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Post 145 made on Wednesday February 27, 2008 at 21:26
The Others
Long Time Member
December 2007
Hi everyone,

Please let me clarify the ON/OFF situation with IR4PS3 and the PS3.

It is true that the original Sony BD remote don’t have a true discreet ‘PowerON’ and ‘PowerOFF’. The power ON is accomplish by pressing any key on the remote. The power OFF in another hand is done by a sequence of keys. This is not imposed by the original Sony BD remote itself but by the Operating System (OS) of the PS3.

No one else than Sony engineers can change this behavior. A hypothetical suggestion would be that in the system setup, an option is present to offer:
A-the classic shutdown method (PS + X + X)
B-A discreet shutdown method (for example if PS is press and hold for two seconds) that will handle the closure with no user intervention. Similar to the operation of the 0/1 button on the PS3 face plate. This is definitely not a big feature to add in the OS. But I don’t think who ever complain here in that forum will succeed influencing Sony.

To prevent any further semantic confusion to the purist I will not use the word ‘discreet’ but ‘simulated’ instead.

Now let’s talk about IR4PS3 case. IR4PS3 accept the two extra simulated codes ‘PowerON’ and ‘PowerOFF’. For many Sony DVD players these codes are and So IR4PS3 respond in the following manners:

A-IR4PS3 tracks ‘PowerON’ and ‘PowerOFF’ to prevent a power ON via ‘PowerOFF’ (if you go back in this thread it was mentioned a ‘PowerOFF’ could power ON - this have been resolved in the early days of the Rev 1, before I even ship one)
B-When off, if desired, any key (except ‘PowerOFF’) may power on the system. This is the same behavior as the original Sony BD remote.
C-In opposition to B-, it is possible to setup IR4PS3 to exclusively response to ‘PowerON’ in power OFF state.
D-‘PowerON’ is not map to ‘X’, it is map to PS but for a very short duration. As already mentioned this is the easy case.
E-The ‘PowerOFF’ is a sequence embedded in IR4PS3 to execute the STOP + PS + X + X.
F-Some timing adjustments can be done in the ‘PowerOFF’ sequence when setting up IR4PS4. These adjustments are there in case Sony change the timing of the OS.
G-Transmission of the ‘PowerOFF’ IR code to IR4PS3 may last just 45 mSec even though the whole shutdown process may last for seconds. IR4PS3 blocks any IR reception while the ‘PowerOFF’ is in progress.
H-When ‘PowerOFF’ sequence is done, IR4PS3 assume the PS3 is off.
I-Because the power OFF sequence for a game is different than media playback it is assume that ‘PowerOFF’ can’t be used in the mode. User must exit the game before the ‘PowerOFF’.
J-If Sony ever implements that hypothetical short power OFF method, the ‘PowerOFF’ sequence would still work because the last two X will be ignored during the shutdown process that is not instantaneous.

To conclude on this,

In the perspective of the PS3 BlueTooth, there is NO discreet ‘PowerON’ and ‘PowerOFF’. And I will never claim there is such thing.

In the perspective of the Universal Infra-Red remote, simulated ‘PowerON’ and ‘PowerOFF’ exist. And this is achieved by IR4PS3.

I repeat it again, TRUE IR solution may only comes by Sony engineers. They will need to change the OS and create this mythical TRUE IR to BlueTooth to PS3 device. In the mean time I’m proposing IR4PS3.

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