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 Files > Pronto > Systems > Large Screen
There are 45 Large Screen System CCFs.
Displaying files 41 through 45 on page 5 of 5.
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For: Marantz RC9200
By: Buddy Cramer
Buddy Cramer's RC9200 Layout
A color version for the Marantz RC9200 based upon Daniel Tonks' color CCF. The DirecTV functions are stolen from somebody else. The main rooms all utilize an RF extender. The bedroom is IR, except for DirecTiVo functions. On all equipment, the hard volume and channel buttons are reversed (same order as Pronto Pro).
Updated: March 07, 2002  Size: 333kb

For: Marantz RC9200
By: Chad Crocker
Chad Crocker's Color Marantz Setup
This is a Marantz 9200 CCF file. It is obviously based on Daniel's CCF file with some modifications to fit the 9200 and some other modifications (resize, reverse, color, etc.) to Daniel's graphics. Pressing "play dvd" on the home page executes a countdown animation sequence.
Updated: March 07, 2002  Size: 578kb

For: Marantz RC5200
By: Frank DeMartino
Frank DeMartino's TS-1000 CCF
I adapted my TS1000 CCF to fit the screen of my new RC5200. Most of the layout and buttons were borrowed from Andrea Whitlock, Daniel and Dale Crawford.
Updated: March 05, 2002  Size: 30kb

For: Marantz RC9200
By: James Lenneman
James Lenneman's RC9200 CCF
This color CCF uses mainly Daniel's graphics, bits and pieces from other folks and a few graphics of my own. It also uses some layout ideas from Dale Crawford. It makes use of the unique Marantz features such as multiple jumps in an action list and backwards jumps.
Updated: February 22, 2002  Size: 567kb

For: Marantz RC5200
By: Steve Epley
Steve Epley's RC5200 CCF
A complete multi-room system CCF file optimized for the RC5200's larger screen area.
Updated: January 16, 2002  Size: 44kb
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