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Samsung TV RS232 Codes for Ex-Link
This thread has 106 replies. Displaying posts 76 through 90.
OP | Post 76 made on Thursday July 18, 2019 at 14:02
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On July 18, 2019 at 13:37, remoteCtrlAuto said...
Thanks. I have several ME Series in my house (bought them from a business) and they have RS232C input/output and use different codes. The back of the TV wheer the 3.5 mm jacks are is labeled "RS232C"


I confirmed these RS232C codes work by using the GC-100 plugged in to my TV and then using the iTest utility to send the RS232C codes (e.g.,
AA 11 FE 01 01 11)

This is what was causing my confusion. Now, onward to find a list of all available RS232C codes.

None of the RS232 Ex-Link codes work on my ME Series.

Appreciate the help.

I think I recall running into the same issue when I was looking for these EXlink codes.  I kept finding codes beginning in AA.

If you find a full list for the RS232C models, be sure to share them with us.  I'm sure someone will find them useful.
Post 77 made on Thursday July 18, 2019 at 14:03
Long Time Member
July 2019
On July 18, 2019 at 14:02, Duct Tape said...
I think I recall running into the same issue when I was looking for these EXlink codes.  I kept finding codes beginning in AA.

If you find a full list for the RS232C models, be sure to share them with us.  I'm sure someone will find them useful.

I surely will share them.

Multiple Display Control Protocol

Last edited by remoteCtrlAuto on July 19, 2019 08:25.
Post 78 made on Thursday September 5, 2019 at 21:37
Long Time Member
April 2003
Ambient Mode Codes:

Ambient Mode On: \x08\x22\x0b\x0b\x10\x01\xAF

Ambient Mode Off: \x08\x22\x0b\x0b\x10\x00\xB0
OP | Post 79 made on Monday September 9, 2019 at 12:09
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On September 5, 2019 at 21:37, edfraney said...
Ambient Mode Codes:

Ambient Mode On: \x08\x22\x0b\x0b\x10\x01\xAF

Ambient Mode Off: \x08\x22\x0b\x0b\x10\x00\xB0

I added these to the end of the document.  Thanks
Post 80 made on Thursday October 24, 2019 at 08:05
Long Time Member
June 2003
I'm looking to get a 2019 Samsung TV, which supports serial. Is it actually possible to query the Samsung to get status information (for example, power status, source input being used, etc.)?
OP | Post 81 made on Thursday October 24, 2019 at 08:14
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On October 24, 2019 at 08:05, randman said...
I'm looking to get a 2019 Samsung TV, which supports serial. Is it actually possible to query the Samsung to get status information (for example, power status, source input being used, etc.)?

not as of the time I put together this command set.  there is a query command, but it really only tells you that you are communicating with the TV, not much else if I recall.
Post 82 made on Thursday October 24, 2019 at 22:10
Long Time Member
July 2019
On October 24, 2019 at 08:05, randman said...
I'm looking to get a 2019 Samsung TV, which supports serial. Is it actually possible to query the Samsung to get status information (for example, power status, source input being used, etc.)?

Does it support ExLink or MDC Protocol? Tv’s that support ExLink will have the port on the back of the tv labeled as ExLink

TV’s that support MDC Protocol (digital signage displays) will have an RS232C In Port. Video wall signage displays typically have both an In and an Out port.

My ME Series displays have in/out port so you can daisy chain and control them all via RS232.
Post 83 made on Thursday October 24, 2019 at 23:27
Long Time Member
June 2003
On October 24, 2019 at 22:10, remoteCtrlAuto said...
Does it support ExLink or MDC Protocol? Tv’s that support ExLink will have the port on the back of the tv labeled as ExLink

TV’s that support MDC Protocol (digital signage displays) will have an RS232C In Port. Video wall signage displays typically have both an In and an Out port.

My ME Series displays have in/out port so you can daisy chain and control them all via RS232.

The TV supports Ex-Link via a USB-RS232 adapter.
Post 84 made on Friday October 25, 2019 at 23:38
Long Time Member
June 2003
On October 24, 2019 at 08:14, Duct Tape said...
not as of the time I put together this command set.  there is a query command, but it really only tells you that you are communicating with the TV, not much else if I recall.

I got a Powerpoint from Samsung support. I didn’t see anything in it regarding query support. Kind of disappointing given that a big advantage of RS232 is two way communications to get status. Otherwise, not much more advantageous than just sticking an LED emitter in its IR sensor.
Post 85 made on Sunday October 27, 2019 at 21:01
Long Time Member
July 2019
For two way communications you would need a display that supports Samsung’s MDC Protocol. These are typically signage/business/professional displays. Mine are ME Series and support MDC Protocol which is very useful for automation because I can query status of various things, keeping in kind that the status command supported when the TV is off is the Power Status command.

A helpful program for testing with either ExLink codes or MDC Protocol codes is DockLight ([Link:])
Post 86 made on Wednesday November 20, 2019 at 18:03
Lurking Member
November 2019
I have a 2017 Samsung QLED TV (QN75Q70RAF). Like lucastx, I'm having a terrible time trying to control the TV via Ex-Link. I can turn it on, but no other command is responsive. I'd love some help figuring out what I'm doing wrong. Details below:

Connectivity: 9600 baud, 8 bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, no hardware flow control

Service Mode settings:
RS-232 Jack: UART
EXT Link Support: ON
USB Serial: ON
Hotel/Hospitality Mode: Hospitality mode on or off makes no difference
Power-On command sequence: 0x08 0x22 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x02 0xd4
Power-Off command sequence: 0x08 0x22 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0xd5

I also set RS-232 Jack to DEBUG, and received lots of console traffic at 115200 baud (normal for debug mode, but not normal "ON" mode), but it didn't respond to anything I tried to type. This tells me that my connection is good, at least for traffic *from* the TV.

