Hope all has been well with you. Regarding the CD support for DMX-3000; have you checked out this website
[Link:] ? I have glanced at it briefy and it seems to pull all the neccesary information. Not being a programmer I have no idea if this is a useful format to you or not. Hopefully this will help if not I would be happy to give my two cents when you start coding for the CD functionality. Take care.
On December 17, 2005 at 20:17, triple B said...
Survey time, I need to just stop looking and decide
on a CD Databasing software that will allow export
of the information required for creating the MX-3000
I would like to get suggestions from everyone,
and then as a group we can decide on one and I
will code around it. I am frustrated as I havent
been able to find one that is comparable to DVD
I could just include the databasing support directly
in DMX-3000, but it will then require the user
to enter all CD information manually, including
the CD Cover Art if graphical support is to be
So suggestions ???