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Post 76 made on Thursday July 18, 2019 at 14:02
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On July 18, 2019 at 13:37, remoteCtrlAuto said...
Thanks. I have several ME Series in my house (bought them from a business) and they have RS232C input/output and use different codes. The back of the TV wheer the 3.5 mm jacks are is labeled "RS232C"


I confirmed these RS232C codes work by using the GC-100 plugged in to my TV and then using the iTest utility to send the RS232C codes (e.g.,
AA 11 FE 01 01 11)

This is what was causing my confusion. Now, onward to find a list of all available RS232C codes.

None of the RS232 Ex-Link codes work on my ME Series.

Appreciate the help.

I think I recall running into the same issue when I was looking for these EXlink codes.  I kept finding codes beginning in AA.

If you find a full list for the RS232C models, be sure to share them with us.  I'm sure someone will find them useful.

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