I posted the same to the Samsung support community forum, but it doesn't look like that site gets much traffic and I haven't heard any replies.

Also, I sometimes get response codes from commands even though they don't work, but I haven't seen any docs on what those mean. If someone has those, that might help me solve my problem.

Thanks to Duct Tape and others for all the community support on this thread so far, and thanks in advance to anyone that might be able to get me unstuck.
Post 87 made on Friday November 29, 2019 at 18:37
Lurking Member
November 2019
For anyone else experiencing the situation where EX-LINK only responds to Power-On, but ignores everything else, the key is to turn AnyNet+ off and Hotel Mode (aka Hospitality Mode) on. So the settings that finally worked for me were:

Service Mode settings:
  • RS-232 Jack: UART
  • EXT Link Support: ON
  • USB Serial: ON
Hotel/Hospitality Mode: OFF

Standard settings:
  • AnyNet+: OFF
EX-Link com port settings:
  • 9600 baud
  • 8 bit
  • no parity
  • 1 stop bit
  • no hardware flow control

Last edited by bpmartin20 on November 29, 2019 18:50.
Post 88 made on Sunday December 8, 2019 at 22:29
Lurking Member
December 2019
@bpmartin20 I'm having the same issue with my Samsung Q70R... I can send a power on command but nothing else. Your last post says both:

> the key is to turn AnyNet+ off and Hotel Mode (aka Hospitality Mode) on.


> Hotel/Hospitality Mode: OFF

Which setting finally worked for you?
Post 89 made on Wednesday December 11, 2019 at 14:23
Lurking Member
December 2019
After a bunch of trial and error I have just succeeded in getting full EX-LINK serial control working on my 2019 Samsung Q70R 55". Here are some notes which would have saved me a lot of time in case they are helpful to anyone else. A key point here is that the correct settings are different depending on whether you are using a traditional 3.5mm-DB9 Serial EX-LINK adapter or a USB-EX-LINK adapter (or, in other words, if you're plugging into the 3.5mm EX-LINK jack or the USB port on the TV).

- EX-LINK was enabled out of the box on my 2019 Q70R 55" (RS-232 Jack was set to UART and EXT Link Support was ON). I think I did need to turn off AnyNet+ (HDMI-CEC) in the regular TV Settings menu.
- I did end up doing a firmware update as part of my troubleshooting, but I'm not sure it was necessary.
- I did not agree to the terms and conditions and left the "smart" features disabled, so this is not a requirement.
- as Duct Tape mentions, on this 2019 TV at least, there is no need to enter the service menu to get EX-LINK to work as long as you are using an actual 3.5mm to DB9 EX-LINK cable. On the other hand, if you are using a USB to EX-LINK adapter (plugged into the USB port on your TV) you will need to enable the USB SERIAL option in the service menu.
- If you are using an actual 3.5mm to DB9 cable, 9600 Baud,8,N,1 worked for me. My understanding (although I haven't tested it) is that with a USB to EX-LINK adapter you can bump it to 115200 Baud,8,N,1. In both cases no flow control is used.
- If you do turn USB SERIAL on, the TV will no longer respond to commands on the 3.5mm EX-LINK jack. It’s one or the other (3.5mm or USB).
- If you do need to enter the TV service menu, you will need a Samsung or compatible remote control with actual number buttons (the one that came with my TV was one of the new D-pad only versions). I bought this cheap one on Amazon and it did the trick:


- To enter the TV service menu, with the TV power off, rapidly press MUTE, 1, 8, 2, POWER on the remote.
- as bpmartin20 mentions, Hotel/Hospitality mode must be off, otherwise the only serial command the TV recognizes will be POWER ON. It is initially off for a new TV, so you shouldn't have to change it.
- If you do want to enter the hotel/hospitality menu, with the TV power on, quickly press MUTE, 1, 1, 9, ENTER on the remote.
- I doubt this will apply to anyone else, but the problem I personally ran into was that the serial cable I was using from a previous installation was already wired as a null modem cable, which I didn't realize. The EX-LINK serial cable is NOT a null modem configuration, so I needed to reverse pins 2 and 3 in the 3.5mm to DB9 adapter I soldered together.
- Another thing which probably won't apply to anyone else: I am using C# to send the hex code sequence to the TV. I was (incorrectly) assuming that the SerialPort.Write(String) function would send the literal bytes in the string. But because that function uses AsciiEncoding to interpret the string ([Link:]) it was necessary to use the SerialPort.Write(Byte[], Int32, Int32) function instead.

Thanks again to Duct Tape, bpmartin20 and everyone else in this thread working together to help each other out.
Post 90 made on Thursday April 16, 2020 at 17:01
Junior Member
April 2020
Can you elaborate when you say that you have full EX-LINK serial control working. I have an arduino that I configured to send codes to my q6 65inch and I have almost full support. Every code works except "get status" codes for instance,

Volume(0~100) 0x80x220x400x10x00x00x95

returns not available

Does this code work for you?

Basically I need to know what the tv volume is at all times.

This thread has been incredibly helpful.
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