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Post 41 made on Thursday May 4, 2023 at 10:29
Regular Member
January 2021
I Finally figured what these instructions allow one to do.

It ONLY works in Live TV mode, but NOT from the home menu to select a channel.

If one is in the live TV menu. If you hit 524 followed by enter, it will jump to that Live TV Channel.

Not so in the HOME menu when trying to jump to an installed ROKU App/Channel. Probably because they do not publish the direct codes and no matter where I look, I cannot find any that work but entering the number keys from the Home Screen. Even with the channel numbers reported by the Roku Ultra itself using the URL from an early post.

Unfortunately, that is not what I need. I do not watch Roku Live TV channels, 1 they are NOT really live anyway. I have an Antenna for that.

Oh! Well ....... :(

I honestly do not think what I am looking for exists fro Roku.

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