On September 21, 2016 at 16:44, robin_hood_457 said...
The zone SS1 receives UDP messages on port 4114 with this data format:
\aaU\01\01\00jcommand=MAC_EXE¯oaddr=120&source=0&ssname=Zone 1 4fd2af5c&zonenumber=0&MID=402b&CID=87&CRC=e304
\aaU\01\01\00 fixed header
j is length
command (MAC_EXEC, KREF or KREL)
macroaddr can be parsed from the ButtonArray.xml generated by ViaTools
ssname is generated during programming
MID appears constant
CID is an index counter but can be repeated
CRC is checksum from command to =
The packets can be captured and replayed as-is.
I have been trying to get this to work for too long. I imagine the SS1 will need to be programmed in Tools as a stand alone device with the device. G would need a generic IP controlled Zone Controller with the IP addy set to port 4114....I do not have any of the old wireless pads for Via so sniffing it would be hard. Does anyone have the IP codes at the ready?