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DIY shoppers: what to know BEFORE you buy an advanced URC remote!
This thread has 23 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 24.
Post 16 made on Saturday February 7, 2015 at 12:31
Long Time Member
November 2003
On December 23, 2014 at 09:41, kgossen said...
Unfortunately I don't see the MX-880 editor on the URC website anymore. It's too bad you didn't keep a copy or make a backup. If you search hard enough, there are sites you can probably find either the editor or a copy of CCP.

I may have the old school editor that came with it. I think it came with it. Been so long.
Post 17 made on Thursday September 17, 2015 at 10:58
Lurking Member
June 2008
I tried to use the old editor with my new remote and it did not work. With new MX880's you need CCP. Must be firmware updates in the remote.
Post 18 made on Monday June 19, 2017 at 14:11
Lurking Member
June 2017
Hi All

I bought an existing MX-900 from a house I that bought. I requested the programming software from URC and they send me the "MX-900 Editor."

However as I tried to download (put a new program into MX900) I get a message "MX-900 Editor us unable to download to the remote. It was previously programmed with a newer version of the software."

Also when I tried to upload (get the remote's program) I get this message that "MX-900 Editor cannot open this file. It was created with a newer version of Software. You need to use CCP (Complete Control Program)"

So can I do a factory reset of this remote and then it will allow me to program it?

Post 19 made on Monday June 19, 2017 at 21:55
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On June 19, 2017 at 14:11, vechung said...
Hi All

I bought an existing MX-900 from a house I that bought. I requested the programming software from URC and they send me the "MX-900 Editor."

However as I tried to download (put a new program into MX900) I get a message "MX-900 Editor us unable to download to the remote. It was previously programmed with a newer version of the software."

Also when I tried to upload (get the remote's program) I get this message that "MX-900 Editor cannot open this file. It was created with a newer version of Software. You need to use CCP (Complete Control Program)"

So can I do a factory reset of this remote and then it will allow me to program it?


A factory reset probably won't work.  When the remote was programmed with Complete Control Program (CCP) it most likely got a firmware update that makes it only work with CCP.  If URC sent you the MX900 editor, contact them again and explain to them that it won't work and you need CCP.  Maybe they will send you a copy.
Post 20 made on Wednesday July 18, 2018 at 08:38
Long Time Member
March 2005
A MX900 can revert back to original firmware to use the much easier to use dedicated MX900 software via a button sequence on the remote.

This MAY be the process if anyone else would chime in (Boot Loader);

1.Open up battery compartment & remove 1 cell.
2.Press & hold the "On" & "Mute" buttons, then reinsert the 4th cell. You should get a blue screen with the word "Loader" on the page heading.
3.Download your programming to the remote. If you get an error message to the USB connection, ignore it, your file should have transfered successfully. If not, run the boot loader procedure again.

Last edited by videobruce on July 18, 2018 09:02.
Years from now, you might as well kiss recording OTA TV goodbye thanks to ATSC 3
Post 21 made on Monday September 20, 2021 at 23:27
Long Time Member
July 2019
On March 4, 2013 at 02:26, Daniel Tonks said...
  • URC will NOT provide you with the software for a remote you just bought online, and additionally, will not support the hardware warranty on products purchased from non-authorized dealers.

  • This is currently no longer true. Due to recent changes that pissed off a lot of people (see separate topic in this thread about this), URC got forced into providing a consumer portal. Until the end of this year, users can sign up for access to the portal and will have the ability to download a previous version of the software, which will update itself after you install and run it.

    Act now before the registration window closes.
    Post 22 made on Friday October 15, 2021 at 08:05
    Long Time Member
    March 2005
    Where is this "Consumer Portal"?? Link?
    Years from now, you might as well kiss recording OTA TV goodbye thanks to ATSC 3
    Post 23 made on Friday October 15, 2021 at 12:10
    Mike Stewart
    Long Time Member
    March 2003
    On October 15, 2021 at 08:05, videobruce said...
    Where is this "Consumer Portal"?? Link?

    EDIT: [Dead link removed]

    Unfortunately, the consumer registration window is now closed.

    Last edited by Mike Stewart on March 31, 2022 18:14.
    Post 24 made on Wednesday May 22, 2024 at 09:29
    Long Time Member
    March 2012
    My 2 cents... URC lost the track of what is the goal of a remote control.
    TC is overly complicated software, illogical, cluttered, "smart", you need additional hardware, credentials and whatnot to be able to access all needed functionality of their software from 20 years ago!
    Instead of developing CC further, by upgrading and widening the options, they went the wrong way of deliberately making everything too complicated as the way of keeping users out of the system.
    Even graphically, older programs were more pleasing, and especially better in making useful macros and custom activities.
    Proof of wrong basics is insanity of newer and newer versions of TC, where older version can do what newer can't, and yet newer are unstable and when clicked on "help" - you get user manuals of previous versions!!! C'mon!
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