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Post 24 made on Tuesday April 4, 2006 at 21:19
Lurking Member
April 2006
Okay, here's my story. I bought a new HD tv and moved my other components into a nearby closet (tivo/cd player/dvd player/Amp/cable box). I purchased an 890 and have been in hell ever since. I've spent hours upon hours with support (who were all very nice and helpful) but I'm on my third remote and the thing doesn't work as it's supposed to. I couldn't connect the first two, for any length of time (or at all) to the extender. I finally have one that quickly connected to the extender, yet the range is almost nonexistent (something that happened when I got the other extender hooked up briefly).

I have to be within three feet of the extender for it to work, which kinda defeats the purpose.

If anyone has any ideas that might help get some range to this thing, I'd appreciate it! Thanks!

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