOL

Things you own end up owning you!
OP | Post 8 made on Thursday March 28, 2013 at 08:11
Long Time Member
April 2007
On March 27, 2013 at 15:30, Duct Tape said...
i wouldn't be surprised if they came out with a network version of the MSC400 in the next year or so.  They need something more capable than the MRX1 for the MX-iOS app.

On that note, any idea if they'll include an Android-based app as well?
Post 9 made on Thursday March 28, 2013 at 09:47
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On March 28, 2013 at 08:11, Grit said...
On that note, any idea if they'll include an Android-based app as well?

in the training class, they did mention that there would be an Android app for Total Control eventually. I would imagine they would offer it for Complete Control after that.
Post 10 made on Thursday March 28, 2013 at 19:30
Loyal Member
July 2007
On March 28, 2013 at 09:47, Duct Tape said...

in the training class, they did mention that there would be an Android app for Total Control eventually. I would imagine they would offer it for Complete Control after that.

I learned today that the Android App is expected out most likely in August sometime.

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