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 Files > Pronto > Systems > All > G
There are 861 System CCFs.
51 authors begin with the letter G.
Displaying files 11 through 20 on page 2 of 6.
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For: Philips TS-1000
By: Christian Gossy
Chris' Austrian CCF File
A complete system CCF featuring Austrian cable television station logos and a MD keyboard.
Updated: August 31, 2000  Size: 31kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Clive Goodall
Clive Goodall's CCF File
Full CCF file includes control of many components and an easy-to-modify 2000 calendar.
Updated: February 21, 2000  Size: 60kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: DJ Garcia
DJ Garcia's Custom Pronto
Update to previous CCF. Big changes include reworked layouts and new devices. Lots of info in the TXT file.
Updated: February 08, 2000  Size: 37kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: David Gager
David Gager's Color System CCF
This is a system ccf for Pronto Pro. I used some graphics from previous submissions, plus added some of my own.
Updated: September 20, 2001  Size: 187kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: David W. Gray
David W. Gray's ProntoPro Layout
A tab-based CCF with all known discretes for devices using modifications of Daniel Tonks' and Dale Crawford's graphics as a starting point. Updated with some minor changes.
Updated: March 09, 2003  Size: 379kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Emmanuel Garcia
Emmanuel Garcia's Color System
A complete system with the following components.
Updated: October 28, 2003  Size: 391kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: Fergus George
Fergus George's Mac Mini System
Contains Hex codes for all 10 psuedo Apple Remotes required o run XBMC on a Mac with the 'Harmony Multiple Remotes' option.
Updated: June 10, 2009  Size: 35kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Gert
Gert's Pronto CCF #1
A complete system CCF file from Austria with the following devices:
Updated: April 15, 2001  Size: 56kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Giorgio
Giorgio's Italian Pronto
A complete system CCF based on the map of my house with all components for all rooms. Also includes the complete channel lineup for Argoment.
Updated: May 07, 2001  Size: 28kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Graeme Goulding
Graeme Goulding's UK CCF
This file contains menus for popular equipment here in the UK. My CCF features logos for UK cable and Sky Digital and also includes a full Sky Digital IR Keyboard. Extensive menus allow my remote to know at all times the status of all devices at any one time. It enables effortless transitions between various room modes.
Updated: April 16, 2000  Size: 72kb
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